How to write a killer cover letter for a Scholarship

How to write a cover letter for a Scholarship

Many students need financial assistance with their studies and course works, that’s why organizations, the government, and individuals come in to help by presenting scholarships or grants.

However, since there are many students out there seeking financial assistance, the scholarship committee needs to come up with new strategies that involves providing a cover letter in which a student will prove himself or herself worthy of the scholarship.

What is a Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a letter a student writes to the scholarship committee convincing them why they should award him/her the scholarship, why the financial assistance is important to you (student), and how it will help them achieve their career goals.

The scholarship committee needs to see reasons to offer you the scholarship because many students are academically fit for the scholarship, having excellent academic results, and some other thing to boast about.

But with all these, the committees are still looking for something else, they look for unique students, leaders, overcomers, great thinkers, and problem solvers, which implies that your cover letter should boast of its unique self.

Though not every scholarship needs a cover letter, if it does, do well to present a wonderful cover letter, making yourself stand out from other applicants.

Scholarship Cover letter

How to write a Killer Cover Letter:

  • Use the correct format
  • Show passion for the field of study
  • Convince the scholarship committee that you are worthy of the scholarship
  • Appreciate the scholarship works
  • Make use of a formal tone and check your spellings
  • Use a CTA (Call To Action)

Use the Correct format:

This means the way you are expected to arrange your work, such that your cover letter heading covers your name, address, phone number, and your email address.

It is then followed by the date, name and address of the person/organization you are writing to.

The next is the introduction, where you talk mostly about yourself, the body comes next where you try to convince them that you are worthy of the scholarship, expressing your passion for the field of study and the good impact the scholarship will have on you.

However, the conclusion is the last section of the letter, where you give your vote of thanks to the scholarship committee.

Show passion for the field of study:

Expressing your passion for the course of study involves outlining your best topics in that field, showing what you have interest in or what are about to study.

Your passion, dedication, and insight work together in making a very powerful impression of you to the scholarship committee.

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Convince the scholarship committee:

This is a great opportunity for you to convince the scholarship committee; in this aspect, you make use of your achievements in the past to prove your worthiness.

It requires that you think of your scholarship cover letter as an elevator pitch to show off your good grades. But good grades are not always final, cast your net wilder, highlight your strengths, and show what makes you different and unique.

Look out for that exceptional skill that differentiates you from the crowd, and makes you feel confident of yourself.

On the other hand, make sure you state your plans in the future and how this particular scholarship will help you achieve them.

Appreciate the scholarship works:

Appreciating what the scholarship committee has been doing actually shows that you notice them and all they’ve been doing.

An appreciation gives you more bonus because you actually acknowledge what they do and appreciate it. So, do well to appreciate them and also contribute in any way you can.

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Make use of a formal tone and check your spellings:

Your cover letter should be written in a formal tone, with a concise and structured flow.

Make sure you check for grammatical errors, mistakes in spelling, you can also ask your academic supervisor to read the cover letter for mistakes because your cover letter has to be error-free.

Use a CTA (Call To Action):

Give them a reason to want to meet you, do ask for an interview, and give more focus on the program’s aims.

Try showing them the benefit of the scholarship to them, not only what you can achieve from them.

P.S (postscript) is also a secret weapon, it makes the reader pay more attention, use the P.S to add relevant information/ achievement after making your point in the letter.

Scholarship Cover letter


Scholarship can change your life, so do well to make your cover letter highlight your strengths, academic skills, and goals, ensuring that you give full communication to all these in order to ensure your success.

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