ACT reading tips – Easy tips and tricks

ACT reading tips

This is for those who really want to get a high score while writing ACT exam. This article will go a long way to help you achieve your dream score by providing the necessary ACT reading tips.

The ACT exam contains an essay of four passages with 750 words each and 10 questions for each passage. It looks scary but it is not, you can make it and do well.

Table of Contents

ACT reading tips

The Reading Section

The reading part of the exam consists of 40 questions to be completed in 35 minutes. When you writing this reading part, read the passages carefully and make sure you identify the relationship between the ideas written in the book.

The ACT reading exam has 4 sections which include:

  • Prose Fiction
  • Social Studies
  • Humanities and
  • Natural Sciences

It is advisable to start with whichever one that seems easy for you. These various categories contribute about 25% each of the questions in the question booklet.

  • The Humanities

This part deals more on art. You have to understand the tone of the writer or author. You can understand the tone of the writer by following the ACT reading tips and practicing the past questions.

  • Natural Sciences

You know that the sciences deal with proof and theory a lot. So, to pass this part of the exam, you ought to think in the line of scientific evidence.

  • Social Sciences

This part of the exam deals with psychology and sociology. Psychology deals mainly with people’s reasoning faculty. So here, think about the subject or the point of view being projected.

  • The prose or literature part of the exam

You should understand the content of the passage and be able to summarize it.

ACT reading tips

These are some tips that would help you get a very good score in your exam.

  • Start from the easy questions.

You have 40 questions to be answered in 35 minutes. Work first with the passages that are very easy to understand then reserve your time and energy for the difficult ones when you are done with the simple ones.

  • Practice and practice.

When you do lots of practice then you will notice that with time, you must have mastered the patterns of the questions and known what kind of questions you find difficult or easy.

  • Time yourself

When practicing, time yourself or you might as well be wasting your time. It is very good when you time yourself during practice and also try to finish about 20 minutes to 10 minutes before the exam is over.

More ACT reading tips

  • Observe the questions.

Observe the questions and be on the look out for the patterns. Read the instructions very well, doing this will help you know what to expect during your exams and then you read up more on them.

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  • Read the passage first.

Most people would say read the questions first. How can you read the questions to something you know nothing about. So this is what you do, skim through the passage, go through the questions and then read the questions again. Or better still you can read the passage before attempting the questions.

  • Chose the correct answer.

Always choose the correct answer and don’t act based on what you think.

  • Elimination process

You should use the elimination process to guide you till you arrive at the final answer.

  • Don’t Slow Down

When you start writing the exam, do not slow down when you get to a difficult question. You can put a mark on it so you won’t forget to come back to it.

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ACT reading tips

Final tips:

The ACT reading tips mentioned above will help you answered the ACT question without stress. The most important thing you need to keep in mind is to continually practice the ACT past questions and try to beat the stipulated time.

Awesome one, I hope this article answered your question.

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