4 Cheapest Nursing Schools in Australia for Int’l Students

Cheapest Nursing Courses in Australia for International Students

Cheapest Nursing Schools in Australia: For international students, Australia has many options for rendering the nursing programs offered at the lowest possible cost.

You also have the option of applying for certain well-known scholarships, some of which will even pay for your travel, tuition fees, and other extra costs.

Nursing schools in Australia have an excellent reputation not only within the nation but also internationally.

They are acknowledged as the suppliers of the best level of nursing education. After graduating from one of Australia’s nursing schools, students are eligible to work as nurses in the country.

Moreover, nurses in Australia earn some of the world’s highest paychecks, have flexible working arrangements, and the opportunity to practice their profession in some of the most advanced medical facilities in the world. 

Thus, this article looks at the cheapest nursing courses in Australia for international students.

Why Study Nursing in Australia Rather Than Another Country?

There is no denying that Australian nursing schools continually rank among the finest in the world for their global educational standards and incredible career prospects.

If you choose to study nursing in Australia, you will be entering a field experiencing significant growth. It is anticipated that there will be a significant increase in the need for nurses in Australia.

This is due to the growing dependency on healthcare, which necessitates recruiting more nurses to meet the demand.

You will acquire several abilities that will be in high demand in the future if you study nursing in Australia, which is why you should consider doing so.

On the other hand, the nursing profession has progressed to the point where it requires more than a fundamental training program because of the growing prevalence of automation and machines in the industry.

You will work in an atmosphere that requires a high level of competence and moves very quickly.

How is Nursing in Australia?

There are two tiers of nurses in Australia who are allowed to practice; they are Registered Nurses (RNs) and Enrolled Nurses (ENs).

Nurses in Australia must first get a bachelor’s degree in nursing before they may apply to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia for their nursing registration (NMBA).

Nursing and midwifery registration in Australia is only open to those who have passed the Outcomes-Based Assessment (OBA) examinations (NMBA).

Moreover, nursing licenses are issued to those who have earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or its equivalent.

On the other hand, a standard bachelor’s degree in Nursing in Australia requires three years of full-time study, or longer if you want to attend a part-time course.

Depending on the university you choose, your course of study may differ slightly, but you can expect to learn about a wide range of topics such as anatomy, chemistry, biology, health assessment methods, research concepts, and more.

More so, practical training is an important component in the Bachelor of Nursing program since it helps students prepare for careers in the nursing field following graduation.

There are a lot of challenges that nurses confront on a regular basis, and you’ll be learning how to deal with them during these classes.

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Cheapest Nursing Schools in Australia for International Students

1. James Cook University (JCU):

James Cook University is a public university in North Queensland, Australia.

JCU offers courses that prepare students for future careers and research at the top of its field.

The cost of a Bachelor of Nursing Science degree is AUD$5,650.00+.

Since the first JCU courses were offered in Townsville in 1961, the university has expanded to become a research-intensive institution with more than 20,000 students from 111 countries and 4,463 faculty and staff members.

JCU’s educational programs include fieldwork, clinical placements, lab time, work-integrated learning programs, internships, and other types of experiences.

The nursing school at JCU provides a variety of nursing courses, and two are quite affordable for international students compared to other nursing courses offered around the country.

JCU is one of the cheapest nursing schools in Australia for international students.

See 2023 Fees

2. Murdoch University:

Murdoch University is proud to have earned a name for itself as a premier educational institution with state-of-the-art research facilities and a welcoming community for its diverse student body.

At Murdoch, everyone is accepted for who they genuinely are. The professors all know your name, and the students on Bush Court’s lawns are kind and approachable.

Murdoch University, Australia, is one of the cheapest nursing schools in Australia for international students.

See 2023 Fees

3. Federation University Australia:

The Federation University Australia is the most prestigious regional university in Victoria.

The university has been giving high-quality education for more than 150 years and has strong ties to the communities it serves.

Federation builds their communities and helps their economies grow.

Their graduates do well because the Federation has strong ties to businesses and industries.

They have the biggest regional Technology Park of any university in Australia, which gives their students a chance to work in global organizations and gain valuable work experience.

The university provides courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels and specialized pathway programs for meeting English language proficiency requirements and continuing professional development short courses.

In addition, the university provides opportunities for short-term professional development.

The tuition for the nursing programs at Federation University Australia is very low. Students from other countries can enroll and pay the annual fee of AUD$4,124 to participate in the Bachelor of Nursing (Hons) program.

See 2023 fees

4. Charles Darwin University (CDU):

Victoria University, located in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, is a public research institution.

Only six universities in Australia provide programmes in both the higher education and Technical and Further Education sectors; this one is one of them.

At Victoria University, students can achieve their academic goals in a variety of ways. They offer a variety of routes to a brilliant education and a fulfilling profession.

The Bachelor of Nursing degree cost $4,105 for a Commonwealth Supported Place per annum.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Cheapest Nursing Schools in Australia for International Students 

Is nursing an easy job?

Working 14-hour shifts as a nurse is no small feat, requiring strength of mind and physical stamina. Even amid a frenzy of activity, if you are passionate about your profession and believe that it has a positive impact on the lives of your patients, you may discover that you thrive.

What does a nurse do?

The primary responsibility is to provide medical care to patients, whether on one’s own or in conjunction with a physician. In addition to dispensing medications, treating wounds, and providing emergency treatment, registered nurses keep track of vital signs and examine patient records.

How stressful is nursing?

More than half of all nurses now report moderate to high stress levels, and over 60% suffer emotional tiredness, according to one study. A nurse’s health and well-being can be negatively impacted by high levels of stress, which can deplete their energy and impair their critical thinking skills.

What time do nurses go to bed?

Typically, this shift lasts until around 7 p.m. or so. Between 6:30 and 7:00 p.m. is when the night shift begins. When a nurse works the night shift, she or he is often expected to work through the night and into the early hours of the morning.


Nursing schools in Australia: Earning a degree in nursing from an institution in Australia can equip students with the practical experience and theoretical understanding essential for flourishing in the nursing profession.

Students enrolled in nursing programs in Australia can learn from some of the world’s most accomplished clinical practitioners and researchers and have access to some of the most advanced medical technology available.

Those interested in working in the medical field in Australia should seriously consider pursuing a nursing profession because of the numerous benefits and rewards associated with this line of work.

More so, as an international student looking to study nursing in Australia, the most financially and practically advantageous option is to enroll in one of the nursing programs that offer approved courses and credentials at a reduced tuition rate.

If you are interested in studying nursing in Australia but are concerned about the cost of doing so, you may want to investigate the availability of cheap nursing courses.

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