Top Colleges in Southern California

It wouldn’t be too crazy to say that the universities in California are dominating in terms of the desire for students to study.

There are many amazing colleges that, combined with the glorious weather, make for the perfect place to be a student.

One of the great things about this city is that it offers economical educational fees and financial aid that help students and parents with the costs of attending university.

This lower cost also affects the living situation of many, with USC student housing off-campus being a very popular option for many.

California has many prestigious private education facilities, such as Stanford University, which tend to score high across all areas.

Private schools aren’t the only institutions that score high; many campuses are a part of the University of California and California State University systems.

These systems have 32 campuses, each offering a varying educational type. 

There are many top colleges in Southern California, so we have compiled this list of the best ten available for students.

1. University of California, Davis 

There are many choices for undergraduates to get a major at UC Davis, but this university is known for its animal sciences and agriculture specialties.

These subjects are promoted further, with Davis home to a meat processing lab, dairy center, and a 100-acre arboretum.

An online winemaking certificate program is available through the universities Department of Enology and Viticulture.

2. University of Southern California  

USC, or the University of Southern California, is rising as one of the most student-friendly prestigious universities in the entire state and even the country.

This educational institute is one of the world’s leading private research universities, making it desirable for all students. USC is also a global technology, arts, and international business center.

The school is home to nearly 20,000 undergraduate students and over 25,000 graduates.

The diverse curriculum means that there are lots of opportunities for interdisciplinary studies plus collaborations with leading research.

3. California State University, Long Beach 

California State University in Long Beach has strong connotations with practical programs with high demand found in accounting courses, engineering, and health care administration.

Students who attend Cal State Long Beach have always found that they are helped when they have graduated in finding a job relating to the subject they studied.

The environment of a university like this offers the classical Californian dream. Known as ‘The Beach’ and even has a new mascot, Elbee The Shark.

4. University of California, Berkeley 

As with many of the bigger universities in California, lower-level classes taught at UC Berkeley, known as Cal, can be large in occupancy, with some classes catering to 1000 students.

The upside of the size is the countless opportunities that this brings. For example, the faculty features a lot of esteemed individuals receiving Pulitzer Prizes, MacArthurs, and Nobel laureates.

Away from the academic side, students can access hundreds of varying clubs and 60 sororities & fraternities.

5. University of California, Los Angeles

UCLA has a lot of popularity, not only with its being a film, theatre, and television school but with its star-studded graduates such as Jack Black and Mariska Hargitay, to name a few.

There are also prized professors who teach at UCLA Jared Diamond, a Pulitzer Prize winner, and Terence Tao, the winner of the prestigious mathematical Fields Medal award. Regarding sports, several Olympians and sports personalities frequent the school.

6. The University of California, Irvine

At just 50 years old, the University of California is the youngest campus in the University of California system.

Based on institutes with similar students, nearly 85% of first-year students graduate from Irvine within six years, a little higher than predicted.

7. California State University, Stanislaus

As with many campuses in the Cal State system, Stanislaus State is a more affordable option, which means it enrolls a high capacity of students from lower-income backgrounds.

One of the reasons that this college is one of the best in Southern California is how well it serves its students.

It has been found that there is a 14% higher graduation rate at this university compared to others with a similar student body.

8. California State University Maritime Academy 

California Maritime Academy proudly displays one of the highest job placement rates in the California State University system.

Along with this, the typical earnings from graduates are also higher than the majority of other campuses.

It should be noted that although this university is one of the seven degree-granting maritime institutions found across the US, it is the only one that can be found on the Western side of the country.

9. Stanford University

If you’re lucky enough to be one of the 5% of applicants who get into Stanford, the university can offer the resources to help you pay for your tuition.

Suppose your parents are earning less than a $150,000 annual salary.

In that case, you will not be expected to pay anything, and those earning less than $75,000 will not be expected to contribute anything financially towards the college costs of their students.

10. University of California, San Diego

If you’re a student looking to major in the sciences, UC San Diego is the top research university in California.

The courses here are rigorous and very competitive, but if you can put in the hard work, it is very rewarding.

Unsurprisingly due to its location close to the Pacific Ocean, this university has one of the oldest and biggest centers for research of global earth science.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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