Flavor of the Month Scholarship 2024 (Requirements, FAQs)

Not all scholarships require high grades; some need a good taste bud. Flavor of the Month scholarship is a scholarship for ice cream lovers.

It is sponsored by Unigo to assist students in their undergraduate or postgraduate education.

Every year in July, Unigo invites students in the United States to take a chance at winning $1500, and all you have to do is pick an ice cream flavor in a short essay.  

Description of The Scholarship

Flavor of the Month scholarship is a $1,500 (one thousand and five hundred dollars) scholarship sponsored by Unigo towards education.

To participate in the scholarship, applicants will write a short essay of not more than 250 words on a given topic for that year and submit it before the deadline, which is usually the last day of July.

Every year since 2012, a student wins the Flavor of the Month scholarship; all that is required for eligible candidates is a simple short letter.

Eligibility Requirements for the Flavor of the Month Scholarship

To participate in the Flavor of the Month scholarship, applicants must be:

  • A citizen of the United States of America.
  • A student enrolled in high school, college, or post-graduate school in the United States of America.
  • Above the age of 13 (thirteen) at the time of application.
  • A legal resident of one of the 50 states of the United States of America.

How To Apply

Once eligible, nothing stops you from participating in the scholarship contest, only that you must apply. Just like everything about this scholarship, the application process is sweet.

You will have to write a short essay of not more than 250 words answering the question for that year’s scholarship. 

Deadline for application

Application is ongoing, and the deadline is the last day of July 2023. Applicants should submit their original short essay alongside a completed application form before August 7th, 2024.

Apply Here

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Flavor of the Month Scholarship

How much does the Flavor of the Month Scholarship Worth?


When is the deadline?

August 7th, 2024


we all love to tell others about something we love, and this flavor of the month scholarship provides ice cream lovers with that opportunity to talk about their favorite flavor.

The organizers want you to go all out, express yourself, tell a story, and keep it simple. Who knows, eating a lot of ice cream may finally pay off.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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ST Admin
ST Admin

Hello, I am ST Admin! For five years, I began actively assisting students in Europe, the United States, and Canada in their pursuit of college advice and scholarship prospects. I am the Administrator of www.schoolandtravel.com at present.

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