How To Write NYU Supplemental Essays (FAQs)

NYU Supplemental Essays: New York University is one of the best universities in the United States.

This school has successfully produced several graduates who are making a difference all over the world.

To be considered for admission to New York University, you must submit an outstanding response to the school’s sole supplemental essay prompt.

This article will discuss some tips for responding to this essay prompt.

What Is The NYU Supplemental Essay Prompt?

NYU was founded on the belief that a student’s identity should not dictate the ability to access higher education. That sense of opportunity for all students of all backgrounds remains a part of who we are today and a critical part of what makes us a world-class university. Our community embraces diversity, in all its forms, as a cornerstone of the NYU experience. We would like to understand better how your experiences would help us to shape and grow our diverse community. Please respond in 250 words or less.

Even though responding to the NYU supplemental essay is not required, you should still write it because it gives you a chance to sell yourself to the school and tell them what you can do for them.

Moreover, there are two ways that you can approach the NYU supplemental essay:

Community approach

  • Think about the communities that you are part of.
  • From the communities that cross your mind, pick one or two of them that you were deeply involved in.
  • Write down your roles in these communities, the problems you solved, their impacts on you, and how your experiences with these communities have helped you make good decisions.

Identity approach

  • Write down a list of the categories of people that you belong to.
  • You can do this based on ethnicity, nationality, and many other factors.
  • Talk about how one of your identities will enable you to shape and grow the diverse community at New York University.

Now that you have picked an approach, carefully write a response that answers the following questions:

How will you impact the diversity on campus?

Do you have any group at NYU that you want to be part of that will enable you to offer the same quality of values that you offered in other groups that you belonged to?

Do you intend to launch your group or organization if you enter New York University?

However, to provide an accurate response to the questions above, you must research to find out which organizations are available at New York University that will fit your interests.

Tips For Writing The NYU Supplemental Essay

1. Write a commanding opening sentence

The word limit for the New York University supplemental essay is 250 words.

You must ensure that every sentence in your response is valuable.

However, ensure that you begin your essay response with a commanding opening sentence that provides a clue to the reader about what your essay will talk about.

You can begin by mentioning some of the values that you possess.

2. Imagine yourself at the school

You have to see yourself as a university student if you hope to provide a response that clearly shows why you are choosing New York University over other schools.

However, ensure that you conduct deep research about the organizations at the school that suit your community’s interests.

The college admissions board will impress you if you can accurately connect your preferred organization to the insight you share.

They will clearly understand that you put in some work to acquaint yourself with their community and you are already exploring ways to improve a school community organization.

NYU Supplemental Essays

3. Talk about your professional ambitions

Although you don’t have to discuss your professional ambitions in your response, you can still shed some light on them if it clarifies your points.

Also, discussing your future career goals is a good idea if that will help the reader understand why you’re interested in a certain community organization.

4. Showcase your community’s diversity

Discuss your experiences and how they will help you make an impact in any NYU community you find yourself in.

Success Tips For New York University Students

If you get into New York University, here are some tips that will help you do well there:

1. Participate actively in classes

If you want to succeed in class, take good notes.

Master the art of taking notes that capture the essence of classroom discussions and lectures.

In addition, always come to class prepared with questions about the day’s material, and don’t be afraid to ask them if your lecturer hasn’t already addressed them.

Also, do your best to respond to the in-class inquiries of your instructors and peers.

2. Study hard

One key to academic achievement is maintaining a consistent study schedule.

The conventional wisdom holds that students must devote three hours of study time for every three hours they spend in class.

If you study at this frequency, you’ll be able to thoroughly absorb all of your learning resources in plenty of time before the exam or test even begins.

3. Study intentionally

Ensure you comprehend what you read when studying or reviewing a class note.

Don’t just scan the note or the readings; give each detail your attention and strive to grasp the ideas presented.

Additionally, after reading any study material, ensure that you evaluate yourself by completing some practice exams.

It will help you figure out the subjects where you need more work.

4. Work together to learn more effectively

Take part in group study sessions more often.

Studying in a social setting is an effective strategy for retaining information before an important exam or test.

Reading in a group also allows you to get to know your peers and get clarification on any concepts that may have been unclear.

Even if you prefer individual reading, participate in group study.

5. Check out the course outline

At the start of the semester, ensure you have a copy of the course outline for each course you plan on taking.

As soon as they make this data available, get your hands on their pertinent resources and dive in.

You will perform terribly in your academics if you wait until the night before a test to try to read the complete course.

Also, ensure that all of your readings are about topics in your course outline.

6. Relax sufficiently

You can greatly damage yourself as a student if you short-change your sleep.

For instance, if you desire to read at night, get plenty of sleep in the afternoon.

If you don’t get enough rest before reading at night, you may find it difficult to concentrate during the lectures the next day.

So whenever you know you’ll be reading late, get enough sleep in the afternoon.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on NYU Supplemental Essays

Did NYU get rid of the why NYU essay?

For the upcoming 2022-2023 admissions season, NYU will no longer be offering the “Why NYU”. This implies that the Common Application will not include a separate writing prompt for NYU applicants. A 250-word response to NYU’s supplementary questions is, however, entirely voluntary.

Do the essays matter for NYU?

If you believe you simply need to worry about your personal statement, think again. When applying to a prestigious university like New York University, where there are tens of thousands of other applicants, the supplementary essays students submit are crucial.


Admission to New York University is not easy in any way. This is because this school has a relatively low acceptance rate.

However, you can increase your chances of gaining admission by submitting an excellent response to the school’s only essay prompt.

You can do that by applying the tips discussed in this article.

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