21+ Jobs for Lazy people that pumps Cool Cash ($$$)

Jobs for Lazy people
Jobs for Lazy people

Some people don’t need stress or anything that will worry them. Sometimes, they are termed “Lazy” because they don’t like working, but they always want money to flow into their account. That is why I researched and wrote out the 21+ “Jobs for Lazy people” that do not require much stress but still puts in a reasonable amount into the pockets of lazy people.

If you need business ideas, we recently published an article on the Top Business Ideas for Women and Female College Students; it can also serve for males. Do check it out. Let’s continue.

Here are the compiled List of more than 21 jobs for lazy people that people are enjoying:

Jobs for Lazy people

Food taster

A food taster is someone that tastes new food prepared by a restaurant or a company and criticises the food positively or negatively. The taster checks if the food is safe for consumption because the food is going to be served to a significant or famous person.

How much can a Food Taster make?

A food taster can make  $30,000 and $60,000 annually. If you have an interest in food tasting, you need a degree in food science. This is one of the minor jobs for lazy people.

Product Reviewer

Writing a Product Review is a way of making money without stress. Such that, you review a product by making use of it, then giving responses to the company of the product on how the product works and its side effect.

How much can a Product Reviewer make?

First, for you to become a good product reviewer, you need to create an authority in a specific niche such that if any product is released, you will be called upon. A reviewer can make from $50- $300 per product.

Dog Walker

A Dog Walker is someone who can take your dog around to get food and water or to transport the dogs to another location. The walker is needed because most dog owners do not have the time to take their dogs out due to the busy schedule of work.

You can attach a GPS to track the movement and the location of the dogs whenever you want. It could be termed one of the jobs for lazy people that is fun unless you meet a stubborn dog.

How much can a Dog Walker make?

A Dog Walker makes $14 hourly on an average with $2,493 monthly salary. You need to take animal care courses, especially dog and become a certified dog walker.

Beer Taster

A beer taster is someone that tastes new beer produced by a brewery and criticizes the beer positively or negatively. This confirms its safety for health or any hazards that come with it.

How much can a Beer Taster make?

 A beer taster can make $20,000 and $60,000 annually. If you have an interest in beer tasting, you need a course on Beer Academy precisely the ‘How to judge beer‘ Course. This is one of the major jobs for lazy people.

Line Stand-in

Line Stand-in is, standing in line for someone till it gets to their turn. This can be stressful if the queue is too long, but you will get paid for it. You can make $10-$20 hourly for standing in line.

Jobs for lazy people

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Private Detective

A Private Detective is someone whose job is to investigate or monitor the movement of someone either online or offline. The detective can sit at home all day on his laptop, probably with a GPS and track the movement of a suspect.

He could also be offline by following the suspect all day and taking pictures of the way-about of the suspect.

How much can a Private Detective make?

A Private Detective can make $20,000 and $60,000 annually. If you have an interest in the job of a Private Detective, you need to do the following:

  • Get a license
  • Have experience in the job
  • Get a Referral

Security Guard

The job of a Security Guard is to provide safety to the environment. He/she can sit all day or walk around the blocks to know that everywhere is safe from illegal activities.

How much can a Security Guard make?

A Security Guard makes an average of $13 per hour. If you have an interest in the job of a security guard, you can apply in person and get interviewed, coupled with background checks before you are given the job. It could be one of the minor jobs for lazy people.

Movie Extra

During the course of an acting a movie, there could be extra people needed to feature in some minor roles that are less important; that is where a Movie Extra can come in.

Most top actors started as Movie Extras and grew to who they are today. A movie extra can make $180 per day to perform some roles in the movie. The good part of it is that there are no auditions for movie extras.

Professional Cuddler

As the name implies, you work as someone who cuddles people. Cuddling has a way of making people feel secured and cared for, thus, Professional Cuddlers are in high demand. This is how you can become a Professional Cuddler:

  • Attend a cuddle Party
  • You need to be affectionate
  • Take Pictures of the moments
  • Have good communication skills

How much can a Professional Cuddler make?

According to Foxnews, Professional cuddler earns $40G a year. Affectionate Robin Marie, 48, earns $40,000 a year, or $80 per hour, from her unique job and spends around 45 hours-a-week spoonings, hugging and snuggling.


A Librarian sits all day and provides access to the location of books to students and readers. It could be one of the minor jobs for lazy people that requires less work.

A librarian also provides information literacy to readers and help them choose the right books to help solve a problem.

How much can a Librarian make?

In the UK, an average Librarian makes from £37,000 to £55,000 annually.

Jobs for lazy people.

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An Apologizer is someone who pleads on behalf of the faults of another person. He/she does this in the case the offended doesn’t want to see or listen to the offender for an act performed. The Apologizer could earn stipends from the offender if the offended accepts the apology. This is one of the primary jobs for lazy people.

Plant Caretaker

A Plant caretaker takes care of the plants in a garden in case you want to travel outside the country. This job requires that you weed, trim, plant and remove the unwanted plants.

How much can a plant caretaker make?

A plant caretaker can make an average of $14 per hour and $22,000 annually. They need the skill of Dexterity and necessary agricultural skills to take care of plants.

Survey Taker

This is one of the major online jobs for lazy people that requires less stress. It requires that you survey products and give your review on them. The amount you earn is dependent on the number of surveys you make. You can make an average of $50 daily depending on the survey site you are working for.

Commercial Extra

This is very similar to movie extras such that you act some movie roles during the commercial. According to Chron, Extras are paid a session fee of $388.40, according to SAG’s 2019 rate sheet.

This is regardless of where the commercial will air. To figure out an extra’s hourly rate, divide the session rate of $388.40 by eight, the number of hours SAG considers the session rate to cover.

You can get the job as an extra if you appear at the venue of the commercial and meet the person in charge of the commercial.

Mystery Shopper

BalanceMb gave a good explanation of the job of a Mystery shopper as a paid consumer who is hired to shop in stores and collect data. Think of mystery shoppers as “undercover customers” sent in to observe, interact, and report on other customers and store employees.

The Mystery Shopper can make $5 to $20 per shop while still collecting data of how much sales that was made.

Jobs for lazy people

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Hotel Bed Tester and management

The job of a Hotel Bed Tester is relatively easy as this job doesn’t require much from the person. For you to do this job, you need a degree in hospitality management, and you have to be at least 18 years to do this job.

How much can a Hotel Bed Tester make?

The amount of money you can make is dependent on the Percentile from the 10th-100th. The salary is from $31,000 – $50,000 depending on the percentile.

Truck Driver

The job of a Truck Driver is one of the major jobs for lazy people. It involves the movement of company vehicle from one location to another. Some truck drivers make good money more than many office jobs. They take a record of the goods they are carrying and make sure it is delivered to the ideal location.

How much can a Truck Driver make?

A truck driver can make an average of $37,930 annually.

Real Estate Appraiser

A Real Estate Appraiser provides updated information about the value of the real property, providing help and assistance to the owner of the estate. In California, if you want to become a Real Estate Appraiser, you have to take a full 150 hours of coursework coupled with an exam that qualifies you if you pass.

How much can a Real Estate Appraiser make?

A Real Estate Appraiser can make an average of $60,287 annually which can increase up to $150,000 with certification.

Breath odour Evaluator

This is one of the jobs for lazy people that seem very weird. Here, the breath odour evaluator smells the breath of the patient to determine how bad the breath is. Then, he provides a gum or mouth wash that can be used to reduce the bad breath.

This job is common for students that studied dentistry and have knowledge of the odor of the breath.

How much can a Breath odor Evaluator make?

The job of a Breath odor Evaluator can pay from $30,000-$40,000 annually.

Cake Decorator team member

The job of a Cake Decorator team member is one of the major jobs for lazy people that don’t require much work. As the name implies, you are a team member that does little or no work at all. You can earn little money as a member from the boss.

To improve in the job of a cake decorator, you need to take a course on Baking or Pastry Arts Program, gain more experience and get certified to earn more money.

Ice cream Tester

An ice cream tester is someone that tastes new ice cream prepared by a restaurant or a company and criticises the ice cream positively or negatively. The taster checks if the ice cream is safe for consumption because the ice cream is going to be served to the public.

How much can an Ice cream Taster make?

An ice cream taster can make $30,000 and $60,000 annually. If you have an interest in ice cream tasting, you need a degree in food science. This is one of the minor jobs for lazy people.

Binge Watcher

You can be paid to be a Binge Watcher as a lazy person. You watch Netflix TV shows and criticize the show so that they can know where to improve on the movie. Binge-watching can be bad if you overdo it, it can cause more fatigue and poorer sleep quality.

How much can an Binge Watcher make?

You can paid up to $1,000 for binge watching.

Professional Foreigner

The Chinese are the people that seek this job. In this job, you have to dress in a suit and act like a business person in the presence of foreigners. For instance, the Chinese want people that do not speak Chinese, that could serve as business associates who can make business deals look more professional and attracting.

How much can a Professional Foreigner make?

You can earn a huge amount of money from this job.

Final tips:

Being lazy doesn’t mean you can’t find a job to do. There are lots of jobs for lazy people out there that you can do and earn cool cash. Pick out one job from the list and kick off with it. If you have an extra job that can be added to the list, do leave a comment below so that I can added it to the list.

Awesome one, I hope this article helped. Thanks for reading this article.

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