Sometimes as a student, you might find it challenging to decide on the vocation to engage full time into.
It could be as a result of studying a course you do not like in college or even studying a course you want, but due to its tough nature, you find it challenging to cope, hence you drop out.
In a situation like this, vocational counseling by a vocational counselor will play a significant role in helping you find a stand in a particular vocation to pull your attention into.
What is Vocational Counseling?
Vocational counseling or Vocational rehabilitation is a set of services provided by the counselor in the vocational field to help students or clients make the right decision in choosing a specified vocation.
These professional counselors take their time to access students in different aspects of life to determine the right profession for them through question and answer sessions. Some of the factors that they put into consideration include the individualโs interests, passion, and abilities coupled with some skillful questions.
Benefits of Vocational Counseling:
Vocational rehabilitation reduces the rate of depression and confusion in students in a situation where they have to think of what to do after college if they donโt find a job. Here are more of the benefits of Vocational Counseling:
Sense of Direction:
After going through a question and answer session on the right career for you, it will give you a sense of direction, and you will have a sure career path.
These question focuses on the phrase, โWhat do you want?โ and makes you analyze yourself to know what you hunger for and what you want to achieve in life.
It will also include questions that you look deep into yourself and realize the things you are good at and the things you should give more attention to.
Work in the right Direction:
Once you get a sense of direction and know what you want, the next thing you need to do is to put in work in the right direction.
For instance, if you want to go into Catering or fashion designing, you have to put in work into the vocation by taking adequate courses to become good in the chosen field. You will get more details during Vocational Counseling from your counselor.
Employment Opportunities:
Once you put work in the right direction, the next thing that comes your way is employment opportunities.
These opportunities arrive from being the best in what you are doing and having good customer relationships to build up the business to the fullest.
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How is Vocational rehabilitation done?
The process starts with the analysis of the student or client to determine the strengths and weaknesses. The next process is to determine the cognitive abilities, medical records, and thinking skills of the client.
This is to find out if there are issues that might withhold the assessment of a job. Thus, some of these questions follow:
- What field will you like to work in?
- Do you have a similar field that interests you?
- What position do you seek in the specified vocation?
- Do you have any limitations while working in a similar environment?
Duties of a Vocational Counselor?
A vocational counselor in the vocational counseling field has the qualification to determine if an individual has the qualification to work in a specific vocation.
He/she can work in a high school, community college, or university and can still work under government agencies to make sure the citizen chose the right career path and reduce the rate of unemployment in the society.
Counselors can adopt two major styles to obtain information. The styles are:
- Standard (tests): Written tests with questions to answer.
- Non-standard (interviews, observations): One on One interaction with the student or client.
The results provide the path that the counselor can stand on to perform the vocational counseling process. On the other hand, the results will help the client know himself/herself more.
Requirements of a Vocational Counselor:
The job of a Vocational Counselor is one that requires psychological studies to understand human beings and how they handle things.
The course of a vocational counselor requires that the students learning the program take at least 2,000 to 3,000 hours of supervised experience, coupled with a license to practice and a masterโs degree in the program.
The good thing about the course of a vocation counselor is that it exposes you to the world of people, the depression people are facing after college, and the way people strive to survive in life.
What happens in Vocational Counseling?
Vocational Counseling exposes the counselor to employment opportunities for clients. It also exposes them to how to use electronic devices like Computers, Mobile Phones to communicate virtually with clients and get their problems solved.
On the other hand, the Vocational Counselor engages in monitoring the performance of the client even after getting the job to know how well he/she is performing and to also know how to help the client perform better if the need arises.
Final tips:
Vocational Counselors help clients build their career goals by assessing their academic strengths and weaknesses. These assessments give the counselor the stand to direct questions to the client in a way that will provide the right answer to the right career path for the client.
If you seek interest in vocation counseling, you could start by getting a degree in Sociology, Social work, and Psychology; thus furthering it into a masterโs degree to gain more professionalism.
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