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Want to Cash Out? See 13 Ways To Get Paid To Hike

Hiking is one of the best ways to have fun and exercise. Surprisingly, it is also a means to make some extra money.  

This post will tell you all you need to know about getting paid to hike.

It will also discuss some frequently asked questions about hiking that will benefit you.

What Does It Mean “To Hike”?

To hike is to take a long, challenging walk outside, generally in nature, like on trails, in forests, or at high elevations.

If you want to get in shape, enjoy the outdoors, or reach a particular spot like a viewpoint or mountain top, this isn’t just a casual stroll; it’s more of an exciting trip on foot.

What are the Best Ways to Get Paid to Hike?

1. Launch a hiking blog:

This is one of the best ways to get paid to hike. Blogging provides the perfect platform to share your experiences with others.

Blogging pays very well if the right strategies are implemented and engaged. It is a means to turn your passion into money.

To start as a blogger, you must choose a blog host, select a domain name, and set up the blog.

WordPress is one of the best platforms to achieve this effectively.

To boost your blog, ensure your content is only about hiking, use keywords when writing, proofread your work before uploading it, and attach high-quality pictures to your posts.

Also, don’t copy another person’s work for any reason; write on captivating topics only.

To earn so much money via blogging, engage in display advertising, sponsored posting, guest blogging, and affiliate marketing.

2. Launch a YouTube channel about hiking:

This is another way to get paid to hike. YouTube video production is one of the most lucrative online jobs in the world.

You can earn as much as $50,000 monthly if you become a great creator.

Hiking is a sport that attracts lots of views, so you don’t have to worry about finding your audience if you do what is right.

It is relatively easy to start a YouTube channel. As a newbie, you don’t need a pro camera and mics, as your smartphone can do the job.

Most top-tier Apple and Android products have specs similar to high-grade pro video recording devices.

You can create videos about your hiking experiences, provide tips for newbies looking to become expert hikers, or interview hiking celebrities.

You must have at least a thousand subscribers to make money off YouTube.

YouTube ads, sponsored videos, and affiliate marketing are the most effective ways to enhance your profit from YouTube.

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3. Take and sell hiking photos:

You can sell the photos you take while hiking in return for money. It is a great way to get paid to walk.

The photos you take of famous mountains during your escapades are some things that you won’t struggle to sell.

Getty Images, Shutterstock, and Alamy are some platforms where you can sell these photos for good money.

If you cannot find a buyer for your pictures on any of these platforms, which is unlikely, contact local tourism boards and travel agencies that may need your photographs for their promotional activities.

4. Hike as a pet sitter:

Pet sitters look after domestic animals, such as cats or dogs, for their owners while they are not around.

In this role, you ensure that the pet feeds adequately, drinks enough water, and keeps the pet company.

Instead of staying at home all day with the pet doing nothing profitable, hiking in the company of it will enable you to exercise yourself and, at the same time, make money.

However, be sure that the pet has shown receptiveness to such an idea so you don’t have a forgettable experience.

5. Work as a cabin caretaker:

This is one of the ideal ways to get paid to hike.

It is a job that makes so much sense for anyone who loves staying outdoors and cherishes the outskirts of towns.

In this role, you will be responsible for cleaning and taking care of the cabin and helping visitors achieve an enjoyable experience while engaging in activities such as hiking, biking, or fishing.

This job pays well in most settings.

6. Run hiking classes:

If you are a pro at hiking, this is an excellent way to get paid.

As a hiking teacher, you are responsible for educating your students on how to survive in a hiking environment and techniques for overcoming obstacles while hiking.

You don’t need to teach this course physically, although it is still the best option for anyone who wants to learn faster.

If you are shy or looking to reach out to more people, you can document your lessons in videos and books and make them available on online learning sites such as Udemy.

7. Write and sell a hiking E-book:

This is a great way to get paid to hike. It is perfect for anyone who has excellent descriptive writing skills.

You can decide to share your hiking experiences as a newbie, which will assist new hikers in doing much better than you, or you can still choose to focus on the world of professional hiking if you are one yourself.

The fact that you don’t need publishers, editors, or distributors to write an e-book completely cuts the cost of actualizing this.

Amazon, Apple Books, and Pinterest are common marketplaces for selling E-books on any topic.

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8. Become a hiking content influencer:

Don’t just stop creating and uploading videos about hiking on YouTube.

To make even more money, leverage the power of social media platforms to enhance your popularity and build your fanbase.

To stay relevant as a social media influencer, consistently post hiking content and engage your audience in the comment section.

The larger your audience, the higher your chances of securing affiliate marketing gigs, brand ambassadorial deals, hiking gear partnerships, paid event appearances, and other highly profitable jobs.

9. Write content for hiking and travel publications:

If you don’t have the time to invest in running a hiking blog or writing an e-book but have good writing skills, you can write content from time to time for hiking and travel publications for money.

These kinds of opportunities are available worldwide, and if your resume is impressive, you will quickly secure big gigs.

If you are just a newbie and your writing skills are not polished, working for free for some publications will enhance your skills and enable you to learn on the job while making mistakes.

When writing content for publications, do your best and ensure you don’t plagiarize others’ work.

10. Team up in affiliate programs:

Affiliate marketing is the process of making money by assisting a company in selling its product.

The company will pay you a pre-agreed commission if a customer purchases a product using your referral link.

So, to get more clients as an affiliate partner, you must be completely intentional about promoting whatever the company is selling.

This is a job that is perfect for bloggers and social media influencers.  

11. Host hiking tours:

Hosting hiking tours is another way to get paid to hike. However, you can only do great at this job if you are an expert.

While on this job, ensure you keep your guest list short to enable you to organize and coordinate everyone on the trip effectively.

You can make as much as $300 per day as a hiking tour host in most parts of the United States.

When choosing a hiking area, select safe locations, as losing your customer’s life to wildlife attacks while hiking can tarnish your reputation.

12. Become a campground host:

This job is perfect for anyone who loves to hike and camp.

In this role, you are responsible for ensuring that all campers follow the rules and that the campground is neat.

When picking a location for camping as a host, ensure it is in a safe vicinity.

Also, complete a personal tour around the prospective hiking areas and acquaint yourself with possible dangerous regions before taking anyone there.

13. Become a park ranger:

Park rangers are individuals who safeguard parks and forest reserves.

As a park ranger specializing in hiking, you will get to lead hiking teams around forest areas and coordinate search and rescue missions for anyone who goes missing.

It is one of the best ways to get paid to hike. You can turn to this job full-time as it pays incredibly well.

In some states, becoming a park ranger may require you to complete special training.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Get Paid to Hike

What are the three fundamental skills that every hiker must have?

Every hiker must have these fundamental skills: resting, pacing, and rhythm.

What are some of the tips every new hiker must know?

Some of the tips that every new hiker must know are: carry all the essentials along when hiking, don’t fail to take a source of light along, ensure that your phone is fully charged, ensure that you have enough food and water and select the correct shoe and socks combo.

What is the perfect hiking outfit for women?

The perfect hiking outfit for women is moisture-wicking and supple leggings.

Is it a great idea to wear shorts for hiking?

Running shorts can be the perfect choice if you are still a new hiker. It offers a good level of comfort at all times.


Hiking is an activity that is highly beneficial to the human body. You can get paid to hike, which makes it even better.

This post has gone through the best ways to make money through hiking.

Before choosing any of these channels, place your passion above anything else.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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Michael Abasiofon
Michael Abasiofon

Abasiofon Fidelis is a professional writer who loves to write about college life and make money tips. He has been writing articles for over 3 years. He is the Content Manager at School and Travel.

Articles: 37