17 Alternative Careers For Architects (FAQs)

Alternative Careers For Architects

Alternative Careers For Architects: Architecture is believed by many to be a satisfying career path.

However, one can still fail woefully on this career path.

If you have a degree in architecture and you want to change careers, there are several job options out there that will enable you to achieve this.

All of this is possible because, as an architect, you possess transferrable skills like critical thinking, analytical thinking, problem-solving, and lots more that are useful in other fields.

This post will discuss 17 alternative careers you can consider if you want to switch careers as an architect.

Who is an Architect?

Architects are professionals that have advanced education in both the art and science of designing buildings.

They imagine what buildings could be like and then create renderings and blueprints for what could one day be houses, workplaces, and other structures.

They are responsible for more than simply the outward aspect of a building. An architect is a professional who draws out plans for buildings, whether they be brand new or renovated.

Professional construction experts and artists who can draw to scale collaborate to create structures that meet all of these criteria while also being environmentally responsible and aesthetically beautiful.

17 Alternative Career Options For Architects

1. Communication Specialist

Communication specialists perform their responsibilities in the area of public relations.

They are in charge of internal and external communications output at companies and organizations and come up with press statements.

Communication specialists also devise strategies to boost the social media accounts of the companies or organizations they work for, ensure that the company or organization is sustaining a good public image, and perform several other responsibilities.

As one of the alternative careers for architects, communication specialists make up to $30,000 in salaries every year.

2. Fabricator

Fabricators are experts that develop devices and machines using raw materials.

They can convert technical drawings and prototypes into desired products.

These professionals perform their jobs by taking accurate measurements and ensuring that the products they develop are top-quality.

Fabricators make up to $60,000 in salaries every year.

3. Technical Designer

Technical designers are professionals that put together inventive designs that are utilized in the manufacturing of certain devices.

They are found in several work settings, including the clothing industry. Technical designers assess illustrations and evaluate all products to ensure they are of the highest quality.

Technical designers earn about $60,000 in salaries every year.

4. Industrial Designer

Industrial designers devise ideas that are used to develop several industrial products, like automobiles and gadgets that are used at home.

They develop innovative models and outline designs by utilizing CAD software.

Industrial designers perform their responsibilities by applying both artistic and engineering skills. Industrial designers earn about $70,000 in salaries every year.

5. Professor

Tertiary academic institutions employ professors to teach students that want to acquire associate, bachelor, master, and doctorate degrees.

They guide students on how to carry out several types of research.

Professors mark students’ scripts and assess their academic performances, develop curricula that will empower students with in-depth knowledge of their field of interest, mentor students, run departments and faculties, and perform several other responsibilities.

As one of the alternative careers for architects, professors earn about $70,000 in salaries every year.

6. Interior Designer

Interior designers are responsible for setting up the interior of homes in an attractive and pleasing manner.

They have knowledge of special compositions, the ability to choose decorative objects, and the capacity to combine colors wisely.

However, to perform their duties effectively, interior designers must read proposals and conduct assessments of buildings.

Interior designers make about $60,000 in salaries every year.

7. Graphic Designer

Graphic designers combine their art and computer science knowledge to develop pictorial graphics.

They do their jobs after consulting with their clients to know what they truly desire.

Graphic designers are responsible for the design of book covers, magazine covers, and the covers of several other educational materials.

These professionals contribute immensely towards developing websites and perform several other responsibilities.

Graphic designers make about $50,000 a year in salaries.

8. Urban Planner

Urban planners partner with government officers, developers, and stakeholders to create blueprints for residential areas, industrial areas, and markets within cities.

They do their jobs by conducting market research, compiling data, and assessing and evaluating environmental impacts.

As one of the alternative careers for architects, urban planners earn about $70,000 in salaries every year.

9. Photographer

Photographers are professionals that use cameras to snap photographs of individuals, places, objects, and scenes.

They are also responsible for generating memories of events in pictures.

There are different types of specialties in photography, like wildlife photography, photojournalism, and lots more.

Photographers can make up to $45,000 a year in salaries.

10. Specification Writer

Construction-related companies employ specification writers to develop process descriptions for architectural plans and other building blueprints.

The output they give helps in the effective implementation of a building project.

These materials earn about $60,000 in salaries every year.

11. Land Planner

Land planners come up with plans for land use in a particular area.

Their job role is similar to that of urban planners, but they concentrate more on the financial and ecological effects of developing land.

Land planners earn about $75,000 in salaries every year.

12. Construction Manager

Construction managers supervise the activities of the contractors and all personnel working at a construction site over the course of a project.

They develop schedules, direct all construction phases by evaluating specifications, and conduct quality assurance tests.

Construction managers also inspect the work done at the site and assign duties to all personnel on-site.

As one of the alternative careers for architects, these professionals earn about $80,000 in salaries every year.

13. Property Developer

Property developers are real estate experts who buy land and build residential and other structures.

They are responsible for hunting sites, acquiring finances, requesting building permits, and discussing with designers.

Property developers also play a key role in construction; they supervise all renovation operations and repairs and rent out buildings.

Property developers make up to $90,000 in salaries every year.

14. UX designer

User experience (UX) designers are technology experts in developing user-friendly products.

They incorporate products to enhance its outlook, usability, and functionality.

These professionals ensure that companies produce items that satisfy the needs of customers and can also carry out quality assessment tests.

UX designers earn as much as $100,000 in salaries every year.

15. Product Designer

Product designers are professionals who come up with the procedures for developing consumer items.

They make modifications to already-made products after assessing their uses, evaluating competitors’ products, and deciding the specs of new ones.

Moreover, product designers have the good commercial market knowledge and high technical ability.

These seasoned experts make up to $120,000 a year in salaries.

16. Product Manager

Product managers are in charge of designing and advertising products.

They are responsible for ensuring that products function effectively and play a key role in their design, development, production, sales, and advertisement.

Moreover, product managers regularly analyze the market competition to ensure that their products still satisfy customers excellently.

Product managers make about $105,000 in salaries every year.

17. Project Manager

Project managers can be found in several work environments.

These professionals are responsible for supervising the entire workflow of a project.

Project managers ensure that project teams accomplish projects before the deadline and under the specified budget.

They also coordinate the activities of every project team member, allocate materials needed for the project, assess progress, regularly discuss with stakeholders the welfare of workers, and ensure that the project is eventually completed.

Project managers earn about $80,000 in salaries every year.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Alternative Careers For Architects

Is architects a good career?

A profession in architecture is a secure bet in terms of compensation. Architects earn more than twice the national median wage (BLS: $41,950) of any other profession. Architects report the same or higher levels of job satisfaction as workers in any other field.

Do architects need math?

Buildings and other structures require architects to have a solid grasp of mathematical principles for planning and design. To earn a degree in architecture, it’s necessary to take a substantial number of math courses.

Do architects have a future?

You can either start your own firm or find work with well-known architects or in the film industry. Many people consider it a desirable profession to enter after completing their education. It’s an excellent choice for those who are curious in their profession, have an open mind, and want to learn as much as they can about it.

Is 25 too late to become an architect?

In no way is it too late to change your mind. To practice architecture legally in the United States, you’ll need to have a master’s degree in the field.


Many people think that working in architecture is a rewarding profession.

Numerous opportunities exist for those with a background in architecture looking to switch jobs, and this article has done a great job discussing some of them.

In addition to the jobs listed above, sustainability consultant, safety manager, and preconstruction manager are other alternative careers for architects.

Moreover, the salaries for each job discussed in this article will either decrease or increase based on experience, expertise, location of work, and company.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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