101+ General Knowledge Questions and Answers About The UK

General Knowledge Questions and Answers About The UK

The United Kingdom (UK) is an island country in the Northwestern part of Europe.

The UK has four geographic parts – England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales.

The Capital of the UK is London. It is a nation with various cultures and people. 

This article will reveal the general knowledge questions and answers about the UK.

Are General Knowledge Questions and Answers About The UK Important?

General Knowledge Questions and Answers about The UK are necessary as they reveal the several sectors and the entire existence of the Country.

It aids a tourist to know more about the nation before visiting and prepares the mind for maximum exploration.

General Knowledge Questions and Answers about the UK.

S/NQuestions Answers  
1.In what year did the UK come into existence? 1st May, 1707.
2.Who was the first king of England?Athelstan was the first king of all England.  
3.Who are the Queens that have ruled England?Matilda, Lady Jane Grey, Mary I, Elizabeth I, Mary II, Anne, Victoria, and Elizabeth II    
4.The UK was formally called what?The Great Britain (1707-1800).  
5.How many countries make up the UK?England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.  
6.Which Queen ruled for 70 years and 214?Queen Elizabeth II.  
7.What was the first official language of the UK?French was the first official language of the UK for over 300 years. (1066-1362).  
8.Who ascended the throne after Queen Elizabeth II?  King Charlse III. On 8th September, 2022.  
9.In what year was the first political union of the UK formed?  1707.  
10.In what year was the UK part of the European Union?  1973-2020.  

General Knowledge Questions and Answers on Culture in The UK.

11.What is the official language in the UK?  British English.  
12.What is the National food in the UK?Chicken Tikka Masala.    
13.What is tea time?Tea time observed around 16h and 17h. Tea and sandwiches are served as light meal in between meals.  
14.What religion is common in the UK?Christianity.  
15.What is the national animal in the UK?Lion.  
16.What are the national colours in the UK?Blue, red and white.  
17.What are the most popular sports in the UK?Soccer, cricket, golf and rugby.  
18.What currency is used in the UK?  Pound sterling.
19.What type of government is practiced in the UK?  Parliamentary Monarchy, Democracy  
20.What are some notable events celebrated in the UK?Burns Night, Tea time, Queen’s speech and Bonfire nights.

General Knowledge Questions and Answers on Geography in The UK.

21.What is the landscape in the UK?The landscape is mostly rolling plains and rugged hillsides.  
22.How many British oversea territories does the UK have?  13 British Overseas Territories.
23.Where is the UK located?The UK is located on two large islands in the Atlantic Ocean. The islands of Great Britain and the island of Ireland.  
24.Which is the largest lake in the UK?Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland.  
25.Which is the longest river in the UK?River Severn (354 km/ 220 miles).  
26.Which is the highest mountain in the UK?Ben Nevis in Scotland (1,345 m/4,412 ft).  
27.Which is the smallest island in the UK?Bishop Rock in southern England.  
28.Which is the tallest skyscraper on the European continent?London’s Shard skyscraper with 310 m/ 1,015 ft. in height.  
29.Which is the biggest city in the UK?  London.
30.What are the natural resources found in the UK?  Coal, petroleum, zinc, natural gas, iron-ore, and limestone.

General Knowledge Questions and Answers on the Economy in The UK.

31.Is the UK currency of great value in the international market?Yes. The Pound Sterling is one of the strongest currencies in the international market.  
32.Is the UK a commonwealth country?Yes. The UK is one of the 53 Commonwealth countries in the world.  
33.Which countries are the UK’s biggest trading partners?  USA, Germany, France and China
34.When compared with other European countries, where is the UK’s economy ranked?The United Kingdom is ranked third largest economy on the European continent.  
35.What notable contribution has the UK made in the literature sector?J.K. Rowling is one of the notable literature merchants in the UK. Her series ‘Harry Potter’ made her the first writer to earn one billion US dollar in her career in 2014.  
36.What notable manufacturing companies can be found in the UK?British Petroleum, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Unilever.  
37.What are the most popular sports in the UK?  Soccer, cricket, golf and rugby.  
38.Are there quality education system in the UK?Yes. Over 130 universities including Oxford and Cambridge.  
39.Which sector contributes more to the nation’s economy?  Service sector.
40.What does the UK export the most?Gold, Cars, Crude Petroleum and gas turbines.  

General Knowledge Questions and Answers on Tourism in The UK.

31.Where is the International Fringe Festival held?Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland. The city is known for its Royal mile and castle and attracts over 250,000 tourists every year.    
32.Which is the largest castle in the world?Windsor castle. A royal residence built in the 11th century.  
33.What is the oldest monument in the world?  Stonehenge. For over 3,000 years.   
34.Which city has the highest number of shopping centers in the UK?Cardiff.  The capital city of Wales. Often referred to as the ‘City of Arcades’.  
35.Which city in the UK has the biggest ports?Belfast. Located on the banks of the Lagan River. biggest shipyard in the world where the RMS Titanic was built in 1912.  
36.What kind of animals are found in the UK?Red Deer, Foxes, Hedgehogs and highland cows.  
37.Which is the largest mammal in the UK?Red Deer.  
38.Are there skyscrapers in the UK?Yes. The highest skyscraper in London’s Shard skyscraper.  
39.What are some tourists attraction in the UK?Big Ben, Royal Botanic Gardens, Natural History Museum, Lake Distract National Park, Tower of London and lots more.  
40.What are the exciting places to live or visit in the UK?Buckinghamshire, Merseyside, Leicestershire, City of Edinburgh, Greater Manchester, Essex, Shropshire  

General Knowledge Fun Fact Questions and Answers about The UK.

41.What does the seaside in the UK look like?The seaside has golden sands, pretty pebble beaches, stunning white chalk cliffs.  
42.Is the UK passionate about sports?They are passionate about Tennis, Football, Cricket and golf.  
43.What tea is most consumed in the UK?  Cream teas with scones and jam.  
44.What broadcasting company makes the UK outstanding?BBC.  
45.What are some notable inventions in the UK?Antibiotics, world wide web, TV, cements, jet engines, chocolates and lots more.  
46.What kind of animals are found in the UK?Red Deer, Foxes, Hedgehogs and highland cows.  
47.Which is the largest mammal in the UK?Red Deer.  
48.Are there skyscrapers in the UK?Yes. The highest skyscraper in London’s Shard skyscraper.
49.What are some tourists attraction in the UK?Big Ben, Royal Botanic Gardens, Natural History Museum, Lake Distract National Park, Tower of London and lots more.  
50.What are the exciting places to live or visit in the UK?Buckinghamshire, Merseyside, Leicestershire, City of Edinburgh, Greater Manchester, Essex, Shropshire  

Technological GK Questions and Answers In the UK

These questions highlight key aspects of the UK’s contributions to global technological advancements and showcase the country’s rich history in scientific and technological innovation.

  1. Q: What is the name of the world’s first programmable computer, created during World War II in the UK?
    A: Colossus.
  2. Q: Which British scientist is credited with inventing the World Wide Web?
    A: Tim Berners-Lee.
  3. Q: Where in the UK is Silicon Fen, a hub for high-tech businesses, located?
    A: Around Cambridge.
  4. Q: What is the name of the British space agency?
    A: The UK Space Agency.
  5. Q: Who was the British inventor of the jet engine?
    A: Sir Frank Whittle.
  6. Q: What is the name of the UK’s largest annual video game convention?
    A: EGX (formerly known as Eurogamer Expo).
  7. Q: Which city in the UK is known for being a significant technology sector hub?
    A: London.
  8. Q: Who was the British mathematician known for his work in developing computer science?
    A: Alan Turing.
  9. Q: What is the name of the British company that developed the ARM processor architecture?
    A: ARM Holdings.
  10. Q: Which UK university is renowned for its advanced research in technology and engineering?
    A: Imperial College London.
  11. Q: What is the name of the annual tech event held in London focusing on future technologies?
    A: London Tech Week.
  12. Q: What is the term for the UK government’s strategy to develop digital skills and innovation?
    A: Digital Britain.
  13. Q: Who is the British inventor known for developing the bagless vacuum cleaner?
    A: James Dyson.
  14. Q: What is the name of the first British satellite launched into space?
    A: Ariel 1.
  15. Q: Which British company is known for its innovation in Formula 1 racing technology?
    A: McLaren.
  16. Q: What major global tech company has its European headquarters in London?
    A: Google.
  17. Q: What is the name of the British government initiative aimed at supporting technology startups?
    A: Tech City UK.
  18. Q: Who was the British electrical engineer and inventor known for his development of the television?
    A: John Logie Baird.
  19. Q: What is the name of the science park in Oxford known for its technological innovation?
    A: Oxford Science Park.
  20. Q: What was the name of the British project that successfully broke the land speed record in 1997?
    A: Thrust SSC.

Science GK Questions and Answers In the UK

These questions cover a wide range of scientific achievements and contributions by British scientists and institutions, showcasing the UK’s rich legacy in the field of science.

  1. Q: Who is the famous British physicist known for his black holes and cosmology work?
    A: Stephen Hawking.
  2. Q: Which British naturalist developed the theory of evolution by natural selection?
    A: Charles Darwin.
  3. Q: What is the name of the British chemist who discovered penicillin in 1928?
    A: Alexander Fleming.
  4. Q: Which British scientist is known for her pioneering work on DNA structure?
    A: Rosalind Franklin.
  5. Q: Where in the UK is the Royal Observatory, known for the Prime Meridian line?
    A: Greenwich, London.
  6. Q: What is the name of the prestigious British award in science and technology?
    A: The Royal Society’s Copley Medal.
  7. Q: Which British physicist is known for his laws of motion and universal gravitation?
    A: Sir Isaac Newton.
  8. Q: What is the name of the world-renowned British science museum located in London?
    A: The Science Museum.
  9. Q: Who was the British inventor of the smallpox vaccine?
    A: Edward Jenner.
  10. Q: What is the name of the famous British geological formation known for its fossil discoveries?
    A: The Jurassic Coast.
  11. Q: Which British scientist won a Nobel Prize for his work in developing the MRI scanner?
    A: Sir Peter Mansfield.
  12. Q: What is the name of the UK’s national science academy?
    A: The Royal Society.
  13. Q: Who is the British mathematician known for his work in developing the Turing machine concept?
    A: Alan Turing.
  14. Q: Where in the UK is the Jodrell Bank Observatory, known for its radio telescopes?
    A: Cheshire, England.
  15. Q: Which British biologist is known for his work on the finches of the Galápagos Islands?
    A: Charles Darwin.
  16. Q: What is the name of the famous British science journal, one of the oldest in the world?
    A: Nature.
  17. Q: Who is the British astronomer known for her discovery of radio pulsars?
    A: Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell.
  18. Q: What is the name of the UK-based, international particle physics laboratory?
    A: Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.
  19. Q: Which British scientist won the Nobel Prize in Physics for pioneering work on graphene?
    A: Sir Andre Geim and Sir Konstantin Novoselov.
  20. Q: What is the name of the annual event in the UK celebrating science, engineering, and technology?
    A: British Science Week.
  21. Q: What is the Large Hadron Collider, partly in the UK, used for?
    A: It’s used for particle physics experiments to understand fundamental particles.
  22. Q: Which British scientist is known for his discovery of the electron?
    A: J.J. Thomson.
  23. Q: What is the name of the UK’s first nuclear power station?
    A: Calder Hall.
  24. Q: Who was the British chemist and physicist who formulated the law of conservation of energy?
    A: James Prescott Joule.
  25. Q: What British medical discovery was crucial in reducing deaths from surgical infections?
    A: Antiseptics, introduced by Joseph Lister.
  26. Q: Which British physician is best known for his work in identifying the cause of cholera?
    A: John Snow.
  27. Q: What is the famous botanical garden in London, known for its extensive collection of plants?
    A: Kew Gardens.
  28. Q: Which British physicist and mathematician is known for developing the laws of thermodynamics?
    A: Lord Kelvin (William Thomson).
  29. Q: What is the name of the British scientist who invented the first practical telephone?
    A: Alexander Graham Bell.
  30. Q: Who is the British Nobel laureate known for his work on the structure of DNA?
    A: Francis Crick.

FAQs on General Knowledge of The UK.

Is the UK a country?

The UK is a political union between four countries. England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The UK is an independent sovereign state, and the four nations that make it up have legal autonomy.

What is Tea Time?

Tea time in the UK is a gathering ritual with family or friends for tea and a few sandwiches. It is also called “Afternoon Tea” or “Five o’clock Tea”.

How many Royalties are currently in the UK?

There are 18 princes and princesses living in the UK by birth and six princesses by marriage.

Who are the working Royals in the UK?

The Duke of Kent, The Duke of Gloucester, The Duchess of Gloucester, Princess Royal, King Charles III, The Princess of Wales, The Hon, Lady Ogilvy, Princess Alexandra, Queen Camilla, Duchess of Edinburgh, and Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence.


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) is an island country. 

The four countries that make up the UK are each sovereign states with some degree of autonomy, even though the UK is independent.

The national animal is the Lion, which signifies courage and bravery and is ranked the 13th best place to live in the world.

Cultural diversity is common in the UK, and the cost of living is minimal.

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