119+ GK Questions And Answers For Class 7

These questions are for students in 7th grade.

They cover many topics, from interesting scientific finds to important historical events and fun facts about our world.

This article aims to make you think more deeply, give you new and interesting facts, and broaden your views.

What is Class 7 in Education?

In Class 7, children are usually between 12 and 13. Some countries include it as part of middle school or junior high.

When compared to earlier grades, Class 7 kids learn more advanced subjects.

Subjects they learn include language arts (reading and writing), math, science, and social studies.

Students learn new and more complex ideas and go deeper into each field. That prepares them for learning at even higher levels later on.

Are GK Questions and Answers Worth it For Class 7 Students?

Yes, it is worth it for Class 7 kids to learn General Knowledge (GK).

It helps them understand the world better by teaching them about history, science, and current events.

This information helps you do better in school and makes you smarter when you talk to people and think critically.

GK questions and answers help students in Class 7 keep up with local and international news, promoting a feeling of global citizenship.

It helps them become more well-rounded, which is important for their general growth.

It also makes learning more engaging and encourages debates and group discussions in the classroom, which helps students improve their communication skills.

GK Questions and Answers For Class 7 on Numbers and Logic

These questions cover a range of topics in numbers and logic suitable for Class 7 students, challenging their understanding and encouraging them to think critically.

1What is the sum of the angles in a triangle?180 degrees
2What is the square root of 144?12
3If you divide 30 by half and add 10, what is the result?70
4What comes next in the sequence: 2, 4, 8, 16, …?32
5How many sides does a decagon have?10 sides
6What is 15% of 200?30
7If a circle has a diameter of 8 cm, what is its radius?4 cm
8What do you call an angle more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees?Obtuse angle
9If you have 5 apples and you take away 3, how many do you have?3 apples
10What is the largest prime number less than 50?47
11What is the next prime number after 31?37
12What is the smallest even number?2
13What is the product of the first four prime numbers?210 (2×3×5×7)
14What do you get when you add all the numbers from 1 to 10?55
15What is the term for a number that is divisible by 2?Even number
16If you flip a coin 3 times, what is the probability of getting 3 heads in a row?1/8 (12.5%)
17What is the common denominator of 1/4 and 1/6?12
18How many degrees are in a full circle?360 degrees
19What is the area of a rectangle with a length of 5cm and width of 3cm?15 cm²
20What is the Roman numeral for 100?C
21If a train travels 300 miles in 5 hours, what is its average speed?60 mph
22How many sides does a nonagon have?9 sides
23What is the term for a six-sided polygon?Hexagon
24If you subtract 10 from 100 and divide the result by 10, what do you get?9
25What is the next number in the series: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, …?13
26If 5x = 25, what is x?5
27What is the cube of 4?64
28What is the term for an angle exactly 90 degrees?Right angle
29If there are 60 seconds in a minute, how many seconds are in an hour?3600 seconds
30What do you call a shape with all sides and angles equal?A regular polygon

GK Questions and Answers For Class 7 on Pronunciation

These questions and answers are designed to help Class 7 students improve their pronunciation skills and familiarize themselves with commonly mispronounced words.

1How do you pronounce ‘epitome’?‘ih-PIT-uh-mee’
2What is the correct pronunciation for ‘façade’?‘fuh-SAHD’
3How do you say ‘hyperbole’?‘hy-PER-buh-lee’
4What is the right way to pronounce ‘quinoa’?‘KEEN-wah’
5How do you pronounce ‘espresso’?‘es-PRESS-oh’
6What is the correct pronunciation for ‘genre’?‘ZHAWN-ruh’
7How do you say ‘hors d’oeuvres’?‘or-DERVZ’
8What is the right way to pronounce ‘cache’?‘cash’
9How do you pronounce ‘chassis’?‘CHAS-ee’
10What is the correct pronunciation for ‘coup’?‘koo’
11How do you say ‘debris’?‘DEB-ree’ (silent ‘s’)
12What is the right way to pronounce ‘almond’?‘AH-mund’ (silent ‘l’)
13How do you pronounce ‘buffet’?‘bu-FAY’
14What is the correct pronunciation for ‘croissant’?‘KWAH-sahn’
15How do you say ‘caramel’?‘KAR-uh-mel’ or ‘KAR-muhl’
16What is the right way to pronounce ‘macabre’?‘muh-KAHB’
17How do you pronounce ‘salmon’?‘SAM-un’ (silent ‘l’)
18What is the correct pronunciation for ‘filet’?‘fi-LAY’
19How do you say ‘gnocchi’?‘NYOH-kee’
20What is the right way to pronounce ‘herb’?‘HERB’ in British English, ‘ERB’ in American English
21How do you pronounce ‘ballet’?‘ba-LAY’
22What is the correct pronunciation for ‘coupon’?‘KOO-pon’ or ‘KYOO-pon’
23How do you say ‘data’?‘DAY-ta’ or ‘DAH-ta’
24What is the right way to pronounce ‘suite’?‘sweet’
25How do you pronounce ‘vase’?‘vahz’ or ‘veys’
26What is the correct pronunciation for ‘vehicle’?‘VEE-hik-ul’
27How do you say ‘route’?‘root’ or ‘raut’
28What is the right way to pronounce ‘niche’?‘neesh’ or ‘nich’
29How do you pronounce ‘often’?‘OFF-ten’ or ‘OFF-en’
30What is the correct pronunciation for ‘envelope’?‘EN-veh-lope’ or ‘ON-veh-lope’

GK Questions and Answers For Class 7 on Science

These questions cover a range of scientific topics and concepts, making them suitable for enhancing the knowledge of Class 7 students in various fields of science.

1What is the process by which plants make their food?Photosynthesis
2What gas do plants release during photosynthesis?Oxygen
3What is the center of an atom called?Nucleus
4What force pulls objects toward Earth?Gravity
5How many planets are in our solar system?Eight
6What is the largest organ in the human body?Skin
7What natural satellite orbits Earth?The Moon
8What is the chemical formula for water?H2O
9What is the boiling point of water at sea level?100 degrees Celsius
10What are the three states of matter?Solid, liquid, and gas
11What do you call a scientist who studies rocks?Geologist
12What unit is used to measure force?Newton
13What do you call an animal that eats both plants and animals?Omnivore
14What is the term for animals active during the night?Nocturnal
15What is the study of weather called?Meteorology
16What are the building blocks of proteins?Amino acids
17What is the speed of light in a vacuum?Approximately 299,792 kilometers per second
18What is the term for a young frog?Tadpole
19What galaxy contains our Solar System?The Milky Way Galaxy
20What do you call a group of stars that form a pattern?Constellation
21What is the main gas found in Earth’s atmosphere?Nitrogen
22What is the term for a volcano that is no longer active?Extinct Volcano
23How many teeth does an adult human usually have?32 teeth
24What is the term for water in its solid form?Ice
25What is the name given to animals that only eat plants?Herbivores
26What organ is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body?The heart
27What is the smallest unit of life?Cell
28What is the term for the study of the universe and its celestial bodies?Astronomy
29What do you call a scientist who studies insects?Entomologist
30What is the process of changing a liquid into a gas?Evaporation

GK Questions and Answers For Class 7 on Extracurricular Activities

These questions cover various extracurricular activities, providing Class 7 students with an overview of various hobbies and interests they can explore outside of their academic curriculum.

1What is the sport called where you hit a shuttlecock?Badminton
2What instrument has 88 keys?Piano
3Which art form involves acting on stage?Theatre or Drama
4What do you call drawing, painting, and sculpting?Visual Arts
5What is the game called where two teams try to score goals by kicking a ball?Soccer (Football)
6What instrument is known for its strings and is played with a bow?Violin
7What do you call a person who practices karate?A karateka
8In which activity do you learn to use computers to make programs?Coding or Computer Programming
9What do you call the activity of taking and processing photographs?Photography
10What sport involves swimming, cycling, and running in one event?Triathlon
11What activity involves making crafts from paper like folding paper into shapes?Origami
12What do you call the study of stars, planets, and space?Astronomy
13In which musical activity do a group of people sing together?Choir
14What is the activity of writing stories or poems?Creative Writing
15What sport is played on ice with sticks and a puck?Ice Hockey
16What do you call a speech competition where students argue about topics?Debate
17Which dance form originated in India and involves expressive hand movements?Bharatanatyam
18What activity involves growing and taking care of plants?Gardening
19What do you call the sport of riding bicycles off-road?Mountain Biking
20In which activity do students make robots or machines?Robotics
21What is the activity of painting or drawing outdoors called?Plein Air Painting
22What sport uses a bat and ball and is popular in the Commonwealth countries?Cricket
23What do you call a group of musicians playing together?Orchestra
24Which activity is about learning to perform illusions and tricks?Magic or Illusion
25What sport involves riding waves on a board?Surfing
26What activity focuses on speaking different languages?Language Learning
27What is the sport where players shoot arrows at a target?Archery
28What do you call the act of running long distances?Long-Distance Running
29In which activity do you learn and practice self-defense techniques?Martial Arts
30What is the name of the game where players use cues to hit balls into pockets on a table?Billiards or Pool

Funny Riddles and Jokes For Class 7

These jokes and riddles are a fun and light-hearted way for Grade 7 students to enjoy a laugh while perhaps even getting them to think a bit:

  1. Q: What has keys but can’t open locks?
    A: A piano.
  2. Q: Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself?
    A: Because it was two-tired.
  3. Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?
    A: Frostbite.
  4. Q: Why was the math book sad?
    A: Because it had too many problems.
  5. Q: What building has the most stories?
    A: The library.
  6. Q: What goes up and down but doesn’t move?
    A: A staircase.
  7. Q: Why do we never tell secrets on a farm?
    A: Because the potatoes have eyes and the corn has ears.
  8. Q: What do you call fake spaghetti?
    A: An im-pasta.
  9. Q: Why did the student eat his homework?
    A: Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake.
  10. Q: How does the ocean say hello?
    A: It waves.
  11. Q: What did one wall say to the other wall?
    A: “I’ll meet you at the corner.”
  12. Q: Why did the tomato turn red?
    A: Because it saw the salad dressing.
  13. Q: What gets wetter the more it dries?
    A: A towel.
  14. Q: Why did the kid bring a ladder to school?
    A: Because he wanted to go to high school.
  15. Q: What did the calculator say to the student?
    A: “You can count on me.”

FAQs on Class 7 Kids

What’s the best way for Class 7 students to balance schoolwork with other activities?

Class 7 students can balance studies and extracurriculars by creating a schedule that allocates time for both. Prioritizing tasks, staying organized, and avoiding procrastination are key.

What study techniques work well for Class 7 students?

Effective study techniques for Class 7 students include making and using flashcards, participating in study groups, practicing active reading and note-taking, memorizing mnemonic devices, and regularly reviewing materials instead of cramming. Interactive learning methods, like educational apps or online resources, can be very helpful.

Should Class 7 students use technology for learning?

Yes, technology is important for Class 7 students. It provides access to various educational resources and interactive learning tools. Using technology, students can engage in online courses, educational games, and virtual simulations that enhance understanding. However, balancing screen time with offline studying and activities is essential.

How can parents support their children in Class 7?

Parents play a vital role in the education of Class 7 students by providing encouragement, setting up a conducive study environment, and helping them establish a balanced routine.


Now we’ve finished learning the General Knowledge material for the seventh grade!

Remember that learning can be both fun and exciting.

Remember to be amazed and interested in the world, and use what you’ve learned to expand your understanding.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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Paschal Uchechukwu
Paschal Uchechukwu

Paschal Uchechukwu Christain is a professional and passionate SEO writer on Education, including homeschool, college tips, high school, and travel tips.

He has been writing articles for over 5 years. He is the Chief Content Officer at School & Travel.

Paschal Uchechukwu Christain holds a degree in Computer Science from a reputable institution. Also, he is passionate about helping people get access to online money-making opportunities.

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