11+ Best Note-Taking Apps for Students & Teachers | 2023

Best Note-Taking Apps for Students & Teachers

Note-Taking Apps for Students & Teachers: Students and teachers have a wide variety of options to pick from when it comes to note-taking apps.

Taking notes well is essential in school and college environments. The most important aspects of taking notes include good listening abilities, legible handwriting, well-organized outlines, and documenting essential points.

So, choosing just one app as the “best” for taking notes is not feasible. Instead, we have some recommendations for you that are catered to specific individuals, devices, and ways of learning.

The following is a list of the best note-taking applications for teachers and students, which will assist users in many facets of life, including socially, professionally, and academically.

What is Note Taking?

Taking notes involves jotting down details from various sources and platforms. Taking notes allows the writer to capture the substance of the information rather than trying to remember it all.

Note-taking is the process of writing down or capturing essential pieces of information. At the same time, note-making evaluates, integrates, and assimilates ideas you hear or read.

NB: Taking notes primarily serves as a study aid for exams and stimulates more engaged learning.

Taking the time to learn how to take effective notes can help you structure your studies more manageable and effectively.

Benefits of Note-taking

Taking better notes is the first step in refining your new study techniques. Taking notes pushes you to concentrate and pay attention in class (or while reading a textbook). It aids in your education.

Taking notes keeps you alert and engaged, preventing you from being sleepy or distracted. It’s a good idea to pay attention to what you’re hearing and then decide what to write down. 

Taking notes is a great way to improve concentration and focus in class (or while reading a textbook). As a result, your education benefits.

Listening attentively and writing down a summary of what you hear has been found to improve comprehension and retention in various learning contexts.

Best Note-Taking Apps for Students & Teachers:

The ability to collect your thoughts in one place, maintain an orderly schedule, and even share your documents with other people is all made possible by note-taking apps. Here are the top note-taking apps for students and teachers:

1. Whink:

Whink is a straightforward app for the iPad that lets you take notes. It lets you focus on writing on your notes and gives you very few options for taking notes.

Whink allows students to draw, text, or make audio notes. Students can import music and visuals from both the classroom and the internet.

They can also compare their notes with one another. Students who appreciate cutting-edge design may enjoy the streamlined appearance of Whink’s user interface.

More so, Whink is one of the best note-taking apps for students & teachers.

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2. Microsoft OneNote:

OneNote is a digital note-taking program that Microsoft provides to schools so that they can build interactive collaboration websites with their students.

Students will find that the software is ideal because it enables them to take notes in any format, including combining numerous recording types.

In addition, it allows people to contribute comments, images, drawings, infographics, recordings of voice or video, and other media to the pages.

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3. xTiles:

xTiles is a super simple application for students to organize their life. Students can manage their learning process: take notes, write lectures, research, and work collaboratively in a live mode.

Students love xTiles because of the ease of use and visuals that the service has. It’s a great place for students to work online on collaborative projects.

There are also applications for Android, iOS, and desktop applications. xTiles is also free for students and non-profit organizations.

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4. Simplenote:

Simplenote features the user-friendliness and clear interface of Keep or Notes but can display larger notes (lectures, drafts, etc.) more readable.

It is an excellent option for people who want a note-taking app with these characteristics.

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5. Typora:

Typora is a simple, customizable document editor that does a great job of supporting Markdown.

This app is great for students and professionals who need to write essays and reports. Using Typora for projects with many files or publishing websites might be hard.

The majority of new users may find Typora overly simplistic. Nevertheless, this is on purpose and was done so to increase student productivity and ease of usage.

You can take notes on the move with Typora because it syncs with third-party applications like Dropbox, and those notes will appear on your desktop in real-time.

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6. Boostnote:

Boost Note is a tool for managing projects based on documents and speeds up the work of remote DevOps teams. It is one of the best note-taking apps for students & teachers.

Students wishing to store code snippets will benefit most from this program. You have the option of taking either a snippet note or a plaintext note. If you want, you can keep several snippets within a single note.

If you are a programming student, you can use the snippet to store HTML, JavaScript, and any other programming language differently as single notes under a single title.

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7. Slite:

Slite is an app for taking notes that strongly emphasizes team collaboration. The app enables teams of an infinite number of people to share and collaborate on notes.

Slite allows you to make private notes that are exclusively for your own eyes and provide collaborative editing, commenting, and revision history among your team members.

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8. Zoho Notebook:

Zoho Notebook is a free app for taking notes. It is made by Zoho Corp, a company that makes low-cost cloud-based software. The notebook has been getting better and better over the last few years. 

In addition to serving as an excellent program for note-taking, Zoho Notebook is also a perfect tool for working together in real-time.

It makes storing information and sharing it easy, quick, and manageable for everyone involved.

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9. Notion:

This is yet another excellent tool for taking notes that students and teachers can use.

It allows users to write longer blog articles, supports simple to-do lists, and provides space for calendars and other tools that can assist you in organizing your life.

Notion gives instructors a nested hierarchical organization that helps them arrange concepts and themes in a dropdown to make the material more easily accessible.

This application also has a hybrid editor that lets you format your text using standard keyboard shortcuts and UI components.

More so, Notion is one of the best note-taking apps for students & teachers.

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10. MarginNote:

MarginNote isn’t available for Windows, but a few other programs do similar things that can be used on Windows.

Students can import digital text into this program, at which point they can make comments in the margins of that text. It is one of the best note-taking apps for students & teachers.

Students can use the app’s capabilities to produce notes for a summary, mind maps, and flashcards after they have completed their initial note-taking.

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11. Evernote:

Evernote is a prevalent application for taking notes, and it allows users to take notes in various formats, including text, audio, pictures, and handwritten notes.

It is the best online notepad app for taking, sharing, organizing, and saving notes on your device.

This capability can also be utilized to add photographs, links, and text fragments in any location requiring such additions. More so, using this app to scan paper might simplify the process.

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12. Bear Notes:

Bear displays useful data such as the word count, read time, paragraphs, and the ability to modify the date, among other things. It is one of the best note-taking apps for students & teachers.

Bear’s most basic configuration is available without charge. However, users may be required to pay to access additional themes and customization options.

More so, Bear Pro can be bought as a subscription through the iOS and macOS App Stores for one of two prices: A monthly subscription is available for $1.49, and you can try it for free for one week.

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Frequently Asked Questions on the Best Note-Taking Apps for Students & Teachers

What are the 3 types of note-taking?

Outline, Visual, or Cornell.

Why is note-taking so important?

You’re more likely to pay attention and focus when taking class notes. It aids in your education. According to research, listening to a lecture and summarizing what you’ve heard is an effective way to learn new material.

What are note-taking skills?

Taking notes is jotting down details from various places and mediums. Taking notes allows the writer to save their memory from having to recall all of the details of the discussion.

Does writing notes help memory?

Researchers believe that writing by hand on actual paper improves memory because of the distinct, rich, visual, and tactile information it provides.

What is the most common form of note-taking?

College students often utilize outlines as their primary note-taking technique because they naturally organize material in a highly structured, logical manner, creating a skeleton of the chapter or lecture subject that can be used as a study guide for exams.

What is the most important part of the note-taking process?

Think over and fix your notes. Many experts on efficient study techniques and academic success agree that reading and modifying class notes is more important than taking notes in the first place. You should look through your notes within the next day.


Taking notes is an important component of the learning process.

Because of technological advancements, it is now possible to take notes using digital applications in the same manner that one would take notes using paper.

In addition to making things easier, these solutions often reduce the stress of carrying a lot of books.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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