Is Law A Good Career In Pakistan? (Benefits, Schools, FAQs)

Yes, law is a promising career in Pakistan. This job pays well in Pakistan and offers several other benefits.

Although this article will carefully go through some of the perks of pursuing a career in law not just in Pakistan but in any part of the world, a significant amount of this article will discuss the best law schools in Pakistan.

Read on to acquire this valuable insight to help decide if you want to become a Pakistan-based lawyer.

Why Study Law in Pakistan?

The purpose of law is to regulate conduct through the coercive power of established social or political organizations.

The law mediates interactions between people and has far-reaching effects on politics, economy, history, and society.

In Pakistan, LLB is the only degree option for those seeking a career in the judicial system. This degree has the same status and reputation in Pakistani society as engineering and MBBS degrees, making it a popular choice among parents.

Pakistan’s judicial system is modelled after the common law system developed in England.

Moreover, the government of Pakistan is a parliamentary democracy at the federal level. The federation and the provinces share legislative and executive responsibility over a range of issues.

Is Law A Good Career In Pakistan?

In Pakistan, a law degree is highly sought after. Pakistan’s namesake and namesake state, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, was a prominent lawyer in his day, giving law a special place in the country’s history.

On the other hand, many more young people should enter the field in order to serve their country. Those who are willing to put in the time and effort will find the work to be gratifying.

Not everyone should pursue a profession in law. If you are emotionally secure, a successful legal career is within your reach. You should go to law school because the stress is worth it.

Benefits Of Becoming A Lawyer

Here are some of the perks of pursuing a career in law:

1. Career satisfaction

A lawyer is one of the jobs in the world that offers you an opportunity to touch people’s lives and create an impact in society every day.

This is because lawyers perform several responsibilities ranging from ensuring that criminals are served justice, innocent people are released from prison, and people don’t get away with the evil they have committed in society.

2. Good income

A lawyer is one of the best-paying jobs in the world.

This is because lawyers enjoy several huge benefits besides their salaries, such as medical insurance, good retirement plan incentives, paid time off (PTO), and the vast commissions they receive for winning high-profile cases.

Moreover, the salary you will receive as a lawyer still depends on the type of clients you work for, where you practice as a lawyer, your specialty, and your years of experience.

3. Several areas of expertise

Law is a career field with numerous specialties, such as civil, criminal, entertainment, maritime, and corporate law.

This makes it easy for you to practice in an area that interests you.

4. Career advancement potential

The opportunities for professional development available in the field of law are limitless.

Every year of experience you get and every court appearance you make takes you closer to the pinnacle of this profession, either as a judge in the Supreme Court or as a senior advocate.

5. High demand

Research shows that the demand for lawyers worldwide will always remain high.

So, a career in law offers job security as people are bound to break the law every day.

Moreover, lawyers are needed in all industries for the closing of business deals and preparation of both work and employment contracts.

Thus, you will not find it hard to secure an excellent job as a lawyer.

6. Respect

Lawyers are one of the most respected professionals in the world.

So, if you want to pursue a career that brings recognition and prestige, the law is the ideal choice.

Moreover, being a lawyer can enable you to access platforms where you can contribute to developing policies in your society and make positive changes that will help people to live better.

These levels of influence are not available for professionals in several career fields.

7. Opportunity to be your boss

If you don’t like working under someone and seek a career enabling you to practice independently, the law is the perfect career choice.

Immediately you acquire a good level of experience and recognition and have recorded giant feats working for someone else; you can resign and launch your law firm.

This step will enable you to control your career progress, enjoy better pay and improve your prominence.

8. Transferrable skills

Law is a career that will empower you with several transferrable skills.

Examples of such skills are problem-solving, critical thinking, and analytical reasoning.

These schools will enable you to switch careers and increase your value.

The Top 5 Law Schools In Pakistan

Here are the best schools for legal education in Pakistan:

1. Quaid-e-Azam University

Quaid-e-Azam University is one of the best law schools in Pakistan.

This school adopts a learning curriculum that enables aspiring lawyers to acquire an in-depth study of the profession.

The law program offered by Quaid-e-Azam University is handled by professors who understand the law of Pakistan, even the minor details, and are skillful in teaching.

Many law graduates from this prestigious academic institution have grown to become active lawyers, judges, and legal advisors in the country.

Moreover, law students at Quaid-e-Azam University learn in the best classrooms, and the libraries available are fully equipped with quality books and educational materials.

Quaid-e-Azam University is an ideal option for legal education in Pakistan.

2. University of Lahore

The University of Lahore is another world-class law school in Pakistan.

This school empowers students with extensive knowledge of the legal profession and stakes them through experiences that will develop valuable skills.

Many active lawyers in the country are alumni of the University of Lahore, which shows that this school has produced several successful lawyers.

This school maintains a high standard of teaching, and students are groomed by professors and educators who comprehend the law excellently and are dedicated to their jobs.

3. Hamdard University

Hamdard University is one of the best law schools in Pakistan.

The school of law established in 2001 has contributed massively to the training of legal professionals in the country.

This school offers an academic curriculum that strives to empower students with the in-depth knowledge and professional skills they need for a legal career and an interest in legal research.

Students are put through a series of learning experiences that equip them with virtues of love, dedication, strength of character, and service.

Moreover, Hamdard University offers law students the best support services, and several world-class facilities are available.

4. University of Punjab

The law school at the University of Punjab is one of the top law schools in Pakistan.

This school is the first law school in the country.

Founded in 1868, the University of Punjab college of law has produced many graduates that have served and are still serving as lawyers, judges, politicians, and civil servants.

Law students at the University of Punjab are mentored by top-notch educators committed to their job.

The University of Punjab is an A-list school for legal education in Pakistan.

5. International Islamic University

International Islamic University is a leading school for legal education in Pakistan.

This school is committed to training legal students who will become leaders and professors in law.

International Islamic University is also dedicated to grooming law graduates who can handle the problems of their careers by empowering them with an in-depth knowledge of the law and a passion for service.

Professors and educators at this renowned legal institution adopt advanced teaching techniques to educate students.

Moreover, International Islamic University is a school that takes students through academic curriculums that boosts their ability to think critically, reason analytically, and make good decisions.

Law graduates from International Islamic University are widely regarded all over the country. 

Essential Skills for Finding Success in a Law Career

If you are working as a lawyer in any capacity, possessing the skills below will enable you to find success in your career:

1. Analytical and research skills:

Possessing the capacity to carry out extensive research on different varieties of relevant work areas is one of the most essential skills you need to have to succeed in this line of work.

You also need to develop the ability to break down complex pieces of information and deduce context from clients and witnesses.

This is because lawyers get to handle lots of paperwork and documents and break down complex data, which mostly requires intensive research.

2. Attention to detail:

You may not succeed as a lawyer if you are not detail-oriented. This skill is required in all areas of legal practice.

Attention to detail is an ability that will enable any lawyer to identify contradicting statements on cases they work on.

It is also needed to pinpoint witness details that are not clear.

3. Organizational skills:

This skill is relevant for success in the legal industry.

Any lawyer who is not organized will find it hard to adequately manage many case files at the same time and sort relevant paperwork on time.

So, it is advisable that, as a lawyer, you give your all to stay organized.

If possible, utilize software to consistently track your schedules, appointments, court appearance dates and other relevant engagements.

4. Time management:

Time management is a skill that is vital for finding success in this career path.

Every successful lawyer possesses the ability to effectively complete tasks within a minimum of hours despite engaging in other tasks all at the same time.

Since lawyers are paid by the hour in most settings, you will likely make more money if you can manage your time well than others who struggle with time management.

5. Effective communication:

Good oral and written communication skills are indispensable to finding success as a lawyer in any part of the world today.

These abilities will enable you to communicate with clients better, discover their pain points, determine the best course of action to go about their cases and put in excellent court appearances.

Furthermore, good written communication skills are required for performing tasks such as legal writing, query letter writing and documenting relevant casework.

As a lawyer, experience and exposure will likely improve your communication skills.

6. Interpersonal skills:

The nature of lawyers’ work requires them to engage with and work with many professionals simultaneously.

Thus, possessing excellent interpersonal skills will enable you to connect and develop a strong working relationship with others effectively.  

7. Technical skills:

In an age where most legal documents are now prepared using software, technical skills have become relevant for finding success in the legal industry.

Thus, as a lawyer, you must be able to use word processors and other related applications effectively to deliver excellent jobs in this profession.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On Law As A Good Career In Pakistan

Do lawyers make good money in Pakistan?

Yes, lawyers in Pakistan make good money and are well-paid for their services.

What is the most highly sought law field in Pakistan?

The most highly sought law field in Pakistan is advocate general in the high court and attorney general in the Supreme Court.

Which countries are the best places to study law in the world?

The best countries to study law in the world are the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, and New Zealand.

What is the best-paying law field in the world?

The best-paying law field in the world is medical law.


Law is a promising career in Pakistan.

Many people in Pakistan push to become lawyers because this career choice offers opportunities to touch people’s lives and impact society daily, make enough money, and guarantee good job security.

Moreover, lawyers are widely respected, and this career option offers you the opportunity to be your boss.

In addition to the school listed above, Islamia College University, Badauddin Zakariya University, and Lahore University of Management Sciences are other law schools in Pakistan that offer world-class legal education.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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