70 General Knowledge Questions and Answers About Pakistan

General Knowledge Questions and Answers About Pakistan

Pakistan is a country in South Asia. It is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the 5th most populated country in the world with a high number of Muslims.

Pakistan shares boundaries with India, Afghanistan, Iran, and China.

This article reveals the general knowledge and questions and answers about Pakistan.

Are General Knowledge Questions and Answers about Pakistan Important?

General Knowledge Questions and Answers about Pakistan are necessary as they reveal the several sectors of the State.

It gives information on geography, demography, politics, education, history, religion, military, and other vital topics.

It aids a tourist to know more about the nation before visiting and prepares the mind for maximum exploration.

General Knowledge Questions and Answers about Pakistan.

1.Who coined the name “Pakistan”? Choudhry Rahmat Ali.
2.In what year did Choudhry Rahmat Ali first publish the nation’s name as “Pakstan”.In January, 1933.
3.What makes up the name “Pakistan”?Pakistan is coined from the names of all the homelands; Panjab, Afghania, Kashmir, Sindh, and Baluchistan.
4.How was the name “Pakistan” was coined?The name was coined from two Urdu words. “Paks” which is the spirituality “Pure and Clean” while “stan” means “land or place of”.
5.What is the meaning of Pakistan?It means The Land of the Pure and Clean.
6.What are the stages of evolution in Pakistan?Pakistan evolved from the Vedic period to the Classical period, to the colonial period and finally into the independence/modern period.
7.What language is spoken in Pakistan?Pakistan is a multilingual and multiethnic nation. However, Urdu is the symbol of Muslin identity and is the predominant language spoken and understood by many. English is also a formal language in Pakistan.
8.What are the majority ethnic groups in Pakistan?Majority ethnic group includes; Punjabis, Pashtuns, Sindhis, Saraiki, Muhajirs and Baloch.
9.What are the minority ethnic groups in Pakistan?Minority ethnic groups includes: Brahui, Hindko wans, Kashmiris, Gilgit-Baltistan and Sheedis.
10.Where was the name “Pakstan” first published in 1933?It was first published on a pamphlet “Now or Never” by Choudhry Rahmat Ali.

General Knowledge Questions and Answers on the History of Pakistan

11.In what year did Pakistan gain independence? 1947.
12.In what year did Pakistan become a Republic?1956.
13.Who was the last Monarch of independent Pakistan before it became a Republic in 1956?Queen Elizabeth II.
14.Who was the first Governor-General and first President-Speaker of the parliament in Pakistan?Jinnah.
15.When did Jinnah, the first Governor-General and first President-Speaker of the parliament in Pakistan die?He died of tuberculous on September, 11th 1948.
16.Who was the first Prime Minister in Pakistan?Liaquat Ali Khan (1947-1956).
17.When was the first Democratic Elections after independence held in Pakistan?1970.
18.What is Operation Searchlight?A military purge on the Bengali Nationalist Movement which waged a war of liberation.
19.In what year did Pakistan record self-consciousness, nationalism, intellectual shift and national rebuilding and nuclear deterrence?1972-1977.
20.Who was the first female prime minister in Pakistan?Benazir Bhutto. Daughter of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.

General Knowledge Questions and Answers on Religion in Pakistan.

21.In what year did Pakistan gain independence? 1947.
22.Who enforced the Sharia law in 1977?General Zia-Ul-Haq.
23.When was the first formal step to make Pakistan an Islamic state taken?The Objectives Resolution in March 1949.
24.Which constitution adopted Islam as the official state religion and also made provision for laws to be in accordance to the Quran and Sunnah?The 1973 constitution.
25.What Religious institutions were created in the 1973 constitution?The Shariat Court and the Council of Islamic Ideology was established via the 1973 constitution to help interpret laws and guide the affairs of the state.
26.What Religious significance does Pakistan have amongst other Muslim counties?Pakistan is the only Muslim country that was created in the name of Islam.
27.What is the religious influence that Pakistan has over other Muslim countries?Pakistan is a founding member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) whose aim is to promote cultural, political, social and economic relations with other Arab nations.
28.What is the most prominent mosque in Pakistan?The Faisal Mosque, built in 1986 by Vedat Dalokay on behalf of King Faisal bin Abdul-Aziz.
29.Is Islam the only religion allowed in Pakistan?Although Pakistan is an Islam Nation, freedom of religion is allowed. Citizens can as well practice Christianity, Hinduism and any other form of religion.
30.Is homosexuality legalized in Pakistan?No. The Islam religion frowns at homosexuality thus, homosexuality is highly illegal in Pakistan and is punishable with life in prison.

General Knowledge Questions and Answers on Geography in Pakistan.

31.Does Pakistan have variety of wildlife?Yes. Pakistan is home of different kinds of wildlife.
32.Does Pakistan suffer water scarcity?  Yes. Pakistan is ranked the 15th world’s water stressed country.
33.What is the climatic condition in Pakistan?Pakistan has four distinct seasons; the dry season, the hot season, the rainy season and the monsoon season.
34.What are the major geographic areas in Pakistan?The Northern Highlands, The Indus River Plain and The Baluchistan Plateau.
35.What is the National Animal in Pakistan?Markhor is known to be the national animal in Pakistan.
36.What kind of vegetations can be found in Pakistan?As a result of the diversity of climate and landscape in Pakistan, vegetations ranges from coniferous to deciduous to palms to coarse grasses, scrubs and the mangrove forests.
37.Describe the state of flora and fauna in Pakistan.Pakistan suffers high rate of deforestation, hunting and pullulation. Thus, the flora and fauna suffer drastically.
38.What is the landscape in Pakistan?Pakistan is characterized by several peeks, hills, forests, plateaus and plains.
39.Are birds regular animal in Pakistan?In Pakistan, birds are not really rampant due to the harsh weather. Majority of birds seen are immigrants from Europe and other neighboring states.
40.What is the demography in Pakistan?As a result of high fertility rate, Pakistan records highest number of the young population. According to the 2023 census report, Pakistan had a population of 241, 49million.

General Knowledge Questions and Answers on Facts About Pakistan.

41.What is the military strength of Pakistan?Pakistan has the 6th largest armed forces in the world since independence in 1947 and has actively influenced national politics.
42.What is the local cuisine in Pakistan?Black tea with sugar and milk and lassi is consumed regularly in Pakistan. Their local dish is Sohan halwa. Their cuisines are prepared with lots of garlic, pepper, turmeric, chili and lots of other seasoning.
43.What festivals are celebrated in Pakistan?Festivals like Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Azha, Diwali, Ramazan, Holi Christmas and Easter are mostly celebrated in Pakistan.
44.Is Pakistan rich in agriculture?Yes. Pakistan is the 5th largest cotton producing nation. The country is also the 4th in milk and sugarcane production.
45.Is Pakistan science inclined?Yes. Pakistan is the only muslin country that has an active research presence in Antarctica.
46.Is Tourism promoted in Pakistan?Yes. Tourist sites in Pakistan ranges from the mangroves, Hill stations in Himalayan, Buddhist ruins of Taxila and Takht-j-Bahi, and even the 5,000-year-old cities of the Indus valley civilization.
47.What are the stages of education in Pakistan?Education is divided into 6 levels. Nusery, Primary, Middle, matriculation, intermediate and university education.
48.What game is most popular in Pakistan?Pakistan Super League is one of the largest cricket leagues of the world with over (US$110 million) as brand value.  
49.What kind of cloth is worn in Pakistan?Shalwar Kameez is the national dress in Pakistan. With verities of colours, and it is won by both male and females. However, the modern styles of clothing are also worn for formal activities.
50.Mention some tourist sites in Pakistan.Lahore, Karakoram Highway, Karimabad, lake Saiful Muluk and Taxila.

Technological GK Questions and Answers In Pakistan

These questions cover various aspects of technological development and achievements in Pakistan, reflecting the country’s growth in the field of science and technology.

  1. Q: What is the name of Pakistan’s first domestically produced satellite?
    A: BADR-1.
  2. Q: Which city is considered the technological hub of Pakistan?
    A: Karachi.
  3. Q: What is the name of Pakistan’s first communications satellite?
    A: Paksat-1R.
  4. Q: Who is known as the father of Pakistan’s nuclear bomb?
    A: Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan.
  5. Q: Which Pakistani university is renowned for its science and technology programs?
    A: National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST).
  6. Q: In which year did Pakistan conduct its first successful nuclear tests?
    A: 1998.
  7. Q: What is Pakistan’s national space agency called?
    A: SUPARCO (Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission).
  8. Q: Which is the largest IT park in Pakistan?
    A: Lahore Technology Park.
  9. Q: Who is a prominent Pakistani scientist known for his work in theoretical physics?
    A: Dr. Abdus Salam.
  10. Q: What is the name of Pakistan’s first locally developed COVID-19 test kit?
    A: The COVID Rapid Test Kit.
  11. Q: In which Pakistani city is the headquarters of the Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) located?
    A: Islamabad.
  12. Q: What is the name of the major IT software exporter in Pakistan?
    A: Systems Limited.
  13. Q: Who was the first Pakistani astronaut to go into space?
    A: As of my last update, Pakistan has not yet sent an astronaut into space.
  14. Q: What was the name of Pakistan’s first experimental rocket launched in 1962?
    A: Rehbar-I.
  15. Q: Which Pakistani scientist is known for his contribution to the development of the fiber optics communication system?
    A: Dr. M. Yasin Khan.
  16. Q: What is the name of the electronic voting machine developed in Pakistan for elections?
    A: Pakistan Electronic Voting Machine (PEVM).
  17. Q: Which city in Pakistan is known for its software technology parks and IT companies?
    A: Islamabad.
  18. Q: What is the name of the initiative launched by the Government of Pakistan to promote the IT industry?
    A: Digital Pakistan.
  19. Q: Which university in Pakistan is known for its advanced research in biotechnology?
    A: Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad.
  20. Q: What is the name of the annual science and technology festival held in Karachi?
    A: Karachi Science Festival.

FAQs on General Knowledge about Pakistan

Is Pakistan a good tourist site?

Pakistan is a very good site for tourism. The nation has beautiful sites to behold. Ranging from the mangroves, Hill stations in the Himalayan, Buddhist ruins of Taxila and Takht-j-Bahi, and even the 5,000-year-old cities of the Indus Valley civilization.

Is education free in Pakistan?

Pakistan has both a Private and Public system of government. The federation’s government however caters for the Public educational system.

What drives the economic index of Pakistan?

Agriculture plays a major role in increasing Pakistan’s economic index rate. Agriculture provides raw materials for the textile industry which is a major drive in the exportation index in Pakistan.

Is the military force of Pakistan one of the best in the world?

Yes.  Pakistan has the 6th largest armed forces in the world since independence in 1947 and has actively influenced national politics.


General knowledge of Pakistan gives information on the various aspects of the Nation.

Generally, as exposed by this article, Pakistan is a very interesting nation suitable for tourists, investments, migration, and education.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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