Top 5 Forensic Anthropology Colleges (FAQs) | 2023

A forensic anthropologist is an exciting career path that deals with recognizing humans and dedicating evidence to ascertain the reason for death.

People that pursue this career work for law enforcement agencies to solve crimes.

Although it would be best to acquire a forensic anthropology degree before starting this career, knowing, first of all, what this job is all about can assist you in deciding if it is a career that is good enough for you or one that you might be interested in.

This post will discuss what a forensic anthropologist does before it will focus on the 5 top forensic anthropology colleges.

Who is a Forensic Anthropologist?

Forensic anthropologists are professionals that regularly assist in obtaining human remains safely from crime scenes by utilizing different archaeological methods.

These experts analyze these remains after cleaning the bones to enable them to identify the person.

Forensic anthropologists also assess the nature of the deceased person’s damages. The results of their investigations enable them to make accurate testimonies in court.

Is Forensic Anthropologist a good career path?

Embarking on a forensic anthropologist career is a good decision. This career pathway offers many international opportunities that will enable you to travel from one country to another.

Also, being a forensic anthropologist will enable you to enjoy an incredible work-life balance.

The presence of many specialties in this field makes it less competitive and will also assist you in finding a specialty that suits your interests and skills.

Furthermore, a career in forensic anthropology will empower you with valuable skills useful in many industries. Such skills include problem-solving, communication, research, teamwork, organization, and writing.

If you want to become a professor or teacher someday, pursuing a degree in forensic anthropology is an excellent choice as it offers good postgraduate teaching opportunities.

Above all, forensic anthropologist remains a job in high demand, and there are several jobs available in this career to even people that possess just a bachelor’s degree.

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How much do Forensic Anthropologists make?

Based on statistics released by the US Bureau of Labour Statistics, the average salary of a forensic anthropologist is about $62,000 annually.

However, the salaries of forensic anthropologists differ according to their experience, academic credentials, places of employment, job positions, and locations of work.

Work Environment for a Forensic Anthropologist

Forensic anthropologists can fill a large variety of professional positions. Law enforcement agencies employ many of them as homicide investigators.

Forensic anthropologists can find a job by lecturing at the university, even if this role demands a doctorate. At the same time, another exciting job opportunity available for them is in museums.

Also, forensic anthropologists with high-level experience and technical ability can work as consultants to the government, which is a great way to make more money.

However, it is essential to know that the type of job a forensic anthropologist can get hinges on their area of expertise.

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Requirements For Studying Forensic Anthropology In The United States

Here are some of the requirements for admission into any forensic anthropology degree program at any US university:

  • A high school diploma
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement

How long does it take to complete a Forensic Anthropology degree program in the US?

You can complete a forensic anthropology degree program at any US university in just four years.

However, if you want to acquire an advanced degree after that, you must sacrifice another two years for the master’s degree and four years for a doctorate.

Top 5 Forensic Anthropology Colleges In The US

Here are the best forensic anthropologist colleges in the US:

1. Brandeis University

You can acquire the in-depth knowledge you desire for a forensic anthropology career by studying anthropology at Brandeis University.

The anthropology department at this academic institution has a reputation for offering active research and teaching experiences.

Students of this department enjoy the privilege of studying social relations, inequalities, worldviews, political economy, and several other areas of knowledge.

However, those aspiring to become forensic anthropologists take special classes and courses that empower them with the knowledge and skills they desire for their chosen careers.

Brandeis University has many world-class learning facilities, and seasoned industry professionals coordinate classes here. This school is an ideal destination for forensic anthropology education.

2. The University of California Los Angeles

As far as forensic anthropology education is concerned, you can hardly find a better school than the University of California Los Angeles.

Since its inception, top industry consultants with a good reputation in the field have coordinated the University of California Los Angeles forensic anthropology program.

Many research activities take place in the school, allowing students to acquire valuable skills in this career.

While students in the first and second years mainly help out in decedent studies, advanced students engage in excavations and assessments of cold cases.

Additionally, the University of California Los Angeles provides valuable internship opportunities to their students to enable them to acquire quality field experience. This helps them to secure a job immediately after graduation.

This school offers forensic anthropology education for both undergraduate and graduate degree students. The University of California Los Angeles remains one of the top forensic anthropology colleges in the United States.

3. University of Virginia

The University of Virginia is one of the top forensic anthropology colleges in the United States.

Students looking to pursue a career in forensic anthropology can acquire the education they need to achieve this through this school’s anthropology department.

This department has been running for over 50 years, and many of its graduates are doing exceedingly well in their diverse careers.

Forensic anthropology students at the University of Virginia learn about many areas of knowledge that increase their capacity to work anywhere in the world.

In addition, the University of Virginia’s anthropology department prioritizes providing quality teaching and research experiences for its students.

The academic environment of this school allows for close-knit interactions between faculty and students as well as students and students.

This is one of the best schools for students to acquire local and international research opportunities. The University of Virginia is another excellent addition to this list.

4. Columbia University

No list of the top forensic anthropology colleges in the world right now would be complete without the addition of Columbia University.

The anthropology department at this renowned academic institution provides quality education to anyone wanting to become a forensic anthropologist.

It is an academic hub for innovation, and faculty members at this school get to engage students in comprehensive research and writing activities.

Columbia University’s anthropology scholars are famous worldwide and have international exposure, which highly benefits students.

Besides a bachelor’s degree, students can also acquire an advanced degree from this college. Columbia University’s curriculum for training forensic anthropology students is comprehensive and offers students good field knowledge.

The school invests a lot of resources in completing numerous forensic anthropological research.

5. Texas State University

Texas State University is one of the top forensic anthropology colleges in the United States. The school is famous worldwide for advancing forensic anthropology through top-notch teaching and research.

This academic institution owns and operates several state-of-the-art forensic anthropology labs and centers, such as the Grady Early Forensic Anthropology Research Laboratory (GEFARL), the Osteological Research and Processing Laboratory (ORPL), and the Forensic Anthropology Research Facility (FARF).

Texas State University exposes its students to lessons that empower them with the knowledge of the ethics of the forensic anthropology profession and technical abilities that will enable them to become professional scientists in this field.

The institution’s academic resources have been among the best that can be seen in any school in the world.

Texas State University partners with police departments, labs, and research institutes to advance forensic anthropology knowledge, significantly benefiting student development.

Texas State University is a highly rated institution for forensic anthropology.

Essential Skills For A Forensic Anthropologist Career

To become a successful forensic anthropologist, here are some of the essential skills that you must possess:

  • Critical reasoning
  • Decision making
  • Problem-solving
  • Quantitative reasoning
  • Good lab skills
  • Ability to pay attention to details
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Good knowledge of computer
  • Effective communication skills
  • Ability to work under pressure

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On Top Forensic Anthropology Colleges

Where can you make the most money as a forensic anthropologist in the US?

San Francisco pays forensic anthropologists the most salary in the US.

How much do FBI Forensic anthropologists make in a year?

According to, the average salary of a forensic anthropologist working for the FBI is about $84,000 per year.

How can I become an FBI forensic anthropologist?

You can become an FBI forensic anthropologist by acquiring a doctorate and relevant field experience.

What is the most challenging aspect of being a forensic anthropologist?

The most challenging aspect of being a forensic anthropologist is staying up-to-date with the ever-changing demographic populations of places.


Forensic anthropology is a fascinating field of study that involves the identification of human remains and the deductive analysis of evidence to determine the cause of death.

 You can use your expertise as a forensic anthropologist to work for the police and aid in criminal investigations.

It is necessary to earn a university degree in forensic anthropology before entering the field, and this article has gone through the top 5 universities for acquiring a forensic anthropology degree.

However, to gain more recognition and boost your professional credential as a forensic anthropologist, make sure that you obtain the American Board of Forensic Anthropology and International Association for Identification certifications.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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Abasiofon Fidelis
Abasiofon Fidelis

Abasiofon Fidelis is a professional writer who loves to write about college life and college applications. He has been writing articles for over 3 years. He is the Content Manager at School and Travel.

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