How Long Does It Take To Become A Shriner? (FAQs)

How Long Does It Take To Become A Shriner?
How Long Does It Take To Become A Shriner?

Becoming a Shriner is a noble pursuit that holds deep meaning and purpose within the realm of Freemasonry. 

Shriners are known for their philanthropic efforts and dedication to Shriners Hospitals for Children, providing specialized medical care to needy children. 

This article explores the journey of becoming a Shriner, delving into the steps, timeframes, and requirements of joining this esteemed organization.

From the foundational principles of Freemasonry to the initiation ceremonies of the Shrine, we will unravel the path that individuals undertake to become Shriners and make a lasting impact on the lives of others.

What are Freemasonry and Masonic Degrees?

Freemasonry is an ancient and esteemed fraternal organization that dates back centuries. 

It is built upon a moral and ethical principles system, promoting personal development, fellowship, and community service. 

Within Freemasonry, individuals progress through a series of Masonic degrees, each representing a unique stage of knowledge, understanding, and initiation.

The Entered Apprentice’s first degree introduces candidates to Freemasonry’s foundational teachings and symbols. 

It emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, personal growth, and the pursuit of wisdom. 

The second degree, the Fellow Craft, expands on these teachings and encourages the development of intellectual and philosophical virtues.

The third and final degree of the Craft Lodge is the Master Mason degree, which represents the pinnacle of initiation in traditional Freemasonry. 

It delves into the deeper meanings of the craft and imparts profound moral lessons, including the significance of integrity, fidelity, and the duty to serve humanity.

Beyond the three primary degrees, Freemasonry offers additional degrees that are part of various Masonic systems and orders. 

These degrees explore further aspects of philosophy, symbolism, and esoteric knowledge, providing members with continued opportunities for growth and enlightenment.

Understanding the Masonic degrees is crucial for aspiring Shriners, as Freemasonry is the foundation upon which the Shrine is built. 

By embracing the teachings and principles of Freemasonry, individuals lay the groundwork for their journey toward becoming a Shriner and contributing to the noble causes championed by the organization.

Who is a Shriner?

The Shriners are a fraternity of men who strive to improve the world by fostering a sense of brotherhood, family, joy, and charitable giving.

A Shriner’s brotherhood provides him opportunities to serve God, family, community, and country. It’s a Shriner’s commitment.

He is aware of his duty to promote righteousness, truth, charity, enlightenment, individual autonomy, openness, and honesty in all spheres of human effort.

How to Become a Shriner

Becoming a Shriner is a noble endeavor that involves a few essential steps. 

To become a Shriner, you must first meet the eligibility requirements set by the Shrine fraternity. 

These requirements typically include being a Master Mason, a member of a recognized Masonic Lodge, and upholding the principles and values of Freemasonry.

The first step is to become a Master Mason by completing the necessary degrees in your local Masonic Lodge. 

Once you have achieved the Master Mason status, you can express your interest in joining the Shriners. 

This is typically done by applying to a local Shrine Temple or through a Shrine membership committee.

Upon receiving your application, the Shrine membership committee will review it and conduct any necessary background checks or interviews. 

Once approved, you will be invited to participate in the Shrine initiation ceremony, a unique and symbolic event.

Eligibility for Becoming a Shriner

To be eligible to become a Shriner, you must meet specific criteria. 

The primary requirement is being a Master Mason, which means you have completed the three degrees of Freemasonry in a recognized Masonic Lodge. 

Achieving the status of a Master Mason involves a process of learning, self-improvement, and demonstrating a commitment to the principles and values of Freemasonry.

In addition to being a Master Mason, you must also believe in a higher power. 

This belief in a supreme being is a fundamental aspect of Freemasonry and is shared by all Masonic organizations, including the Shriners. 

This unifying principle brings Masons together, fostering brotherhood and a shared sense of purpose.

Furthermore, being a Shriner requires upholding the principles of Freemasonry, such as integrity, compassion, and a commitment to community service. 

Shriners are expected to embody these values daily and actively contribute to their communities. 

The Shriner fraternity’s dedication to serving others is a cornerstone, as evidenced by their philanthropic endeavors, particularly in supporting Shriners Hospitals for Children.

Overall, the eligibility requirements for becoming a Shriner encompass being a Master Mason, believing in a higher power, and embracing the principles of Freemasonry. 

By meeting these requirements, individuals demonstrate their readiness to join the esteemed ranks of the Shrine fraternity and contribute to its noble mission.

How Long Does It Take To Become a Shriner?

The time frame for becoming a Shriner can vary based on individual circumstances. 

It typically starts with becoming a Master Mason, which requires completing the necessary degrees in a Masonic Lodge. 

This process can take several months to a few years, depending on the availability of lodge meetings and the candidate’s dedication.

Once you have become a Master Mason, joining the Shrine fraternity usually involves submitting an application, undergoing a membership review, and participating in the initiation ceremony. 

This part of the process can take a few weeks to a few months, depending on the local Shrine Temple’s procedures and schedules.

Overall, the time frame for becoming a Shriner can range from several months to a couple of years, depending on the individual’s progress through the Masonic degrees and the administrative processes of the Shrine fraternity.

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Benefits of Becoming a Shriner

Becoming a Shriner offers various benefits to its members. Here are some key advantages of joining the Shrine fraternity:

1. Brotherhood and Camaraderie

As a Shriner, you become part of a close-knit community of like-minded individuals who share common values and ideals. 

The bonds of brotherhood within the Shrine create lifelong friendships and a sense of belonging.

2. Philanthropic Opportunities

Shriners are known for their extensive philanthropic work, primarily focusing on supporting Shriners Hospitals for Children. 

By becoming a Shriner, you have the opportunity to contribute to these charitable efforts and make a positive impact on the lives of children in need.

3. Social Events and Activities

Shriners enjoy a vibrant social calendar with various events, gatherings, parades, and ceremonies. 

These activities allow members and their families to unite, celebrate, and create lasting memories.

4. Personal Growth and Development

The Shrine fraternity promotes personal growth by emphasizing self-improvement, education, and leadership. 

As a Shriner, you can engage in educational programs, leadership development initiatives, and other activities that contribute to your personal and professional growth.

5. Access to Masonic Knowledge and Rituals

By becoming a Shriner, you deepen your understanding of Freemasonry and gain access to additional Masonic knowledge, teachings, and rituals. 

This enriches your Masonic journey and allows for further spiritual and intellectual development.

Frequently Asked Questions: How long does it take to become a Shriner?

Who is eligible to become a Shriner?

Shriners membership is open to Master Masons who belong to recognized Masonic jurisdictions. To become a Shriner, you must first become a Master Mason by joining a Masonic lodge. Each jurisdiction may have specific requirements for Masonic membership, such as being of good character, holding certain beliefs, and meeting age criteria. Once you are a Master Mason, you are eligible to join the Shrine fraternity and pursue membership in a local Shrine temple.

What is the time commitment involved in being a Shriner?

The time commitment varies depending on your level of involvement and participation. As a Shriner, you can choose your level of engagement based on your availability and personal preferences. Some Shriners may dedicate more time to attending meetings, participating in rituals, and engaging in philanthropic activities, while others may have a more casual involvement. Finding a balance that fits your schedule and commitments outside of the Shrine is essential.

What are the financial obligations of being a Shriner?

Becoming a Shriner involves financial obligations, including annual dues and fees. The specific costs may vary depending on the local Shrine temple and jurisdiction. Additionally, there may be expenses associated with participating in events, fundraisers, and optional activities. It is advisable to inquire about the financial requirements of your local Shrine temple before joining to ensure you are aware of the financial commitments involved.

Can women become Shriners?

While women cannot become Shriners directly, they can support the Shrine fraternity and its philanthropic endeavors. Women can join organizations such as the Ladies Oriental Shrine or Daughters of the Nile, which are affiliated with the Shrine and contribute to the Shrine’s charitable work. These organizations allow women to participate in social activities, fundraising events, and community service alongside Shriners.


Becoming a Shriner is a remarkable endeavor that embodies the values of Freemasonry and the spirit of selfless service. 

Through a progressive journey that begins with the Masonic degrees and culminates in joining the Shrine, individuals can embark on a transformative path filled with personal growth, camaraderie, and philanthropy. 

The dedication to supporting Shriners Hospitals for Children and engaging in various charitable activities offers a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment. 

Aspiring Shriners are encouraged to embrace this noble pursuit, knowing that by becoming a Shriner, they become part of a legacy of compassion, brotherhood, and making a difference in the lives of children in need.

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