Kinesiology degree (Everything you need to know)

Kinesiology degree

A Kinesiology degree is one of the significant degrees to get in an academic field. A rapt knowledge in Kinesiology creates more understanding of stress in our muscles, relaxation techniques used in releasing tensions, and improvement of our health, mood, and general well-being.

A realization that stress is inevitable necessitates the need to know about Kinesiology Degree. As you read through this article I will help you understand more about this degree and make the most of it.

Meaning of Kinesiology

Kinesiology is the scientific study of human or non-human body movement. Kinesiology addresses physiological, biomechanical, dynamic psychological principles, and mechanisms of movement.

It also applies to sport psychology, orthopedics, biomechanics, rehabilitation methods, strength, conditioning, athletics and exercise, health, and wellness.

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Seven main Objectives of Kinesiology:

  • Relaxation
  • Correcting the alignment and posture of the body
  • Increasing joints mobility
  • Increasing muscle strength
  • Coordination, control, balance
  • Exercise training
  • Sensory re-education

Main Kinesiology degree specializations:

Exercise Science: Graduates fof this degree become sports teachers, trainers, or coaches and teach people how to stay fit, do physical exercises, and practice sports.

Kinesiology & Physical Therapy: Specialists help people maintain their physical and mental health through massage, reflexotherapy, therapeutic recovery, lymphatic drainage, and other techniques.

Fitness & Nutrition: Professionals learn to stop allergies and combine supplements, vitamins, and sport to help patients maintain a healthy mind & body.

Who is a kinesiologist?

A kinesiologist studies the application of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, management, and performance of muscular imbalance.

They work with people in diverse settings, like clinics, one-on-one, teams, or in a studio. Kinesiology professionals use exercises, stretches, and weights to help patients recover their health or stay fit and avoid injuring themselves.

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Highest paid Kinesiology degree jobs:

Athletic Trainer: works with a physician and help people of all ages (especially athletes) to prevent, identify, and treat injuries.

Chiropractor: diagnose and treat health issues caused by musculoskeletal and nervous system problems.

Massage Therapist: use touch and massaging techniques on the soft-tissue muscles of the body. Their work relieves pain, speeds up healing, reduces stress, and overall relaxes patients.

Physical Therapist: help diagnose and treat people with health problems that prevent them from moving or performing daily activities.

Recreational Therapist: help people recover from injuries or illness through recreational activities, like music, dance, swimming, games, etc.

Occupational Therapists: use daily activities to treat injured or disabled people. Their work helps people recover and improve basic skills needed for work or daily living.

Requirements for Kinesiology degrees admission

For Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology:

  • Minimum English language test score: IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 80
  • Academic transcript of records
  • Minimum GPA: 2.5

For Master’s degree in Kinesiology:

  • Minimum English language test score: IELTS 7.0 or TOEFL 85
  • Minimum GPA: 3.0
  • GRE test scores
  • Letters of reference (2 or 3)
  • Personal statement

Best Kinesiology degree schools in the world

Here’s a list of some of the best Kinesiology schools in the world. These universities stand out through their excellent curriculum, experienced teachers, and many students attending and graduating Kinesiology programs.

  • Michigan State University, in the US
  • The University of Portsmouth, in the UK
  • The University of British Columbia, in Canada
  • Monash University, in Australia

Tuition fees for getting a Kinesiology degree

Average tuition fees for Kinesiology courses vary between 10,000-20,000 EUR/academic year. Canada offers Kinesiology degree programs for under 5,000 EUR/academic year if you’re looking for more affordable options.

Years of Study/Duration for Kinesiology Degree

  • For a bachelor’s degree, it is a 4-year degree program.
  • Master’s degree takes a year and some months.
  • Doctoral degree can take 1-2 years duration.
  • Associates program takes 2 years length.

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In a world that’s constantly evolving, a career in Kinesiology will be the best decision especially if you are the type that love working with people and being physically active.

A Kinesiology degree leads to career and financial fulfilment; consider being a Kinesiologists if you always want to help people be in shape and healthy.

Awesome one, I hope this article on “Kinesiology degree” answered your question.

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