USC Dental School Acceptance Rate (FAQs) | 2023

The University of Southern California dental school, popularly known as the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, is one of the best dental schools in the US.

This school is renowned for its teaching, research, and education commitment.

The University of Southern California dental school has a low acceptance rate, so getting into this school is incredibly hard but not impossible.

Read on to learn more about the University of Southern California dental school, its acceptance rate, admission requirements, and some tips for scaling through this school.

Top Reasons Why You Should Consider A Career In Dentistry

It would be best if you considered a dentistry career for the following reasons:

1. Salaries that are on par with the market

The typical annual salary for a dentist in the United States is about $240,000.

As a result, dentistry has become one of the highest-paying professions in the country.

As a government employee, you will receive excellent benefits on top of your wage, including medical coverage and bonus payments.

You should know that your compensation as a dentist will rise above the national average if you have a lot of expertise, work in a field with less competition, and find a job with a reputable dental firm.

2. Secure Employment

It’s safe to say that dentists will always have work.

Dentists are enormously demanding, so finding patients will not be difficult even if you work independently.

This is because oral health issues are prevalent in the medical industry.

Yet, if you want to keep your dental practice current, you must stay abreast of the latest developments by joining professional societies and pursuing frequent further qualifications.

3. The chance to make a difference in people’s lives

The dental profession provides numerous opportunities to make a positive difference in people’s daily lives.

Working as a dentist means you’ll always be helping people with tooth pain or other dental issues.

So, you’ll also be able to recommend and administer treatments that ease their discomfort.

Being able to help people in this way is one of life’s greatest privileges.

4. An opening to manage others

You can be your boss if you go into dentistry.

Dentistry is the perfect field to enter if you want to build your brand.

You can open your dental firm when you have finished the necessary coursework and logged significant experience in the industry.

Working independently will enable you to choose your work hours, hire only those with whom you get along well, and establish policies that you think are fair.

5. Profession held in high esteem

Dentists have worldwide respect.

A lot of attention is paid to them because of the positive change they bring to the world.

In addition, dentistry is a great profession to enter if you want to gain widespread recognition and perhaps even celebrity status.

An Overview Of USC Dental School

The University of Southern California dental school, or the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, is one of the top-ranking dental schools in the US.

Established in 1897, this school has remained committed to equipping students with the skills they need to get to the top of a dental career.

The combination of a comprehensive academic curriculum and qualified academicians has made this school an attractive destination for many aspiring dentists.

The University of Southern California dental school has several world-class learning facilities; its excellent academic environment makes it a highly-rated dental school in the US.

The University of Southern California dental school graduates are respected worldwide because they possess the qualities required to take up leadership roles in the medical field.

Many research activities take place in the school, equipping students with valuable research skills.

This school has contributed immensely to the surrounding community by organizing several outreaches to improve the lives of such places.

The University of Southern California dental school is an A-list school for dental education in the United States.

What Is The Acceptance Rate Of The University Of Southern California Dental School?

The acceptance rate of the University of Southern California dental school is 6.14%.

This implies that about 3 out of every 50 applicants are admitted.

This makes the University of Southern California dental school one of the most challenging dental schools to get into in the United States.

However, applicants stand a chance if they send in a robust application.

Requirements For Admission Into The University Of Southern California Dental School

To secure admission into the University of Southern California dental school, you must satisfy the following criteria:

  • A bachelor of science degree or its related field
  • Two recommendation letters which were written by science professors specializing in the field of chemistry, biology, and physics.
  • A letter of recommendation from a licensed dentist
  • A good DAT score

How To Apply To The University Of Southern California Dental School

You can apply to study at the University of Southern California dental school by following the steps below:

  • Sit for the Dental Admission Test no later than 1st February of your application year.
  • Complete the online application via the ADE AADSAS platform.
  • Pay the processing fee of $85.
  • Attend the physical interview at the school’s campus

What Is The Cost Of Attending the University Of Southern California Dental School?

The cost of attending the University of Southern California dental school varies according to the level of study.

The cost of education for first-year students at this school is $129,220, while that for sophomore students is $120,296.

On the other hand, while the cost of education for year three students at the University of Southern California dental school is $117,460, final-year students only pay $79,600.

However, the University of Southern California dental school offers financial aid, grants, and scholarships that help to cut down the cost of education for their students and also provide student loans.

How To Make It Through The University Of Southern California Dental School

Here are some pieces of advice that will enable you to scale through the challenging academic demands of the University of Southern California dental school:

1. Be orderly

You cannot make it through the University of Southern California dental school if you are terrible at keeping track of your schedule.

Planning and prioritizing tasks can help you get more done in a day.

So, after getting up early, plan your day using a timetable to ensure you don’t forget anything.

In addition, please write down the due dates for all your tasks and projects and create reminders for them so you don’t forget.

2. Look for a method of study that works best for you

Creating and sticking to an influential study routine is crucial to your success at the University of Southern California dental school.

Investigate whether you are more productive reading first in the early hours or waiting until later.

Also, learn whether you retain information better while reading with soothing music playing quietly or if you’re more productive when studying in silence.

But, if a reading approach you choose does not produce the outcomes you want, you should re-strategize and look at a new study method until you find one that does.

4. Relate well with other students

If you want to succeed in dental school, you must make friends.

Making friends with others in your class who are likewise focused on their studies and keeping in touch with more senior students will do wonders for your success in the University of Southern California dental school.

Folks in class that have your back will ensure that you don’t fall behind on your studies even when you’re not there and will keep you working hard even when you just want to chill out.

On the other hand, you can always turn to your trusted, more experienced seniors for guidance on a challenging course or access to relevant, archived study materials.

5. Take care of yourself

Another key to thriving in the University of Southern California dental school is prioritizing your well-being.

You must develop and stick to regular, healthy routines to deal with stress and free your mind from anxiety effectively.

Make regular physical activity a priority to maintain your psychological and physical well-being.

Refreshing your head this way will allow you to study more effectively later.

6. Avoid being rude

In any circumstance, never show disdain to your instructors or even fellow students.

If you have a question during class and your instructor doesn’t have time to address it there fully, you can arrange to meet with them after class to acquire further information.

If you try to bring down the morale of your fellow students, and even your instructors know you for that, you’ll have a hard time finding professors willing to put in a good word for you when you need their recommendation for further education or a residency position.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On USC Dental School Acceptance Rate

What is the GPA required for admission into USC Dental school?

You need a GPA of not less than 3.0 to gain admission into USC dental school.

What is the US dental school with the highest acceptance rate?

With an acceptance rate of about 32%, the University of Mississippi Dental School has the highest acceptance rate amongst dental schools in the US.

What is the best dental school in the US?

According to research, the best dental school in the US is the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Dental school.

What is the most accessible country to become a dentist in?

The United Arabs Emirates is the most accessible country to become a dentist in the world. Completing a dental degree in the UAE takes a concise time.


The University of Southern California dental school, popularly known as the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, is one of the best dental schools in the US.

This school has an acceptance rate of 6.14%.

This implies that about 3 out of every 50 applicants are admitted. 

However, to increase your chances of gaining admission, make sure you send in a robust application before the deadline.

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