7+ Best Universities for Kinesiology in Canada (FAQs) | 2022

Universities for Kinesiology in Canada

Best Universities for Kinesiology in Canada: Kinesiology degrees are very valuable in Ontario because it is the only province in Canada that regulates the field.

For the treatment and prevention of disease and injury, Canadian kinesiologists rely on evidence-based research.

They help people of all ages and abilities, in a variety of settings, achieve their own health and wellness objectives and improve their overall well-being and well-being. 

Moreober, universities provide education beyond high school in kinesiology in Canada’s provinces and territories. The curriculum is typically an undergraduate degree that lasts for four years.

Thus, this article looks at the best universities for kinesiology in Canada, the meaning of Kinesiology and many other tips.

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is the study of how the human body moves in dynamic patterns, as well as how sports and other forms of physical activity can improve and maintain people’s health.

Kinesiology professionals help clients maintain a healthy lifestyle, avoid disease, recover more rapidly after surgery or accident, or improve their mobility.

To be a great kinesiology practitioner, you will need to excel in various abilities, including active listening, patience, coaching, leadership, and communication, among others.

Moreover, kinesiologists are qualified to work in various fields and environments, such as athletic teams, hospitals, schools, and private studios. 

Is Kinesiology a Good Career Path in Canada?

Kinesiology is an excellent degree program to lay the groundwork for many health-related careers, such as public health, nutrition, statistics, and research.

The Canadian Council of University Physical Education and Kinesiology Administrators, also known as CCUPEKA, is in charge of the accreditation process for university and college kinesiology programs in Canada.

Kinesiologists play in the Canadian health care system, as well as the promotion of exercise and other forms of physical activity.

Moreover, as a kinesiology student, you don’t have to limit yourself to a single professional option after graduating from college.

It is possible to get work in the health care, education, and sports industries as a kinesiology graduate.

Even more so, Kinesiology investigates human movement and performance using Cell Biology, Chemistry, Biostatistics, Physiology, Exercise Physiology, Anatomy, Neuroscience, and Nutrition.

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How long does it take to study Kinesiology in Canada?

A kinesiologist in Ontario must be registered with the College of Kinesiologists in order to practice in the province. Also, to use the title “kinesiologist,” you must be a member of the College of Kinesiologists.

To become a kinesiologist in Canada, one has to complete the Combined Kinesiology/Education program in five years and graduate with two degrees.

Additional teaching specializations are required in order to become an all-around teacher.

How much does a Kinesiologist make in Canada?

Kinesiologists in Canada make an average of $24.53 per hour, according to Indeed.com.

One of the numerous advantages of pursuing a kinesiology degree is that it doesn’t restrict you to a single employment route after graduation.

Health care, education, and sports are just some of the fields where graduates with a kinesiology degree might find work.

Best Schools in Canada that Offer Kinesiology:

There are over 50 schools in Canada that offer Kinesiology. But rather than discuss nearly 100 of them, we’ve compiled a list of the best.

1. McGill University:

McGill University’s mission is to respect the variety of disciplinary bases and professional practices in Kinesiology and Physical Education, to encourage cross-disciplinary research and work, and to foster a sense of community among its students, faculty, and staff.

The university is a world-class educational and research university, and its mission extends beyond simply training physical education teachers in secondary schools.

The kinesiology undergraduate degree at McGill delves into both the theoretical and practical aspects of the exercise science field.

The courses cover various subjects, ranging from anatomy and ergonomics to psychology. McGill University is one of the best universities for kinesiology in Canada.

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2. Trent University:

Kinesiology is a field of study that provides students with the information and skills necessary to apply methods involving physical exercise to the treatment of injuries and the prevention of chronic diseases.

Students at Trent who study kinesiology get job-ready experience and can learn by doing.

You will acquire the knowledge necessary to prescribe tailored exercise regimens to a variety of patient populations to improve or maintain their health, functional ability, and overall well-being.

You will finish the first two years of your degree at Trent’s Peterborough campus.

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3. University of Toronto:

The Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education at the University of Toronto is one of the largest and most well-established departments in North America.

At the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education, they learn about physical activity, health, and how they affect each other through teaching, research, leadership, and giving people chances.

The faculty members at the campus in the heart of St. George have earned a long-standing reputation for excelling both in the classroom and in their research.

Canadian and international students have the chance to concentrate on areas of physical and mental health. The University of Toronto is one of the best universities for kinesiology in Canada.

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4. Sheridan College:

Students from all over the world come to Sheridan because it is a place where they can be creative and try new things. There are three campuses for the college in Ontario, Canada.

The program takes a multidisciplinary approach that builds on the strengths of traditional kinesiology and health science courses by adding things like business management and lab experiences.

You will have two field placements (in years 2 and 4) and a 14-week paid cooperative work term (in year 3), allowing you to see and try out theories you’ve learned in class.

This will give you valuable, real-world experience.

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5. Simon Fraser University (SFU):

SFU is one of the best universities for kinesiology in Canada.

The college provides its undergraduate students with a robust health science program that puts them in a good position to pursue careers in the medical field.

Kinesiology students at SFU receive training of the highest caliber from instructors and researchers of international renown.

The Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology (BPK) faculty run several labs, including the Aerospace Physiology Lab, which works with the Canadian Space Agency, the Molecular Cardiac Physiology Group, a specialized tissue lab, and the Sensorimotor Neuroscience Lab, which studies the connection between vision and movement.

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6. Windsor University:

There are two majors in the Department of Kinesiology at Windsor University: Kinesiology—Movement Science and Sport Management and Leadership.

During the first year of the Kinesiology program, you will have the opportunity to select a major for more in-depth study in sports management or movement science by participating in various classes and gaining relevant work experience.

After getting your diploma, you can enroll in professional programs or graduate school or become a chiropractor, physiotherapist, teacher, scientist, sports marketing specialist, medical doctor, ergonomist, or director of a provincial or national sports organization.

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7. University of Ottawa

The Kinesiology program at the University of Ottawa provides students with an education that is second to none by combining a broad range of academic domains with award-winning teaching.

The University of Ottawa is one of the best universities for kinesiology in Canada.

The School of Human Kinetics gives students a well-rounded education by giving them the knowledge and skills they need to improve how people move, make better policies, and live healthier lives.

The undergraduate program allows students to be major or minor in one of five different areas, including kinesiology.

Students can specialize in sports management, applied studies, educational studies, scientific studies, or the social science component of kinesiology.

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8. Regina University:

People know that the University of Regina has creative thinkers. It was the first university in Western Canada to offer co-op studies, and its Research and Innovation Centre has the province’s first green roof.

The kinesiology at Regina University program lasts for a total of five years and is offered jointly by the faculty of education as well as the faculty of kinesiology and health studies.

It is overseen by a committee responsible for coordinating activities between the two faculties.

After finishing the program, students will be awarded a Bachelor of Education degree with a major in physical education and a Bachelor of Kinesiology degree.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Best Universities for Kinesiology in Canada 

What can Kinesiologists do?

There are licensed kinesiologists who specialize in treating and preventing health problems, as well as improving health and fitness. Kinesiologists are concerned with the body’s physical and mechanical systems.

Can kinesiology help anxiety?

There are many types of emotional stress that can be treated with energy kinesiology, including stress-related illnesses like anxiety, despair, and burnout, as well as nutritional and academic issues.

What skills do you need to be a kinesiologist?

Analytical and conversant in all of the sciences are prerequisites for being an effective Kinesiologist. This is because the body reacts to various stimuli in varying ways.


Best Universities for Kinesiology in Canada: Students who attend one of these educational institutions can anticipate receiving not just a high-quality education but also numerous opportunities to gain practical experience.

Therefore, if you are interested in pursuing a degree in kinesiology in Canada, one of the universities discussed above would be a great choice.

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