5+ Best Forestry Schools in the World (FAQs, Career, Degree) | 2023

Best Forestry Schools in the World

Best Forestry Schools in the World: In its most basic form, forestry can be defined as tree management.

It is nevertheless possible to call these activities “management” regardless of whether they involve planting, preserving, or caring for the resources.

When you save trees, you are preserving them not only for the here and now but also for the generations to come.

Aside from that, the courses one can study within the realm of forestry can be quite broad and multifaceted. It can develop into legal and ethical systems or even philosophy.

In this article, we are going to take a look at some of the most prestigious forestry schools in the entire world.

Is Forestry a Good Career?

It’s true, of course. Forestry is an exciting and gratifying career for someone who enjoys the outdoors, is enthusiastic about nature, and enjoys physically demanding tasks.

Forestry doesn’t pay well, but it does provide a healthy work-life balance, low levels of stress, and a variety of challenges every day.

In addition to protecting natural areas, foresters can assist businesses in finding the most cost-effective means of harvesting wood.

Some forestry experts also focus on threats to timberlands or woodland cycles, such as fires or intrusive bug crawlies that harm trees’ health.

More so, even though a forester’s job requires some computer work, they aren’t chained to an office for 40 or more hours a week staring at a screen.

A forester’s job also necessitates working in all kinds of weather and frequently involves long walks through dense woods and vegetation.

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Do foresters travel a lot?

Foresters are responsible for upkeep, development, and preservation of forest resources.

Municipalities and counties hire a forester to oversee the management of their local forests.

Most foresters are responsible for protecting and improving forest lands. Their job is to monitor things like fire and bug control.

To restore land destroyed by fire, pests, or industry, they plan and execute reforestation programs from the ground up.

More so, removing trees that are dead, dying, or obstructing the growth of healthy neighboring trees is also under their supervision.

How long does it take to get a Forestry Degree?

Most BSc Forestry programs at foreign universities take between 4 and 5 years to finish. People who take a BSc Forestry course learn how to manage forests and resources.

They also learn about the finer points of protecting the environment, silviculture, tree science, and many other related fields.

Best Forestry Schools in the World:

1. Imperial College London (United Kingdom):

Imperial College London was established in 1907, and since then, it has developed into one of the most prestigious educational institutions in the city.

For a good reason, Imperial College is known as one of the best schools in the world. It has more than 19,000 students and a curriculum covering a wide range of subjects.

The Department of Life Sciences offers a limited number of courses, but each one is of a very high standard for students interested in studying forestry.

Students who enroll in the Master of Research in Tropical Forest Ecology program get the opportunity to research tropical forests.

This degree requires a lot of fieldwork and project work, including a trip to Malaysia for three weeks.

More so, the MRes in Tropical Forest Ecology is a high-level research program that teaches students about the latest changes in the field.

The course is the only postgraduate degree in the UK focusing on tropical forest ecology.

It also covers the physical and biological parts of the forest ecosystem. There is a focus on understanding how these two parts work together.

This degree is part of the Grand Challenges in Ecosystems and the Environment Initiative, which encourages interdisciplinary research and partnerships by bringing together natural scientists, engineers, mathematicians, doctors, economists, and social scientists.

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2. The University of Forestry in Beijing (China):

The Beijing Forestry University is a public school in Beijing’s Haidian District. An eco-friendly university where people worldwide can learn about science, engineering, law, the arts, and languages.

The Beijing Forestry University specializes in forestry and other related fields, with a particular emphasis on studying ecological environments, as its name would imply.

Their degrees can take up to four years to complete, and forestry engineering is one of the primary focuses of their studies.

To attend this institution, you will need to be over 18, have good virtue, and be willing to abide by the laws of the Chinese government; this includes the proper respect for Chinese culture and traditions.

Also, the application’s success depends greatly on the applicant’s educational background. Because of this, the university puts a lot of weight on academics.

The Beijing Forestry University is one of the best forestry schools in the world.

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3. The University of California, Berkeley (United States of America):

The objective of the Master’s program in Forestry offered at the University of California, Berkeley, is to broaden the student’s knowledge and understanding of forestry.

The program shifts the students’ attention to the environmental planning of sustainable systems within the context of the resource.

They are strongly urged to carry out studies, mainly because one of the school’s requirements is submitting and successfully completing a professional paper.

Students will receive a superior education in all other subjects closely related to forestry.

In addition, the course of study encourages students to participate in internships and even requires them to pass an oral examination.

So, while they are still in the graduate program at the university, students can improve their skills in areas like communication and teamwork.

On the other hand, the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management gives out the Master of Forestry (MF) degree, the most advanced professional degree in forestry (ESPM).

When a student finishes an undergraduate forestry program, they usually know a lot about the basics of forestry.

Still, they aren’t yet good at applying these basics to the problems they will face in the real world.

The Master of Forestry program is meant to help students learn more about the basics of professional forest management at the graduate level.

This is done in planning for sustainable systems that use resources and the environment.

More so, the University of California, Berkeley Forestry Program is one of the best forestry schools in the world.

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4. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden):

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences offers an extraordinary breadth of opportunities to students interested in forestry.

There is a degree program for students of all abilities and with a wide range of interests.

Forest economics, conservation, and forest resource management are just a few of the topics that are covered in the various classes that are offered.

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences has earned a reputation on a global scale as being among the most prestigious educational institutions in the world in the field of forestry.

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5. Oregon State University (United States):

Students at Oregon State University, which is widely regarded as one of the top forestry schools in the world, get an education that equips them to manage ecosystems, particularly those found in forest environments effectively.

By the end of the course, they should have the knowledge and understanding they need, such as why protecting the earth and its natural resources is essential and how to do it effectively.

Forest Operations, Management, Restoration, and Fire comprise the forest industry’s three sub-divisions.

This opens the door for the general topic to branch out into specialized domains, whether to another general topic like forest management or a more specialized topic like forest restoration and fire. 

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6. University of Helsinki (Finland):

The University of Helsinki is home to one of Europe’s most prestigious forestry schools.

The institution is Finland’s oldest and biggest university, with more than 30,000 students enrolled.

The university is now ranked number 94 on the world’s list of the finest universities by US News.

Students who go there can be sure they will get a good education from the best teachers because of this ranking.

There are varying degrees of study offered in the field of forestry. Students who pursue these degrees can learn about required courses like forest ecology and forest bioeconomy during their time in school.

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Frequently Asked Questions on the Best Forestry Schools in the World:

Are foresters in demand?

Conservation biologists and foresters are expected to see a 7% increase in employment between 2020 and 2030, which aligns with the average growth rate for all vocations. Over the next decade, there are expected to be about 4,000 new positions for conservation biologists and foresters.

Why is forestry a good job?

Forestry is an exciting and gratifying career for someone who enjoys the outdoors, is enthusiastic about nature, and enjoys physically demanding tasks. Forestry doesn’t pay well, but it does provide a healthy work-life balance, low levels of stress, and a variety of challenges every day.

Is forestry a dying career?

It is predicted that the forest industry will increase by 7% from 2020 to 2030, which is faster than the average for all vocations, notably in forest management which encompasses wildfire prevention, mitigation, and suppression.

Do foresters make good money?

The average pay for a Forester is between $42,500 and $93,060, depending on how much experience they have. Sixty-six thousand dollars is the salary that most people get every year. They have the highest average possible salary in the District of Columbia, where they can get about $95,500 on average.


Best forestry schools in the world: If you’re a nature lover who enjoys physical labor, a job in forestry could be just what you’ve been looking for.

Forestry doesn’t pay well, but it does provide a healthy work-life balance, low levels of stress, and a variety of challenges every day.

Forestry is a great career choice for anyone, whether you’re a recent college graduate trying to get your foot in the door or an experienced professional looking for a change of pace.

There are numerous health benefits, as well as a growing need for those who choose this career path.

Awesome one; I hope this article answered your question.

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