25+ Interview Questions For Social Media Interns (FAQs)

Interview Questions For Social Media Interns

Social media interns make and keep up with social media accounts, schedules, and ideas with the help of social media managers.

Even though they only work for a short time, they are very important to the growth of businesses.

This post discusses several social media intern interview questions and answers that could assist you in being ready for your next interview if you are hoping to land a social media internship role in any firm.

It also contains several resourceful, frequently asked questions regarding social media internships.

Who is a Social Media Intern?

A social media intern is an individual who assists a company in implementing and running their promotional policies and activities effectively. They are also called a social media marketing intern.

Social media interns are responsible for developing posting schedules, composing captions, and monitoring metrics for social media initiatives.

They contribute immensely to the growth of the companies they work for.

General Interview Questions For Social Media Interns

The questions asked in any given interview could change from one to the next. On the other hand, every interview includes the following set of generic questions:

  • Why are you the best candidate for this position?
  • What motivates you to seek this position?
  • Tell me about your strongest character traits.
  • Do you like to be a leader?
  • Tell me about your biggest achievement.
  • Describe who you are
  • Tell me your biggest flaw.
  • How much do you hope to earn?
  • Could you please ask us anything?
  • Tell us why you are quitting your current job.

Comprehensive Interview Questions for Social Media Interns

These social media intern interview questions focus on the skills you will need for the position:

  • Could you briefly describe your background in social media marketing, including any relevant coursework or job experience?
  • In your opinion, what is the best way to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of social media?
  • In your academic or professional experience, can you provide instances of social media campaigns or projects that you were involved with?
  • What experience do you have managing social media accounts or participating in online communities?
  • In order to gauge audience reaction and participation, how do you go about monitoring and tracking social media?
  • Would you be willing to talk about the time you spend promoting on social media or using sponsored posts?
  • How can you monitor the efficacy of your social media marketing initiatives while maintaining order?
  • If you were to create material just for social media, how would you go about it?
  • Could you tell me about your background in reporting and analytics for social media?
  • When you have a number of social media projects going at once, how do you keep track of everything and make sure everything gets done?

Interview Questions for Social Media Interns with Sample Answers

1. Why are you interested in taking up a social media job at this company?

This question is designed to elicit your interest in the advertised position.

Good candidates, according to interviewers, know their stuff and have researched the company on social media in advance.

So, stress that you’re looking to obtain experience in the field while also contributing to their social media initiatives.

Talk about your aspirations for the future while expressing your interest in the role and the brand in your response.


“I would be honored to assist your firm in expanding your social media following since I support your goal of making eco-friendly clothing affordable for all. Working here, I’m sure I could learn a lot from the seasoned social media managers and gain practical experience in my field. My goal is to provide your brand with interesting and engaging content”.

2. What are some ways you believe our present social media strategy may be enhanced?

This is an attempt to gauge your familiarity with the company’s social media strategy in preparation for the interview.

Additionally, it tests how well you can offer thoughtful recommendations.

In the answer, make sure to demonstrate that you have done your homework, that you can assess social media efforts, and that you can provide useful ideas and intelligent recommendations.


“The previous campaign you ran to get people talking about their pre-pandemic travels was fantastic. Existing users were able to recall those locations and your intended demographic was engaged. To get people to share their finest travel memories, I propose a contest or prize offer. If you want more shares, saves, and followers, this is a great strategy to use”.

3. How would you define user engagement?

An integral part of every social media marketing strategy is user engagement.

The interviewer can gauge your grasp of user involvement and its significance by asking this question.

Make sure you define user participation, explain how you want your material to be valuable to users, and discuss the strategies you plan to employ to connect with your target demographic in your response.


“Success or failure of a plan is mostly dependent on user engagement. Communicating with an audience entails doing nothing more than listening to them or sharing information that is relevant to them. In my opinion, as a user, engaging with others is more valuable than amassing a huge following on social media. As an intern for your social media team, I would be thrilled to help you boost interaction on your accounts”.

4. What would you do if, instead of coming up with fresh ideas, your fellow intern just copied your posts?

The purpose of this question is to find out how you handle situations where coworkers do something wrong.

Therefore, demonstrate your outstanding interpersonal and communication skills, your capacity to manage situations delicately, and your commitment to the company’s best interests in your response to this question.


“I would gently remind the intern that they need to follow company rules and come up with their social media content.” Also, I would tell them that things that hurt the brand’s image could lead to fewer sales. If what I said didn’t change their minds, I would talk to our social media boss about it privately. I believe that everyone is responsible for the success of our social media efforts.

5. Describe your teamwork skills

Interns in social media may be required to collaborate with co-workers, depending on the company’s size.

Collaboration with other departments’ staff and social media managers is also a requirement of this position.

Interviewers are trying to gauge your teamwork skills by asking this question.

Make sure to highlight your strong communication and collaboration abilities, your willingness to lend a hand to your teammates, and your enthusiasm for working together to achieve a common objective in your response.


“Working together as a team is crucial for every business, in my opinion. Everyone is welcome to talk to me, and I enjoy collaborating with my co-workers. I can’t wait to work with your seasoned social media managers and interns to develop innovative approaches to increasing interaction with your content”.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Interview Questions for Social Media Interns

What is the best way to get ready for social media internship interview?

To be well-prepared for a social media interview, write down the names of companies whose marketing efforts and engagements really stand out to you. Learn how they engage by connecting with them on social media. If you want to show that you comprehend what it takes to be effective on the internet, provide cases to your interviewers.

For a social media internship, how much can one anticipate to earn?

An annual pay of around $30,000 is typical for social media interns.

During my social media internship, how can I maximize my experience?

Gain as much practical experience as possible during your social media internship by working hard. Look for ways you may learn from seasoned experts while also contributing your thoughts and asking them questions. Also, become actively involved in keeping yourself informed about industry developments and new platforms.

What is social media?

When people connect online through associations and platforms that allow them to produce, share, and exchange content, we say that they are using social media.


Becoming a social media intern is a great way to acquire valuable experience and knowledge in this field.

This post has done well to provide you with all the possible interview questions and a good number of answers that would enable you to prepare effectively.

However, to boost your odds of getting the job, ensure that you dress appropriately and arrive at the interview venue on time.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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