Can the ProctorU Detect Screen Sharing? (Meaning, FAQs)

As online education and remote exams become increasingly prevalent, the need for effective proctoring solutions has grown. 

Among the concerns of both institutions and students is the possibility of cheating through screen sharing. 

One popular online proctoring service, ProctorU, aims to deter dishonest behavior during exams. 

But can ProctorU detect screen sharing? Understanding ProctorU’s detection capabilities can shed light on the effectiveness of its measures and provide insights into maintaining exam integrity.

What is ProctorU?

ProctorU is an online proctoring service used by educational institutions and certification programs to maintain academic integrity during remote exams. 

It allows students to take exams securely from their location while being monitored by trained proctors. 

ProctorU utilizes webcam monitoring, screen recording, and AI-based technology to detect and deter cheating behaviors during exams. 

The service verifies the test-takers identity, monitors their actions in real-time, and records their screen and audio for review. 

ProctorU provides institutions with comprehensive reports and analysis to ensure fairness and uphold exam integrity, offering a convenient and reliable solution for remote proctoring needs.

What does ProctorU detect?

ProctorU employs various methods to detect and deter academic misconduct during online exams. Here are some aspects that ProctorU may detect:

1. Suspicious Behavior

ProctorU proctors closely monitor test-takers for suspicious behavior, such as excessive eye movements, talking, or looking away from the screen. 

These actions can be indicative of potential cheating or unauthorized assistance.

2. Unauthorized Materials

ProctorU examines the test-takers surroundings through webcam monitoring to detect the presence of unauthorized materials, such as notes, textbooks, or cheat sheets. 

Any materials that violate exam rules can be flagged as potential violations.

3. Multiple Monitors

ProctorU can detect if a test-taker has connected multiple monitors during the exam. 

This feature helps ensure that the exam is taken on a single authorized screen, preventing opportunities for off-screen assistance.

4. Online Resources and Websites

ProctorU utilizes technology to detect if test-takers access unauthorized websites or online resources during the exam. 

They can monitor network activity and detect attempts to search for answers or access prohibited content.

5. Screen Sharing

ProctorU has mechanisms to identify screen-sharing instances where a test-taker may attempt to share their screen with someone else during the exam. 

They employ techniques to detect unauthorized screen sharing and take appropriate action.

6. Prohibited Applications

ProctorU can detect if a test-taker attempts to use prohibited applications or software during the exam. 

This includes virtual machines, screen recording software, or other tools that could enable cheating or compromise the integrity of the exam.

Can the ProctorU detect screen sharing?

Yes, proctoring services like ProctorU can detect screen sharing during an exam session. 

ProctorU typically uses various methods and technologies to monitor the test taker’s screen activity and identify any instances of unauthorized screen sharing. 

They may analyze network traffic and screen recordings or employ software tools to detect when a test-taker shares their screen with another person or device. 

The purpose of such detection is to maintain the integrity of the exam and ensure that test-takers adhere to the designated rules and guidelines. 

How does ProctorU detect screen sharing?

As an online proctoring service, ProctorU employs various proprietary techniques and technologies to identify instances of unauthorized screen sharing. These may include:

1. Network Monitoring

ProctorU can monitor network traffic to detect suspicious or unusual patterns indicating screen-sharing activity. 

Unusual network behavior or connections to external devices or applications could trigger alerts for further investigation.

2. Screen Activity Analysis

ProctorU may analyze the test-takers screen activity to identify signs of screen sharing. 

This analysis could involve detecting multiple active windows or screens, erratic cursor movements, or irregular patterns of interaction that may indicate collaboration or unauthorized sharing of the screen.

3. AI and Machine Learning Algorithms

ProctorU may leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms to analyze the visual and behavioral aspects of the test-takers screen. 

These algorithms can be trained to detect specific screen-sharing behaviors or patterns based on known characteristics and anomalies.

4. Proctor Observation

The Proctor assigned by ProctorU to monitor the exam session may actively observe the test-taker’s screen through the webcam feed. 

They can visually identify signs of screen sharing, such as reflections on the screen or multiple screens in the background.

5. Identity Verification

ProctorU employs identity verification measures to ensure the person taking the exam is the authorized test-taker. 

This may include checking identification documents, capturing photos, or using biometric verification methods.

6. Screen Recording

ProctorU typically records the test-takers screen during the exam session. 

This recording allows proctors to review the test-takers actions and ensure compliance with exam rules. 

However, the specifics of what is recorded and how it is used may depend on the institution’s or program’s policies.

As you read on “Can the proctor detect screen sharing? also read:

Possible Ways to Cheat ProctorU During Exam

1. Screen Mirroring with Assistance

Among the techniques mentioned, screen mirroring with assistance is considered the most effective. 

You will need a wireless mouse, a phone, and a friend. Keep your phone on the screen and connect a wireless mouse to it. 

This gives the appearance of using the screen while you can freely communicate with your friend through WhatsApp. 

Your friend can view the questions, solve them, and send the answers to you discreetly through the messaging app.

2. Headphone Collaboration

This technique requires Bluetooth headphones, a beanie, and a friend’s assistance. Place the headphones in your ears and cover them entirely with a beanie. 

Your friend can then discreetly provide answers without the professor noticing, allowing you to cheat effectively.

3. Webcam Modification Technique

The webcam modification technique involves applying a transparent layer of tape or a thin layer of Vaseline to your webcam. 

This modification alters the webcam’s quality and makes it challenging for the AI software to detect any movements, reducing the risk of triggering an alert.

4. Concealed Note Technique

The concealed note technique uses thin paper to write small, readable notes before the exam. 

Place the paper in a blind spot, just above the keyboard and slightly below the monitor, where the webcam cannot detect it. 

This allows you to refer to the prewritten notes during the exam without detection.

5. Disguised Phone Technique

The disguised phone technique is similar to the concealed note approach. 

Hide your phone before the scanning process to prevent detection by the Proctor. 

Find a phone case that matches the color of your desk, ensuring that your phone blends in with the surface during the scanning. 

Once the exam begins, discreetly grab your phone and position it in a blind spot. 

This allows you to access information from your phone without being detected. Turn off Wi-Fi and use a different IP address for your mobile data to avoid detection.

6. Lighting Adjustment Technique

Before starting the exam, dim the lights in the room, but not to the extent of turning them off completely. 

Adjust your laptop screen brightness to the maximum level. 

This causes the webcam to adjust its exposure and may create glare on your eyes, making it difficult for the professor or AI software to detect that you are using your phone. 

Wearing glasses can enhance the effectiveness of this technique.

FAQs on ProctorU Detecting Screen Sharing

Are false positives possible in screen sharing detection by online proctoring services?

False positives can occur in screen-sharing detection systems where legitimate screen activity is flagged as screen sharing. However, online proctoring services typically have measures in place to review flagged incidents manually and assess whether they are genuine cases of screen sharing or false positives.

How can I ensure I’m not mistakenly flagged for screen sharing during an online exam?

To avoid being mistakenly flagged, it’s essential to carefully review and adhere to the exam guidelines provided by the institution or program. This includes refraining from opening unauthorized applications or websites, avoiding sharing screens or devices with others, and ensuring that only permitted materials are accessible during the exam.

Can a virtual machine or remote desktop usage trigger false positives in screen-sharing detection?

Due to their screen-sharing-like behavior, virtual machines or remote desktops can trigger alerts in screen-sharing detection systems. Suppose you need to use such tools for legitimate reasons. In that case, it’s advisable to communicate this to the online proctoring service or your institution beforehand to ensure everything is clear and accurate.

Can online proctoring services detect screen sharing on mobile devices?

Online proctoring services have varying capabilities for detecting screen sharing on mobile devices. While they may not have the same level of monitoring as on desktop platforms, they can still employ methods such as analyzing network traffic or using AI algorithms to identify suspicious behavior associated with screen sharing.


ProctorU employs advanced monitoring techniques, but its specific ability to detect screen sharing is not explicitly stated. 

As technology continues to evolve, it’s essential to stay informed about the capabilities and limitations of online proctoring services. 

Understanding the tools available can help create a secure testing environment, whether you’re an educator or a student. 

Consult with your institution or proctoring service to better understand their detection capabilities and utilize best practices to ensure fair and reliable online assessments.

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