19A Certification (Origin, Structure, Importance, FAQs)

19A Certification

The 19A accreditation is a significant certification that the government introduced to achieve road safety.

This certification process helps to ensure that only drivers fit to operate commercial vehicles ply the roads.

In this article, you will learn all you need about the 19A certification, why it’s so crucial, and how it affects your safety on the road.

Origin of the 19A Certification

For those unfamiliar, “19A certification” refers to Article 19A of the New York State Traffic Law.

To ensure their mental and physical health to operate commercial vehicles, this section requires some commercial drivers to undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

Drivers of buses, lorries, and other large vehicles that require a CDL are among those who must go through the 19A certification process.

Structure of the 19A Certification Approval Procedure

To guarantee that commercial drivers are mentally and physically fit to operate their vehicles safely, the 19A certification procedure includes several essential steps.

Some of these parts are:

1. Health Check-ups:

The medical examinations of the 19A certification process are very in-depth.

Certified medical examiners perform these tests on commercial drivers to verify they are physically and mentally capable of performing their jobs.

Health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and eye disease are all evaluated.

2. Constant Checking:

There is more than one step to getting your 19A certification. Commercial drivers must undergo periodic medical examinations to keep their licenses current.

Constant checks assist in detecting any deterioration in a driver’s health that would compromise their ability to operate a commercial vehicle properly.

3. Documentation and reporting:

The law requires businesses that employ commercial drivers to keep detailed records of their employees’ medical examinations and certificates under 19A.

This assists authorities in easily monitoring and assessing a driver’s health and fitness levels over time by keeping detailed records.

4. Instruction and Study:

Driver instruction and training courses may be a part of the requirement for 19A certification.

Programs like these are designed to make drivers more mindful of road hazards, more likely to take preventative measures, and more likely to follow the law.

What is the Importance of 19A Certification?

1. Traffic Safety:

The main goal of the 19A certification is to increase traffic security.

The certification process helps prevent accidents caused by health problems by vetting commercial drivers to ensure they are fit for the job intellectually and physically.

2. Trust in Government:

People are more likely to trust the commercial transport sector if the 19A certification process is effectively implemented.

People are more likely to feel confident in the safety of the roads when they know that the drivers of the vehicles they share them with have been subjected to stringent assessments by the government.

3. Avoiding Accidents:

Due to their size and weight, commercial vehicles pose a significant risk in the event of an accident.

But, thanks to the 19A certification process that ensures only quality hands get behind the wheel, lives can be saved, and property can be protected in the advent of accidents.

How to Get a 19A Licence

Here is a broad overview of how to earn the 19A certification, while the specifics may vary depending on your location and the legislation in your area.

1. Establish Relevance:

Find out first if you qualify for the 19A certification. Drivers of buses and trucks in New York State are among those who must obtain the qualification.

Similar rules may be found in other states. However, they may be found under a different heading or law section.

2. Get your CDL license:

You need a CDL license to get a 19A certification. This often entails demonstrating your competence in the theory and practice of commercial vehicle operation by passing a series of exams.

3. Locate a Qualified Medical Examiner:

A qualified medical examiner must check you out before you can get a 19A certification. These professionals will assess your psychological and physiological fitness to operate a commercial vehicle.

The examiner will check your vision, hearing, cardiovascular health, general health, and fitness. During the medical check-up, be truthful about your health status and background.

4. Fill Out the Necessary Paperwork:

Forms unique to the 19A certification procedure will likely need to be completed.

Your medical history, current health state, and other pertinent information may be requested on these forms. Please ensure that all required fields are thoroughly and accurately completed.

5. Complete Extra courses (if Necessary):

If you are required to complete extra training programs or courses in road safety, traffic rules, and commercial vehicle operation, depending on the laws and regulations in your area, make sure you do so.

6. Provide Proof to Your Company:

Submit your medical exam and any other paperwork necessary to your prospective employer for assessment.

Problems with 19A Certification

Despite its many advantages, the 19A certification procedure has its share of difficulties and worries.

1. Limited reachability:

Particularly in outlying or rural locations, it may be challenging to find a licensed medical examiner or a suitable facility for a medical review.

2. Medical issues:

Some medical issues may complicate determining a commercial driver’s fitness to operate a vehicle. It can be challenging to balance private concerns and public safety.

3. High Cost:

Drivers, especially those self-employed or working for smaller organizations, may find the cost of routine medical examinations and possible treatments prohibitive.

4. Conformity to norms:

The 19A certification process provides a framework for assessing driver fitness. However, there isn’t always agreement on how to apply this framework from state to state or jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

This lack of standardization might cause discrepancies in the awarding process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on 19A certification

What can stop you from driving a school bus in New York?

You would not be allowed to drive a school bus in New York if you have ever had a license deferred, rescinded, withdrawn, or denied.

What are the steps to take to become a school bus driver in New York City?

To become a school bus driver in New York City, you must apply for the S endorsement and pay the application fee.

How much is the fee for collecting a CDL in New York?

The cost of obtaining a CDL in New York is about $164.50.

What is the average salary of bus drivers in New York?

The average salary of bus drivers in New York is about $40,000 annually.


Commercial drivers’ security and confidence on the road depend heavily on the 19A certification process.

It helps guarantee that commercial vehicle drivers are physically and intellectually able to do their jobs by mandating rigorous medical assessments, continual tracking, and driver training.

This certification raises the bar for commercial transport, improving road safety and public trust.

Despite ongoing difficulties, it is critical to strengthen the 19A certification procedure to protect passengers’ lives, reduce the likelihood of accidents, and keep the transportation system running smoothly.

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