How To Become A Therapist Without A Degree (Career, Tips)

If you seek to embark on a career that involves looking after other people, there are many options that do not even need a degree.

Therapists, one such career option involves providing assistance to people to ease any form of stress that affects their health. 

However, knowing what therapists do and the steps to become a therapist without a degree can enable you to decide if it is truly a career you would love to embark upon.

This post will discuss what therapists do, the steps you can take to become one without a degree, and several other valuable pieces of information.

Who is a Therapist?

Therapists are experts who assist people by sharing professional advice to ease stress and anxiety.

These individuals achieve this by conducting mental health evaluations of patients, interacting with them to know what they are going through, developing treatment plans that will enable them to overcome their challenges, and recommending them to other health professionals, if needed.

These professionals assist patients in dealing with mental health issues before it escalates and support them when they are going through a difficult phase.

Therapists are psychologists, counsellors, psychotherapists, and mental health counselors.

Is a Therapist a Good Career Path?

Yes, the therapist is a good career path that is highly beneficial to everyone for the following reasons:

1. A fulfilling career

A therapist offers a good level of career fulfillment that cannot be enjoyed in several careers.

There is no better feeling in life comparable to the joy that you will derive as a therapist when you successfully help people escape their insanity and live healthier lives.

Furthermore, this career allows you to interact with people, make new friends and provide solutions to real-life challenges. This makes the job fun and exciting.

2. High-income potential

According to, the average salary of a therapist is about $72,000 annually. With this pay, you can care for yourself and your loved ones and have enough savings for rainy days.

However, your salaries will only increase with the more experience you garner in this field.

Additionally, your location of work and academic qualifications are other factors that will determine how much you will earn as a therapist.

3. Good job outlook

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, therapist job opportunities will grow 8% between 2020 and 2030.

This means that there will always be an unsatisfying need for therapists all over the world. So, finding a job as a therapist will not be hard. Also, the jobs in this field offer good job security.

4. Numerous job opportunities

Almost every industry has lots of job vacancies that are open to therapists. There is a high demand for therapists everywhere, from academic institutions to hospitals.

However, even if you don’t want to work under someone or an institution and choose to embrace the private practice, a therapist is a profession that can enable you to achieve this.

Practicing independently as a therapist will enable you to control your time and make as much money as you like.

5. Professional development opportunities

A therapist is a profession that offers massive professional advancement opportunities.

You can take your career to the next level as a therapist by acquiring further education, obtaining professional certifications, and attending expert conferences.

Furthermore, your chances of landing a leadership role or becoming an expert in this field become increasingly possible with the more experience you gather.

Advancing in this career will enable you to make more money and gain recognition.

Steps For Becoming A Therapist Without A Degree

You can become a therapist if you don’t have any academic degree by following the steps below:

1. Find out the therapy specialty that you can embark on without holding a degree

A therapist is a profession that has several specialties. However, you don’t need a degree to pursue a career in some of these specialties.

Such specialties include peer therapists, drug and alcohol therapists, and life skills therapists. However, from the available specialties, always choose based on your interests and basic skills.

2. Look for available certifications.

Lots of online certifications in therapy are available over the internet. While you can complete some of them in six months, some can take as long as a year.

However, ensure that any certification you acquire is from a certified private organization or agency of the government. Check the official website of your state government for good recommendations.

3. Find out the program that aligns with you

Don’t jump into any certification program if you are sure you are not in the position of your life to complete one.

After going through the available options, choose based on the one that synchronizes with your routine, financial capacity, and career objectives.

4. Look forward to working in an interrelated role over the course of your program.

Towards the end of your certification program, take up an entry-level job that does not need a degree. An example of such a job is mental health assistant in a clinic or any other small-scale medical setting.

Doing this will enable you to acquire field experience and know what you will encounter on the job daily, enabling you to better prepare for a full-time role as a registered therapist.

Additionally, an entry-level position will enable you to acquire the required experience for a good job in this field.

5. Apply to available positions

If you work an entry-level job and have acquired satisfying field experience, apply for higher jobs. However, to stand a chance of getting a good job, you need to craft an excellent CV.

Ensure that your CV clearly describes your work experience in this field, your relevant professional certifications, and your professional skills and educational qualifications.

Additionally, after drafting your CV, double-check well to ensure it contains no grammatical or spelling errors before submitting it.

Essential Skills For Therapists Without A Degree

If you don’t have a degree and you want to find success in this career path, here are some essential skills that you should develop:

1. Self-discipline

Possessing self-discipline can enable you to succeed as a therapist even though you don’t have a degree.

This skill will enable you to study independently when you sign up for certification courses and put in a good effort to give yours all early in your career.

2. Empathy

Empathy is another essential skill that every therapist without a degree should have.

This skill will enable you to develop a good relationship with your clients and show emotions that let them know you are concerned about their health and well-being.

3. Passion for learning

You must be passionate about daily learning to succeed in this career, even without a degree.

This desire will push you to sign up for more certification programs and put in lots of work to read the study materials, complete the assignments, and take the necessary tests and examinations yourself.

4. Networking

You need to develop good networking skills to succeed as a therapist, especially if you don’t have a degree.

This skill will enable you to establish and maintain good relationships with other professionals in the industry.

5. Attention to detail

Therapists must be detail-oriented if they aim to succeed in this career.

This skill enables them to pick up even the slightest negative signs in the countenance of a client and know when to ask questions that can enable them to do a better job.

6. Good work-life balance

If you don’t have a degree as a therapist and desire to succeed in this career, you need to develop the ability to balance your work with your professional duties.

This will prevent distractions when performing duties and enable you to deliver your responsibilities well.

7. Flexibility

Therapists that don’t have a degree must be willing to take up job opportunities in areas that are beyond their comfort zone.

This will enable you to gather more professional qualifications to put you in a pole position for better jobs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On How To Become A Therapist Without A Degree

What are the personal skills that will make me a good therapist?

To be a good therapist, you must love assisting people, be easy to talk to, and establish a healthy work environment free of toxicity.

What does a therapist do?

People go to therapy to discuss things with a trained professional and acquire new coping mechanisms. The therapist will start by asking you questions about what’s bothering you. They’ll also inquire about your family, academics, and general well-being. They take the time to hear you out to better empathize with you.

Is a therapist a job or career?

If you enjoy interacting with others and making a difference in their lives, a career in therapy may be the perfect fit. Spending energy assisting others to be more effective and content is a noble endeavor.

How hard is it to be a therapist?

As a therapist, you’ll need a master’s degree and a license to practice, which is both costly and time-consuming. Because most companies require a master’s degree, work experience, and a license, the process might take anywhere from six to ten years.


A wide variety of jobs available do not require a college diploma if you are interested in helping people.

One rewarding line of work includes helping people deal with health problems caused by stress.

This article has discussed several pieces of information that will enable you to grasp what therapists perform and how they can get started even without a formal education.

But, to succeed in this field, it is also important to hone your interpersonal and time-management abilities and the abovementioned skills.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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