Sunderland Medical School (Curriculum, MBChB Medicine, Duration)

Sunderland Medical school

Sunderland Medical School is a medical school at a university with an almost 100-year track record of excellence in scientific and healthcare education.

Sunderland Medical School provides an exceptional blend of a unique curriculum, great teaching and clinical resources, and a welcoming environment where staff are eager to assist you in achieving your goals in medicine.

This article explains the University of Sunderland medical school, educational system, duration and many more.

Curriculum used for Medicine at Sunderland:

The University of Sunderland Medical Study is a research college located in Sunderland in the North East of England.

The new medical curriculum is being implemented in collaboration with Keele University School of Medicine.

Their spiral curriculum allows you to build on your knowledge year after year, increasing the complexity of clinical situations introduced in the first year.

Unlike most UK medical colleges, the University of Sunderland offers a unique educational environment.

They have a small student body, a seaside campus within the city centre, and a welcoming community with energetic and dedicated faculty.

They have a strong track record of attracting and helping students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

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Is Sunderland a good medical school?

Sunderland University offers a unique curriculum, superb educational and clinical resources, and a welcoming environment where personnel are eager to assist you in your medical career, not to mention a variety of significant scholarships and discounts.

Since 1901, the University of Sunderland has provided higher education in science and medicine-related fields, and they continue to remain at the forefront of teaching, learning, and research.

The University of Sunderland offers a two-day Medicine Summer School for Year 12 students, giving you the chance to experience life as a medical student at university.

You’ll develop the knowledge and confidence necessary to apply for our Medicine MBChB (Hons) program.

MBChB Medicine at the Sunderland Medical School

The MBChB honours degree ensures you meet the knowledge, skills, and professionalism criteria needed of all new doctors in training.

Small group instruction, lectures, seminars and self-directed study will be used to teach you. The skills you’ll develop are critical thinking, problem solving and communication. You’ll also learn how to contribute constructively in a dynamic world.

Each year, they use Problem Based Learning to increase complexity. They have a large network of academic and clinical tutors at the Sunderland medical school.

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How long is UK med school?

Courses usually run five years, or four years if you’re a graduate student. Basic medical sciences are covered, as well as clinical training on the wards. You’ll begin the two-year Foundation Programme after graduation.

While finishing the first year, you will be provisionally licensed to practice.


Sunderland medical school offers an exceptional blend of an innovative curriculum, superb teaching and clinical resources, and a welcoming environment where personnel are eager to assist you in your medical career, not to mention a number of significant scholarships and discounts.

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