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5+ Ways To Get Paid To Attend Events (FAQs)

You can make money by attending events.

While this may be one of the weirdest ways to earn a living, it is an exciting way to have fun and connect with people.

Getting paid to attend events is an excellent side hustle. This post will discuss ways to get paid to attend events and other valuable information.

What is an Event?

An event is a happening that occurs at a specific time and place. Both natural and artificial causes instigate events.

There are several types of events.

Some of the most common events include social events, cultural events, natural events, personal events, sporting events, educational events and business events.

Top Reasons to Attend Events

Attending events, no matter the type offers the following benefits:

1. Networking prospects:

One of the standout reasons why you should plan to attend events consistently is that they offer an opportunity for you to connect with people from different cultural classes.

It does not matter if you want to enlarge your social circle or connect with experts in your field; events remain one of the ideal means to meet individuals who share the same interests as you.

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2. Knowledge and skill development:

Several events feature seminars, trainings and workshops where speakers share helpful information with participants.

It does not matter if you are looking to acquire a fresh understanding of an old subject or stay up-to-date with the latest industry developments; you can achieve all of this and many more by attending events.

3. Inspiration:

Most events are planned in a manner that would leave you inspired at the end of it.

In such settings, you can hear first-hand stories of captains of industries, business moguls and industry professionals that will grow your confidence and motivate you to be more intentional with your life.

4. Create brand awareness:

Taking part in events will massively boost or consolidate your personal or professional brand.

Discussing with other participants or being among the speakers at the event can help to promote your brand among your target audience.

5. Community engagement:

Taking part in events put together by critical holders in your professional circle can enable you to make a positive impact on the growth and progress of the community.

Events are an opportunity for you to contribute immensely to developing local brands and sponsor future events put together by the community.

Is Getting Paid to Attend Events Legit?

Yes, legitimate opportunities exist for those looking to make money by attending events.

However, the presence of many scammers is one reason you must be conscious about any client approaching you with such an offer.

To avoid falling prey to fraudsters, don’t make any upfront payment to attend an event and be wary of offers that are too good to be true.

Some of the factors that determine how much you will make from attending events are your expertise and abilities.

Others include your willingness to embrace the workload and put in the time investment needed to get the job done.

In general, for every offer you get, do some homework and confirm if it’s legit or not before committing your efforts to it.

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What are the Ways to Get Paid to Attend Events?

Here are some of the common ways to get paid to attend events.

1. Sponsored content:

Sponsored content is one of the ways to get paid to attend events.

Through this means, a brand or event organizer will contract you to develop content that advertises what they sell throughout the event.

You can create content via video clips, blog posts, social media posts and other means.

However, this opportunity is mainly reserved for those with large audiences, who are the target group of people whom the event organizer is seeking to attract.

For instance, as a marketing expert, a brand planning to hold a marketing masterclass event can hire you to run a sponsored content gig for your audience, which most likely would be marketing enthusiasts.

The amount of money you will earn from this job solely hinges on how large your audience is and what the event or campaign is all about.

2. Affiliate marketing:

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money from social media and the internet, generally at the moment.

Through this means, you make money by recommending products or services to your social media audience.

However, payment for this service is strictly based on the number of purchases made using your referral code.

As an affiliate marketer, you are expected to develop content that endorses the product or service of the brand and encourage your followers to make purchases using your referral link.

Making money off this channel depends on several factors, such as the number of followers you have, your engagement rate and whether your audience likes the product or service you offer.

3. Speaking Engagements:

If you are an expert or have an appreciable level of popularity in your field, you can receive an invitation to speak as a guest at events.

Most organizations offering you such a platform would give you an honorarium when you are done speaking.

A speaking engagement is a perfect opportunity to get paid for sharing your knowledge instead of barely being an event attendee.

The kind of event and how much you know are the key factors influencing the money you can make from speaking at events.

Building a solid network in your field is one of those things that can enable you to attract several guest speaker gigs.

You also need to develop a solid reputation in your field, which takes a lot of effort and time.

4. Guest Blogging or covering events as a journalist:

As a blog owner, you can make money attending events by creating guest posts for event organizers.

In this way, you will create awareness for the brand and concurrently make some good money.

In this job, you are to take part in the event and, from your experience, write a post that promotes the event, the brand that put together the event or any other thing depending on what your client desires.

Compensations for this kind of role come in the form of either a one-time payment or according to how viral the post is on your blog.

5. Product reviews and surveys:

Every brand out there occasionally hires reviewers to assess what they are selling.

Suppose you are among those contracted for such a role; you need to attend the events where the product or service is launched or released to members of the public.

This will enable you to obtain sufficient knowledge to complete detailed product reviews for your site or social media account posts.

Taking up this kind of role as a social media influencer will boost your following, especially if the brand is popular among the public, and you will also receive free products from the company.

Nevertheless, ensure that you render a genuine review to your audience so you don’t lead them astray, which, if they get to find out, would negatively impact your following.

6. Brand Ambassador:

Brand ambassadors are individuals whom brands hire to promote their products and services.

It is a role that comes with handsome financial compensation and other incentives.

As a brand ambassador, you would attend the company’s events to familiarize yourself with what products or services they offer, which enable you to discharge your duties effectively.

Being a brand ambassador for a top brand will boost your influence and follow even more.

7. Social Media Takeovers:

If you have an impressive number of followers on social media, taking over the social media account of a brand is another way you can get paid to attend events.

In this case, the company or brand will pay you to manage their social media accounts throughout an event and generate interactions to draw the public’s interest.

8. Cover events as a photographer or videographer:

You can get paid to attend events with good photography and videography skills. This job is actually in high demand.

Brands hire photographers and videographers for their events because they hope to have good content that will enable them to promote upcoming events adequately.

Being very good at any of these tasks will enable you to earn more recommendations and charge higher rates for your services.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Getting Paid to Attend Events

How do I get people to attend an event?

You can get people to attend your event by connecting with the audience at similar events, utilizing content marketing channels, launching a YouTube channel for the event, using an attractive flier and doing giveaways on social media.

What are the means to make money off free events?

You can make money off free events by selling tickets, searching for sponsors to cover costs, engaging in merchandise sales and offering advertisement spaces.

What are the creative ways to make up to $100 per day?

You can make up to $100 per day by answering questions for money, becoming a shopper, engaging in research activities and getting paid to watch videos online.

What are the most fun ways to earn a living?

The most exciting ways to make money are by teaching online classes, selling your photos, selling your services and renting unused space.


Attending events offers several benefits, from growing your professional circle to acquiring valuable knowledge about your field.

The impacts of attending events can be highly transformative, assisting you to succeed in your career and personal ventures.

Furthermore, as this post has proven, the fact that you can get paid to attend events is an even more significant motivation why you should look to attend a couple of them consistently.

If none of the opportunities above appeals to you, consider providing event planning services or performing at events.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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Michael Abasiofon
Michael Abasiofon

Abasiofon Fidelis is a professional writer who loves to write about college life and make money tips. He has been writing articles for over 3 years. He is the Content Manager at School and Travel.

Articles: 37