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10 Ways To Get Paid To Go To Rehab In California (FAQs) | 2023

You can get paid to go to rehab in many cities in the United States.

California remains home to many organizations that offer this kind of service.

While it is surprising that an organization can pay someone to go to rehab despite it being to the benefit of that person, you must know that the government directly funds most of these organizations.

This article will discuss some of the organizations where you can get paid to go to rehab, not just in California but the United States at large, in addition to other information that is valuable to anyone who wants to attend rehab for free.  

What is a Rehab?

A rehabilitation centre is a medical facility where either alcohol or drug addicts visit to obtain quality medical care and counseling that would help them overcome this challenge.

At rehab, three significant kinds of therapy are offered to patients.

They include residential therapy, which is highly rigorous and is meant mainly for drug addicts; detoxification therapy, which is a constituent of a more extensive treatment routine; and outpatient therapy, which is administered to patients outside the rehab centre.

Benefits of Rehab

Here are some of the most striking benefits of rehabilitation:

1. Rehab enhances health:

Drug or alcohol addicts likely suffer from a lack of adequate body nutrients.

This condition typically results in persistent weakness, insomnia, and other health issues.

Taking personal steps to overcome their addiction as a person with an addiction is good, but taking professional care is even better as it will enable you to get out of the addiction even faster.

You will also receive professional counseling on the foods you should eat that would boost the nutrient levels in your body system.

Undergoing rehabilitation as a person with an addiction will improve your moods and reduce your yearnings for the substances you are addicted to.

2. Rehab tackles foundational issues:

Rehab tackles the foundational issues that cause addiction.

No matter what made you a person with an addiction in the first place, undergoing rehab will kill the root of the addiction and free you from it completely.

This is possible because rehab counselors adopt several therapeutic routines that assist people with an addiction in discovering the roots of the challenge and recommend activities that will kill these roots.

3. Rehab works effectively:

It is easier to overcome an addiction when you turn to the professional assistance of experts at rehab facilities rather than trying to do it all on your own.

The rigorous yet helpful program these experts develop massively boosts health and helps to tackle the root of the issue adequately.

The configuration of rehab is such that it allows you to engage in effortless, highly effective activities.

A good number of them are programmed in a way that sustains complete abstinence.

4. It destroys the addiction cycle:

Turning to rehab as a person with an addiction will enable you to adopt personal activities that can break off the addiction cycle.

Rehab professionals are trained to assist you in developing achievable targets and taking steps that will destroy this cycle.

At these establishments, you will be introduced to short-term and long-term goals to facilitate complete recovery.

Rehab plans focus on improving all areas of life, from emotional health to relationships.

5. Rehab educates about addiction:

Rehab assists you in fighting addiction by making you understand the dangers of being an addict.

This knowledge will enable you to identify specific activities, people, or memories that push you into addiction.

Undergoing rehab will also enable you to find out those things you do that trigger addiction so you can evade them.

Understanding the effects of addiction can also motivate you to help others overcome what you suffered from.

10 Companies and Programs that Pay You to Go to Rehab In California

1. United Healthcare:

United Healthcare is an insurance company that will pay you to go to rehab in California.

They are renowned for providing coverage for those who want to go to rehab.

The plan covers either the partial or complete payment for rehab for a person with an addiction and their detoxification therapy program.

The United Behavioral Health Division of the company coordinates the rehab program that United Healthcare offers.

This company remains committed to rendering top-notch rehab opportunities for those who want to overcome addiction.

2. Medicare and Medicaid:

Governments fund the Medicare and Medicaid programs at all levels.

Their rehab plan is highly beneficial as most addicts receive full coverage for the cost of rehabilitation.

The Medicaid program is open to both drug and alcohol addicts who are either above 65 years of age or below 19 years old.

Other prospective beneficiaries of these programs are pregnant women or those earning below a particular wage level predetermined by the government.

On the other hand, only those above 65 years old suffering from a qualifying disability are eligible for the Medicare program.

3. State and Local Governments:

Over the years, many state and local governments have invested millions of dollars in developing public rehab centres in California.

The rehab centres of the Californian government are operated by an independent body within the state.

These places are run in a way that anyone with an addiction can access quality care without paying any dime.

However, many such centres are open only to people who meet certain conditions.

4. Teen Challenge:

Teen Challenge is a non-governmental Christian organization that was established to assist teenagers in overcoming addiction.

They have many centres nationwide and a good number, specifically in California.

Although Teen Challenge partially subsidizes payments, they ensure that an individual has a relatively fair bill to clear in most instances.

For teenagers in California, the subsidy may not be massive.

5. Cigna:

Cigna is a company that provides health insurance for people worldwide. It is one of the companies that pay you to go to rehab in California.

They currently have approximately a hundred million customers. They have several kinds of healthcare insurance plans.

People with an addiction seeking rehab always have their health bills cleared by the company.

As investments towards assisting people with an addiction overcome this challenge, Cigna currently runs a behavioural health division mainly created to offer educational and health resources to people with an addiction.

These resources are precious to those who are in their recovery phase.

However, the rehab fees that Cigna would cover for any person with an addiction vary according to the insurance plan that they are on.

6. Scholarships:

A good number of rehabs offer fully-funded scholarships to people with an addiction who aim to overcome these harmful lifestyles.

However, it is only open to people who provide evidence that they don’t have the financial strength to afford the cost of rehabilitation.

You can get paid through scholarships to go to rehab.

7. Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant:

The Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant is one of the funds for rehab patients that the federal government sponsors.

It is available to pregnant and postpartum women from selected communities with intravenous drug addiction.

8. Fund Raising Crowd Funding:

Fund Raising Crowd Funding is one of the ways to get paid to go to rehab in California.

If a person with an addiction cannot afford the rehab bill, they can contact friends and loved ones and, with the help of a crowdfunding platform such as GoFundMe, gather donations from well-wishers to fund the process.

However, to attract the support of the public, you have to tell a touching story that offers insight into the steps you have taken so far to overcome the challenge.

9. Aetna:

Aetna is an insurance firm that offers and manages insurance coverage for people.

Besides providing general and special insurance services, they also provide therapeutic services such as rehab support to individuals.

However, their rehab services are only open to those under an insurance coverage plan with the company.

It is another excellent way to get paid to go to rehab.

10. The Salvation Army:

The Salvation Army is one of the United States churches that support those looking to escape an addiction. Here, you can get paid to go to rehab in California.

They have several rehab facilities located all over the country.

Their program package consists of professional therapy services and compulsory support group activities.

The features of the support group meetings that a recovering addict would engage in include listening to positive stories from program alums, working with a guarantor, acquiring informative insights, and overcoming triggers that result in addiction.

The Salvation Army’s contribution to assisting people with an addiction is one of the reasons why they are widely respected in the United States.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Get Paid to Go to Rehab in California

What makes California different from other states in the United States?

California is famous for its sun, mountains, and surf. It is also renowned for its prestigious landmarks, such as the Golden Gate Bridge and the Hollywood sign.

What is a rehab famous for?

Rehabs are majorly known for treating people recovering from addictions, surgeries, injuries, and lingering medical challenges.

What is the penalty for drug possession in California?

Anyone found possessing drugs in California risks spending a year in jail in addition to a fine of $1,000.

Why is it called a rehab?

A rehab is simply a short form of rehabilitation.


Although it may have come as a shock to you, there are ways to get paid to go to rehab in California.

This post has done well to provide you with a list of the corporations, societies, and programs that pay for people to go to rehab, not just in California but in the United States.

Addiction is a severe problem that requires substantial financial efforts to receive adequate treatment.

The recovery phase, which in some instances is financially intensive, helps the root of the issue to be recognized and the course of actions that would eliminate it to be implemented.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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Michael Abasiofon
Michael Abasiofon

Abasiofon Fidelis is a professional writer who loves to write about college life and make money tips. He has been writing articles for over 3 years. He is the Content Manager at School and Travel.

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