How to write an essay for the Master’s Program

A graduate essay is a prose essay of short length and free composition, expressing individual impressions and thoughts on a particular subject or issue and knowingly not claiming to be definitive or exhaustive in its treatment of the subject.

Structure Of The Text Of The Essay For The Master’s Program

The introduction requires a brief description of the situation you will analyze (up to 1,500 characters with spaces).

At this stage, it is only necessary to introduce the reader to the event, the plot, and the facts that the essay is about, which means that no special vocabulary is needed yet.

In the main part of the text, it is required to describe the sociological problem that you have discovered while analyzing the selected event. To do this, you need to use:

  • passed material within the course
  • additional scientific sources
  • empirical illustrations on this problem (results of research).

In conclusion, you need to formulate the main conclusion 3-4 sentences:

  • succinctly disclose the content of the topic in the context of the studied concepts, theories
  • formulate your own well-reasoned author’s position through your own practical everyday experience
  • demonstrate observation and imagination

The volume of the main text of the essay (without the title page and the list of references): up to 9 000 characters with spaces.

Composition Of The Essay For The Master’s Degree Program

The master’s essay should have the following structure:

  • Title page;
  • Introduction;
  • The main part;
  • Conclusion.

The essay is executed by any printing method and is designed only on the front side of white paper:

  • The paper size of standard A4 format (210×297 mm);
  • Margins: left – 30 mm, top – 20 mm, right – 10 mm, bottom – 20 mm;
  • Font – Times New Roman – 14 pt (points);
  • Line spacing – single spacing;
  • Formatting of the main text – in the parameter “by width”;
  • Rhe red line – 1,25 cm.

The total length of the essay should be at least four pages of text with mandatory page numbering at the bottom centre.

Top 12 Tips On How To Write An Essay For Admission To Graduate School

1) Each essay is a unique piece of writing. Read carefully the requirements of the university you are applying to. It’s best not to try to pass off someone else’s essay as yours, even rewritten in your native language.

2) Don’t fill your essay with words you rarely use in conversation. The tone should be professional but easy to read. Don’t use slang. Avoid an opening paragraph that describes your past, such as: “I knew exactly what I wanted from an early age.” The introductory paragraph should contain substantive thoughts so that the reader immediately understands what will be discussed.

3) Avoid clichés.

4) Avoid passive voice as well.

5) Strive for clarity and specificity. Wanting to tell everything at once may give you the impression of a superficial person.

6) There is no need to carefully and step-by-step list all the events of your life (“First I was there, then I did this, then I learned this and that”).

7) Your qualities are not just experiences you have gained as you age. Your qualities are what you have experienced and learned from your experiences. Showing this will greatly increase your chances of admission.

8) Typos and grammatical errors can quickly derail the effort of writing even the most brilliant essay. There are many spell-checking services online, and you can find many mistakes on your own just by rereading what you’ve written.

9) It would be a good idea to ask the opinion of a professional in your area about the essay (or show it to your supervisor, for example).

10) If there are shortcomings in your academic achievements, tell us about them in the essay. Write why it happened and what you learned from the experience. Failures are also advantages if you draw the right conclusions from experience.

11) Review the essay again and make sure you have answered the following questions:

  • Why do I want to succeed in this field?
  • Why do I want to do this?
  • What professional growth has my education and experience given me?
  • Why do I want to go to this university for this program?

12) Family and friends are rarely good advisors on this issue-they have no experience writing in this way, and their first reaction will be to support and encourage you.

The Example Of Essay Writing For Graduate School

Essay on “Why I chose this major”

I will start my story by saying that as a fifth-year student, at first, I didn’t even think or consider going to graduate school because I wanted to go to graduate school right away.

But it turned out that there was no opportunity to go to graduate school from our department, but there was another opportunity to go to graduate school first and then to graduate school.

Thus, I got in and am in graduate school only to graduate school. I do not know whether it is good or bad, but it seems to me that, first of all, there is no extra knowledge; after graduate school, it will be easier to go to graduate school.

Already being a graduate student, you can start writing your dissertation and then add that same dissertation to graduate school and defend yourself in the future.

Of course, I love doing graduate school. Personally, the good thing for me is that it’s an evening form of study that can be combined with work, but because of different life circumstances, it doesn’t always work out, of course.

It is, of course, acquaintance to new interesting people, students, teachers, knowledge of the further information.

In the future, of course, I want to work as a teacher (I always wanted to be a teacher, even despite how low the job of a teacher is rated), and so I went, studying in this department; I want to get more knowledge in this area of my future work.

Right now, I work in a school, but in the future, I am working with elementary school-age children; of course, I want to work with students personally; it is much more interesting for me to work with them than just working in a school.

Studying here and then constantly teaching students to learn something, you’re always learning so many new things, and school is a stage in life that’s already passed; working there, you don’t develop, and you don’t get what you want.

Of course, it differs from a student’s master’s degree. The whole process is designed for the student to get and search for the information they need almost all the time – it’s constant work with various sources of information from books, the Internet, etc.

Maybe it’s strange, but I really like this learning style, someone hard to make himself look for something, but on the contrary, I really like to find and discover everything new and interesting, and then, of course, I share with my classmates.

Speaking of admission, admission to graduate school probably did not seem difficult because there were questions that I had already studied during the state exams on the entrance exams, and all I had to do was reproduce in my memory and repeat. ,

Studying for a master’s degree still has the advantage of getting a scholarship, which in its way is a kind of stimulus for further study.

And because I want to work as a teacher and teach something to impart new knowledge, I always adhere to the very famous saying, “A teacher ends when he stops learning. I don’t want to interrupt the learning process; I want to continue further education and learn new things.

Bio: Rebecca Carter works as an essay writer in an online writing company and helps students with their assignments. Such online services provide expert help with papers. Thanks to such companies, Rebecca can write articles about her experience. She enjoys being in the mountains, going to the gym, horseback riding, and volunteering in her free time.

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