How Long Does It Take To Become a Plumber? (Duration, Steps)

How Long Does It Take To Become a Plumber?

Plumbing is a career that is far more rewarding than it seems.

It is an ideal trade for those who love to meet people and solve a waterway or pipe issue in homes and offices.

Knowing how long it takes to become a plumber can enable you to determine if becoming a plumber is an excellent step for you.

Besides providing information on how long it takes to become a plumber, this post will also discuss what a plumber does, what makes plumber a promising career, the average income of a plumber, the job outlook of this career, the steps for becoming a plumber and essential skills that every plumber must possess to succeed.  

Who is a Plumber?

Plumbers are trained individuals who can set up, fix, and maintain all manner of plumbing systems in both offices and homes.

Before they install plumbing systems for the first time, plumbers evaluate and develop an ideal design that will result in the desired outcome.

In most cases, plumbers work independently and may travel long distances to discharge their services. They are responsible for setting up toilets, sinks, bathtubs, and other interconnected appliances.

Additionally, before plumbers perform repair activities on any water system, they assess the problem expertly and utilize unique devices to locate and confirm challenges.

They cut, gather, and join welding tubes, pipes, fittings, and other related equipment when performing their duties.

Is Becoming A Plumber a Good Career Path?

Yes, plumbing is an outstanding career.

If you are a plumber, you will save money on these services as you would personally do plumbing work in your home when needed.

Since the demand for plumbers is very high, venturing into this career guarantees some job security.

Also, you don’t need a degree to become a plumber; a high school diploma is the minimum qualification required to land an entry-level plumber job.

Additionally, the salary potential of plumbers and their career advancement opportunities are impressive, which is a significant reason you should consider this career.

Plumbing is one of the few trade careers where you can work independently and even make more money from the start since you have the skills to achieve this.

Also, this career offers consistent personal development prospects since you will get to carry out several job types each day as a plumber.

How Much Do Plumbers Make Per Year?

The average income of a plumber is about $60,000 per year. However, the salaries of plumbers vary majorly on their specialty, experience, place of work, and location.

What is the Job Outlook for Plumbers?

According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, there will only be a 2% increase in opportunities available to plumbers between 2021 and 2031.

So you would probably need to be very skilful to succeed in this career.

How to Become a Plumber

Below are the steps to follow to become a plumber:

1. Obtain a high school diploma:

To become a plumber, you need a high school diploma or equivalent. During your high school education, make sure that you enroll in several relevant courses that will adequately prepare you for this career.

2. Complete vocational training:

Although you don’t need a university degree to become a plumber, you must still complete advanced vocational training to enter this career.

To achieve this, search for a recognized technical school offering a plumbing program, enroll, and undergo the training process.

Throughout the training, you will be taught about image systems, how to set up waterways, and how to utilize unique devices to solve problems.

3. Complete an apprenticeship program:

Complete an apprenticeship program immediately after completing vocational training, which usually lasts six months or more.

The duration of an apprenticeship program ultimately depends on where you work.

An apprenticeship is an opportunity to obtain relevant field experience and understand what this job is all about.

Also, through this phase, you will develop skills that will be very useful throughout your career.

4. Take a fast-track plumbing course:

A fast-track plumbing course is highly recommended for anyone wanting to become a plumber. Most people view it as an excellent alternative to an apprenticeship.

However, taking a fast-track plumbing course and completing an apprenticeship will make you a better plumber. Engaging in only a fast-track plumbing course helps shorten your time to become a plumber.

Most fast-track plumbing courses take just eight to ten weeks to complete.

5. Work as a plumber’s assistant:

Once you finish a fast-track course, find work as a plumber’s assistant. This job will enable you to acquire relevant field experience, learn from a seasoned expert, and, at the same time, earn some money.

6. Earn professional experience:

Immediately, you have learned all you can as a plumber assistant, proceed, and gain more experience in this field by working as a professional plumber.

Also, complete some advanced courses in this field consistently to boost your knowledge and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the industry, which are all requirements for advancing professionally in this career.

Always remember that the more you know, the more customers you will get, directly increasing your income.

How Long Does It Take to Become a Plumber?

Suppose you already have a high school diploma.

In that case, it can take four to five years to complete vocational training, an apprenticeship program, a fast-track plumbing course, and gain valuable work experience, all requirements for working as a professional plumber.

Essential Skills for a Plumber

To succeed as a plumber, you must possess the following skills:

1. Mechanical skills:

You must know how to use all varieties of plumbing devices and tools. This knowledge will enable you to effectively select the means to carry out tasks.

Also, you must be able to identify any problem affecting a plumbing system by technically utilizing plumbing tools and devices. Knowing how to achieve this is valuable for the nature of my career.

2. Knowledge of mathematics and physical sciences:

A good knowledge of foundational mathematical and physical science concepts will enable you to succeed as a plumber.

This knowledge is needed to develop project designs adequately, make correct measurements and specifications, and solve challenges.

3. Effective communication:

Plumbing is a career that involves constant interaction with people from all walks of life.

So, besides explaining complex situations to clients, being an active listener will enable you to understand the problem and develop the right solution quickly.

4. Problem-solving:

To succeed as a plumber, you must solve problems well. You can improve your problem-solving ability by developing critical and creative thinking abilities.  

5. Physical skills:

Plumbing is a job that requires physical effort. Thus, ensure that you develop good vision, fine motor skills, physical strength, and flexibility.

6. Computer skills:

To succeed in this career, develop a foundational understanding of several computer programs, from spreadsheet to word processing.

Also, ensure that you master the computer programs that are useful in the industry.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the Duration It Takes to Become a Plumber

What are the three industries that hire the most plumbers?

Building equipment contractors, natural gas distribution, and pipeline transportation of natural gas hire the largest population of plumbers.

What makes plumbing a hard job?

The physical demand of a plumbing job makes it a challenging profession for many people.

Which states have the highest demand for plumbers in the United States?

California, Illinois, and Texas are US states with the highest demand for plumbers.

What must you do to succeed as a plumber?

To succeed as a plumber, you must offer excellent customer service, develop a reputation for quality services, and remain honest and versatile.


A plumbing job is more desirable than most people think. If you enjoy interacting with new people and assisting them in getting their water or pipes fixed, this is the perfect profession for you.

To become a licensed plumber, you need to finish an apprenticeship program and a fast-track plumbing course and earn valuable job experience as a plumber’s assistant, all of which can take four to five years after you graduate from high school.

Additionally, ensure that you develop the qualities above, as they are essential for success in this field.

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