Lable vs. Label – Which is Correct? (FAQs)

When you look closely at the two words “Label and Lable,” you will find out that they are similar in spelling and pronunciation, but the difference between them is the placement of the “e” and “l.”

The amazing thing about these words is that my computer’s autocorrect has underlined “Lable” stating that it seems incorrect and should be corrected.

Thus, I will explain these two words in this article and help you understand their differences.

Lable vs. Label

Meaning of Lable:

Lable comes from the misspelling of the ideal word “Label.” If you look closely, you will find out that both words have the same beginning letter “LAB” but writing “l” before “e” made this word incorrect.


  • Get the cloth with the red lable. (incorrect)
  • I think all the materials have a lable, so it can be easier to identify the silk from the cotton. (incorrect)

Read this: Freind vs. Friend – Which is Correct?

Lable vs. Label

Meaning of Label:

A label is a piece of material placed on a product for easy identification because it contains vital information about the product, including where and who made it.

On the other hand, a label can also be a name given to a category of products for proper identification. In the coding space, a label is a name placed in a program’s source code that can be reached when you use the GOTO command.


  • Since it doesn’t have a label, it means that it was just produced now.
  • The production team cannot add labels to products to avoid miscalculations.

FAQs on “Lable” vs. “Label”

What is the correct spelling for a piece of paper or other material attached to an object to give information about it?

The correct spelling is “label.”

Is “lable” a recognized word in the English dictionary?

No, “lable” is a misspelling. The correct word is “label.”

How can you use “label” in a sentence?

“Make sure to read the label before washing the shirt.”

Are there any specific rules to remember the spelling of “label”?

Remember, it has one ‘l’ in the middle, just like the word “table,” but it ends in “el.”


Some words in the English dictionary are best confirmed before usage, that’s more especially in the context of label and lable.

So, in summary, the difference between these two words is that Label is the ideal or correct way of spelling tags attached to products for easy identification, while lable is the incorrect and obsolete way of spelling the word.

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Paschal Uchechukwu
Paschal Uchechukwu

Paschal Uchechukwu Christain is a professional and passionate SEO writer on Education, including homeschool, college tips, high school, and travel tips.

He has been writing articles for over 5 years. He is the Chief Content Officer at School & Travel.

Paschal Uchechukwu Christain holds a degree in Computer Science from a reputable institution. Also, he is passionate about helping people get access to online money-making opportunities.

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