Is Double Major Worth It? (FAQs) | 2023

If you aspire to get into the university or are already a student there, the idea of a double major can be fascinating.

A double major can enable you to learn about two areas of knowledge and acquire the skills you need to succeed in your career.

However, knowing the pros and cons of a double major can enable you to determine if it is suitable for you.

In this post, we will go through what a double major is all about, the advantages and disadvantages of a double major, how to choose a double major, and finally, some study tips for college education.

What is a Double Major?

A double major is an undergraduate degree program where academic credentials are awarded to individuals in two specializations. A single department of the school gives these honors.

For instance, if you are double majoring in mathematics and physics, you will receive a Bachelor of Science degree in both fields.

However, a double major can be acquired simultaneously from one school because some schools offer an all-in-one bachelor of science and master of science degree program for students that can be completed concurrently.

This education approach helps lessen the number of years a student will spend at the university. On the other hand, any student enrolled in a dual bachelor’s degree program will graduate in at least five years.

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Advantages Of Double Majoring

Here are some of the few benefits of double majoring:

1. A comprehensive education

Enrolling in a double major will enable you to acquire knowledge of two specializations, which will even make you an even more qualified professional.

 2. Increase your job chances.

A double major can increase your chances of landing a job over other competitors vying for the same post.

Beyond the fact that you will know a lot more, your potential employers will be impressed by the hard work you put into school to acquire a degree in two fields.

3. Attracts numerous opportunities

Asides from the knowledge you will acquire, enrolling in a double major will expose you to numerous career opportunities.

You will not be tied down to one career pathway; you will have more professional options.

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4. Grow a more extensive network

Studying two separate specializations will enable you to develop relationships with several professors and students across diverse specializations.

Expanding your professional and social network will enable you to receive first-hand information about available job opportunities once you complete school.

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Disadvantages Of Double Majoring

Here are some of the drawbacks of double majoring:

1. A taxing course load

Signing up for a double major implies accepting the vast work that comes with it.

Having more work to do as a student will take your time, and you will even have to sacrifice many extracurricular activities that you love partaking in.

This can even be worse if you have a part-time job while schooling.

2. Higher cost of education

Staying longer than the average time in school to fulfill the requirements for a degree in two specializations will tremendously increase your education cost.

It can also prevent you from starting your career early and make you accumulate more student debts.

3. Longer time in school

Double majoring can make you spend more time in school to complete the degree, especially if you opt against taking additional classes in a semester.

Spending more extended time in school can prevent you from retiring early.  

Workable Double Major Suggestions

There are several significant double options out there that are highly recommended for college students, especially those seeking to get a job immediately after graduation. Here are some of them:

  • Economics and statistics
  • Marketing and psychology
  • Mathematics and computer science
  • History and international relations
  • Mass communication and journalism
  • Political science and linguistics
  • Communication arts and journalism
  • Biology and Chemistry

Tips For Determining A Double Major

Selecting a double major can be a monumental task. Here are some of the things you should do before making a choice:

1. Assess the requirements of the major

Choosing two majors that match each other can boost your chances of getting a good job and reduce the time you will spend in college.

However, when making a choice, make sure that it is based on two fields you are interested in, so you don’t struggle to put in your best efforts.

2. Talk to a counselor

Before you decide to be a double major, it makes so much sense to discuss it with a counselor so together you can restructure your coursework and overcome any possible challenge.

A counselor is in the best place to answer any inquiries you have regarding a double major.

They can also provide the information you need regarding the requirements you must achieve before declaring a double major.

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Tips For Excelling In A Double Major

Here are some of the tips for excelling in a double major:

1. Don’t miss any lectures

You can benefit significantly from attending every lesson as a student who has declared a double major.

Turning up for lectures will enable you to understand the content better, make friends among your peers, and form study groups with like-minded colleagues.

The more often you attend class, the more your instructors will notice you, which can offer good dividends in the long run.

Also, attending classes will enable you to ask more questions and make notes on information not covered in the textbook.

Additionally, class attendance counts against your grade, so don’t miss lectures unless necessary.

2. Make good notes

Always take thorough notes in class. Note-taking as a student is a great way to learn more effectively.

As a bonus, you’ll be able to remember information more quickly and easily in your studies if you work to improve your memory this way.

Minimize disruption and focus on the most relevant information when taking notes in class to get the most out of the experience.

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3. Relate with your teachers well

Establishing and maintaining positive relationships with your teachers will do you a lot of good.

On other hand, running away from your instructors will not help you succeed academically, regardless of how much you may dislike them.

Instead, try to become their friends by consistently attending class, asking thoughtful questions, making valuable comments, and stopping by their offices after lectures to say hello.

When applying for graduate school, scholarships, or grants, or when you want the expert judgment of a professor, they can be a great resource.

4. Prepare an effective study schedule

As a student, you will benefit tremendously from using a study schedule.

However, when doing this, devote adequate time to studying, finishing all your schoolwork, and preparing for examinations (including taking some mock tests) while still having time for extracurricular activities and other commitments.

Academic goals, extracurriculars, and preferred learning styles should all be carefully considered as you create your study schedule.

5. Strive for a healthy equilibrium between schoolwork and other pursuits

It’s highly recommended that students participate in some extracurricular activity.

Several studies have demonstrated that children who participate in extracurricular activities perform better academically than those who do not.

Furthermore, participation in extracurricular activities helps students develop positive traits like initiative and self-control.

Yet, as a student, you shouldn’t let your extracurricular activities precede your schoolwork.

Instead, find a happy balance between the two, and only participate in extracurriculars after you’ve made significant progress on your daily study goals.

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6. Take advantage of mock exams

It is impossible to excel academically without using practice tests to prepare for real tests and exams.

The more practice exams you take, the more you’ll learn about your strengths and weaknesses, and the more you’ll be able to pinpoint the parts of the course where you need to devote more time to studying.

Exam anxiety can be reduced by completing practice tests similar to those you’ll see on test day to acquire a feel for the format and style of questions on D-Day.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On “Is Double Major Worth It?”

Is a double major better than a minor?

If you are fascinated by another specialization and want to learn everything about it, double majoring remains the best choice. On the other hand, a minor will make more sense if you are interested in an area or want to try out a new area of knowledge.

Is a double major the same as a master’s?

No, a double major does not equate to a master’s. While you will receive two bachelor’s degrees when you double major, you can only receive a master’s degree after acquiring a bachelor’s degree.

Can a double major affect your GPA?

Your GPA cannot be affected if you engage in a double major. This is because only the best students engage in a double major.

How long does a double major last?

You need at least five years to complete a double major.


This article has shown that enrolling in a double major has several advantages and disadvantages. However, if achieving this seems like a massive mountain for you, you can instead pick a minor.

No matter the choice you make, you will end up as a failure in school if you don’t put in your best efforts. So, apply the tips above to achieve excellent academic results.

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