50 General Knowledge Questions About the Environment

General Knowledge Questions About Environment

The environment comprises all living things and how they connect with each other.

It comprises biotic factors, which include many kinds of plant and animal life, and abiotic factors, which include weather, light, and the make-up of the land.

Natural processes such as nitrogen cycling and photosynthesis must be understood and preserved to keep ecosystems healthy.

This post provides 50 general knowledge questions about the environment.

Is General Knowledge Question Important About the Environment?

You can’t stress enough how important it is to learn about the world.

By studying the environment, we can better understand how the ecosystem works and make better long-term health decisions.

Also, it helps people manage their resources better, understand the lifestyle of different species, and also know the environmental impacts of certain industrial practices.

Learning this important thing gives people a sense of social responsibility that makes them want to protect the earth and lessen the damage it takes.

General Knowledge Questions and Answers About Environment

S/NGeneral Knowledge Question About EnvironmentAnswers
1. Which greenhouse gas is the major cause of climate change?Carbon dioxide
 2. Which atmospheric layer of the earth shields us from UV rays?Ozone layer
3.Which term is used to describe the slow and steady increase in the median temperature of the earth?Global warming
 4. Which gas is abundantly found in the earth’s atmosphere?Nitrogen
 5. What is the number one cause of water pollution in the world?Plastic waste
 6. The process by which plants use sunlight to manufacture their food is known as what?The Paris Agreement
 7. The process by which plants make use of sunlight to manufacture their food is known as what?Photosynthesis
8. Which renewable energy source leverages the power of moving water?Hydropower
 9.What term describes the loss of a certain group of species from the globe?Extinction
10.Which gas found in the atmosphere causes the ozone hole?Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
S/NGeneral Knowledge Question About EnvironmentAnswers
 11.What is the name of the largest rainforest in the world?The Amazon rainforest
 12.The warming of ocean waters causes a natural disaster that is known as?Hurricanes
 13.Deforestation is majorly caused by what practice?Logging
14.Which international organization is famous for contributing to the conversation of wildlife and protecting natural habitats?World Wildlife Fund (WWF)  
 15.What reaction occurs when sulfur dioxide combines with water vapor in the atmosphere?Acid rain
16.What term describes the process where waste materials are transformed into valuable materials?Recycling
 17.Which atmosphere layer in the earth is next to the planet’s surface?Troposphere
 18.What reaction occurs when there is a heightened level of carbon dioxide absorption by the oceans?Ocean acidification
 19. Which greenhouse gas is regularly utilized in refrigerators?Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
 20.What is majorly attributed to air pollution in cities and towns?Vehicle emissions
S/NGeneral Knowledge Question About EnvironmentAnswers
 21.When is the World’s Environmental Day?June 5th
22.Which country is famous for being the number one in solar power utilization globally?China
23.What is the term that describes the slow but consistent rise in the acid levels of oceans all over the world?Ocean acidification
24.Which term describes the utilization of resources in an accountable manner to solve today’s issues without affecting the capacity of coming generations to solve their challenges?Sustainable development
 25.The breakdown of organic waste without oxygen results in the production of which gas?Methane
 26.What term describes the loss of the richness of soil as a result of dangerous agricultural practices?Soil degradation
27.Which uncommon water species is popular for its unique black and white skin pattern?The Giant Panda
28. What term describes the intended discharge of dangerous substances into the environment?Pollution
29.What is the shuddering of the earth’s surface due to the movement of tectonic plates?Earthquake
30.The number one source of energy for a large percentage of everyone in the world is?Fossil fuels
S/NGeneral Knowledge Question About EnvironmentAnswers
31.What are the two major categories of ecosystem we have?Terrestrial and marine ecosystem
32.Which term describes the process of transforming waste materials into fertilizers for soil enrichment?Composting
 33.What is a large percentage of natural gas made up of?Methane
 34.What is the largest ocean in the world?The Pacific ocean
 35.Which gas causes the formation of ground-level ozone?Nitrogen
36.What is the term that describes the process through which an ecosystem recovers after encountering environmental damages?Ecological succession  
37.Which term describes the process of generating electricity by the use of photovoltaic cells to convert sunlight?Solar power
38.The rise of sea temperatures in coral reefs results in a situation known as what?Coral bleaching
 39.What is the term that describes the practice of planting a certain kind of crops in a place to boost biodiversity and lessen the possibility of crop failure?Crop rotation
40.What occurs when water vapor traps heat in the earth’s atmosphere?Greenhouse effect
S/NGeneral Knowledge Question About EnvironmentAnswers
41.Which term describes the slow and consistent increase in sea levels as a result of the melting of polar caps and glaciers?Seal level rise
 42.What is the element that when discharged into the environment can result in water pollution and death of fishes and other marine animals?Mercury
 43.Which term describes the process of transforming waste materials into energy through combustion?Waste-to-energy
44.Which term describes the decrease, reuse and recycling of consumer goods?Waste hierarchy
45.When is the international Day for Biological Diversity?May 22nd
46.What term describes the deliberate killing of a group of species to hinder it from causing damage to either crops or animals?Culling
47.Which term describes the process by which plants and trees discharge water vapor into the atmosphere?Transpiration
 48.Which term describes the deliberate clearing of land using fire for planting purposes?Slash-and-burn
 49.Which term describes the purposely introduction of foreign species into an ecosystem?Biological invasion
50.Which gas is released when fossil fuels are burnt and results in air pollution and respiratory challenges?Sulfur dioxide

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the General Knowledge Questions About Environment

What are the types of ecosystems?

There are two different types of ecosystems: terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

What are the two most important components of an ecosystem?

There are two major parts to any ecosystem: biotic and abiotic elements. In ecology, biotic components are any and all forms of life, whereas abiotic components are any and all non-living substances. The delicate balance of nature is sustained by these interactions between living and non-living things.

What is the difference between ecology and ecosystem?

Ecosystems are defined as systems in which biotic and abiotic factors interact with one another. Conversely, ecology refers to the study of ecosystems.

What is the largest ecosystem in the world?

The ocean is the world’s largest ecosystem. It is home to many animals and plays a major part in keeping the climate stable around the world.


The importance of learning about one’s environment cannot be stressed enough.

Better judgments for one’s health in the long run can be made when one has a firm grasp of the environment and how it works.

This post has done well in providing many memorable facts about the environment.

To protect the environment, invest in reusable water bottles, avoid products with microbeads, use long-lasting light bulbs, and plant a tree.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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