The “AAS degree” seems like a very big degree to bag. Every student looking for a two-year degree will always consider either an A.A. or A.A.S. degree to start working on completion of studies.
What is an AAS Degree?
AAS is an acronym for Associate of Applied Science. It is a career degree for students who want to be practical in what they are doing, working in a confirmed workplace environment.
The major pro of an AAS degree is that it gains you the exposure similar to that of a four-year bachelor’s degree helping you earn more, like someone with a bachelor’s degree. It also gives you the exposure of working once you are done with the program.
Salary of a Graduate with an AAS Degree:
The meridian salary of a graduate with the degree is about $55,000. Some of the careers in this field include:
- Nursing
- Computer
- Welding
- Accounting etc.
What is Unique about AAS Degree:
- After completion of the degree, you can decide to transfer into college and continue your studies if you wish although it can be difficult.
- They are Terminal Degrees.
- The courses expose a student to gain theoretical knowledge in a specified area of application.
- According to SBCTC, the AAS-T is fully transferrable only when the receiving college or university has a special agreement (articulation) in place with the specific community or technical college.
Where can I get an AAS Degree:
I guess you will be wondering where you can get the degree; vocational schools, technical colleges and community colleges play a major role in helping students bag this degree coupled with adequate practical and applied skills. Universities too pull weight in this degree.
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Final tips:
Earning an AAS will expose help you to get a job faster upon completion of the program.
Although the degree alone is good, gaining a bachelor’s degree will gain you more credit and recognition in your chosen field of study. On the other hand, a Grad school will make you a professional in your field.
Awesome one, I hope this article on AAS degree answered your question.