50 General Knowledge Questions and Answers about Science

General Knowledge Questions and Answers about Science

Science is an interesting subject that changes our world and helps us figure out the mysteries of the universe through its many subfields.

A basic understanding of science is entertaining and essential for making sense of our environment.

This article presents a set of fifty questions and answers covering a wide range of scientific topics, and it goes further into the importance of general knowledge in science.

Is General Knowledge Important in Science?

Scientific understanding is built on available knowledge.

In doing so, it sets the scene, encourages interest, and paves the way for people to draw connections across fields of study.

Knowledge of science fundamentals helps one think critically, spark an interest in learning more, and provide a complete picture of the world around them.

Having a foundational knowledge of scientific facts is extremely helpful for anybody, whether they are students, science enthusiasts, or just curious.

General Knowledge Questions and Answers about Science

Physics and Chemistry

1.What is the fundamental unit of electric charge?Coulomb.
2.Who formulated the laws of motion?Sir Isaac Newton.
3.What is the chemical symbol for sodium?Na
4.What is the first element on the periodic table?Hydrogen.
5.Who discovered radioactivity?Henri Becquerel.
6.What is the chemical formula for water?Hâ‚‚O.
7.What is the smallest unit of matter?Atom.
8.What is the chemical symbol for gold?Au
9.What is the speed of light in a vacuum?299,792,458 m/s
10.What is the chemical symbol for iron?Fe

Biology and Anatomy

11.What is the largest organ in the human body?Skin.
12.What is the process by which cells divide?Mitosis.
13.What is the powerhouse of a eukaryotic cell?Mitochondria.
14.What is the process by which plants make their food?Photosynthesis.
15.Which gas do plants absorb during photosynthesis?Carbon dioxide.
16.What is the largest mammal on Earth?Blue whale.
17.What is the smallest bone in the human body?Stapes.
18.Which hormone regulates blood sugar?Insulin.
19.What does the acronym “DNA” stand for?Deoxyribonucleic acid.
20.What is the basic unit of heredity?Gene.

Astronomy and Earth Science

21.What is the most abundant gas in the Earth’s atmosphere?Nitrogen.
22.What is the largest moon on Saturn?Titan.
23.What is the force that keeps planets in orbit around the Sun?Gravity.
24.What causes the seasons on Earth?The tilt of the Earth’s axis.
25.What is a light-year?The distance light travels in one year.
26.What is the Earth’s innermost layer?Inner core.
27.What is the process by which rocks are broken down into smaller particles?Weathering.
28.What is the Earth’s largest ocean?Pacific Ocean
29.What is the layer of the atmosphere where weather occurs?Troposphere.
30.Which planet is known as the “Red Planet”?Mars.

Mathematics and Technology

31.What is the value of π (pi) to two decimal places?3.14
32.Who is known as the “Father of Computer Science”?Alan Turing.
33.What is the first artificial satellite launched into space?Sputnik 1.
34.Who developed the theory of relativity?Albert Einstein.
35.Who discovered the Fibonacci SequenceLeonardo Fibonacci.
36.Who invented the microscope?Zacharias Janssen.
37.Which programming language has the most extended history and is still actively used today?Fortran.
38.Who invented the first diesel engine?Rudolf Diesel.
39.Who invented the first computer?Charles Babbage.
40.Who invented BODMAS?Achilles Reselfelt.

Environmental Science and General Knowledge

41.What is the Earth’s approximate circumference at the equator?40,075 Km
42.What is the most giant planet in our solar system?Jupiter
43.What is the study of living organisms called?Biology
44.What is the process by which liquid turns into a gas called?Vaporization
45.What is the hardest naturally occurring substance?Diamond
46.What is the largest organ inside the human body?Liver
47.What is the study of the Earth’s physical structure and substance called?Geology
48.What is the study of the Earth’s atmosphere called?Meteorology
49.What is the chemical formula for table salt?NaCl
50.What is the study of the Earth’s history and the life forms that existed in the past called?Paleontology

FAQs On General Knowledge Questions and Answers about Science

How can I improve my general knowledge in science?

Read books about science and take part in discussions. Additionally, you can find tests and lessons on websites and apps that teach.

Why is general knowledge essential in science?

A solid grounding in general knowledge encourages the curiosity and analytical thinking that are cornerstones of scientific inquiry.

What is the most enormous living structure on Earth?

The Great Barrier Reef, situated off the Australian coast, is the largest living structure on our planet. Over 2,300 kilometers (1,400 miles) in length, it is home to coral polyps, which are made of billions of tiny organisms.

What is the largest known planet in the universe?

An exoplanet called ROXs 42 Bb outside our solar system is the largest planet yet discovered. It is roughly 500 light-years away from Earth and has a radius about 1.12 times that of Jupiter.


These fifty questions and answers cover many interesting scientific topics, such as astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, and more.

Learning more about science can spark a love of learning and exploring, whether you are a student, a science fan, or someone just interested in the world.

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