The Pros and Cons of Hiring a Student

The Pros and Cons of Hiring a Student

Every day, many employers face the question: is it worth hiring a student? What will the company gain, and what can it lose? In our article today, we answer these questions.


1. A student is easier to train:

Everyone, consciously or not, drags their professional background to a new job: work habits, norms, and rules that reigned at their previous place of work, and so on.

For example, a person who has worked for several years in an organization with a strictly regulated workday may find it difficult to adjust to a free schedule and organize his or her day to do everything planned.

Or if your previous workplace did not encourage initiative, if you were used to working by the precept “don’t think, just do as you’re told,” it will be difficult for you to get into the atmosphere of free creativity and learn to put your ideas into practice.

Without a doubt, it is much easier to make a really good specialist out of a student than to retrain an already established employee with his own formed professional views.

And this applies to many professions, such as a paper writer, a marketer, and even a social worker.

2. A student is a source of new ideas:

What does everyday life look like for the average person who works eight hours a day? That’s right: home-work-home.

If you live in a megalopolis, add to this the insanely long commute from home to work and back, after which there is only one wish: to go to bed and not wake up much longer.

Life as a student follows a different schedule. The study, constant communication with peers, conferences, exhibitions, visits to other sites where you can meet many professionals and get many ideas.

Since few students have families while studying, it is worth noting that they are not as deep in life as their older counterparts.

Students are easygoing less conservative, and they retain their childlike thirst for life and curiosity about the unknown.

3. It is profitable to hire a student:

If you employ a full-time student, he will be able to devote himself to work at best four hours a day; he will claim half the rate.

Even if you hire a part-time or evening student, he will still have exams, academic meetings, and other meetings that sooner or later begin to steal time from the working day.

These circumstances affect the salary: the student cannot claim a full salary, as he cannot work full time.

4. Other beneficial aspects:

  • If you create a product whose main target audience is just young people, a student on staff is a great opportunity better to understand your customers, needs, and lifestyles.
  • By employing a student, you can safely add one more thing to your list of good deeds because you will help the young person get out of the vicious circle of “can’t find a job because I have no experience; can’t get experience because they won’t hire me.”


1. Lack of practical experience:

At the beginning of the article, what was designated as an advantage from a different angle can be considered a disadvantage. It’s not just that it will be more difficult for the student to perform his direct job duties.

Everything will be new to him. For example, it will be difficult for him to consider that being late for 16 minutes, which at university is sufficient to hush up with a simple apology and a hastily invented excuse, at work can lead to disciplinary action.

2. High chance of missed deadlines:

Students are different; according to the classic version, someone studies and earns money as a hobby, and someone works first and then studies.

If you hire a classical student who prioritizes study over work, you will probably not avoid missed deadlines and work tasks completed somehow.

3. Business trips are not for students:

The average employee perceives business trips as a kind of vacation: you can change the situation, see the world, and get a break from your usual routine.

Everything is not so rosy for students, especially if you want to send him to go on a business trip during the study period: this includes missing classes and inevitable problems with teachers and academic performance.


We have considered the pros and cons of a hired student. When making a decision, it is necessary to consider the specifics of your company.

Does the employee need to be present eight hours a day at the workplace, or is it possible to work a relatively free schedule?

How often do they need to go on business trips and various off-site meetings? The choice, of course, is always up to you.

Awesome one; I hope this article answered your question.

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