The Star Wars prequel trilogy is one of the most polarizing film trilogies in cinema history.
Released to a horde of fans itching for the next space adventure, these movies’ critical reception was uncivilized.
But if you ask me, the hate for these movies was blown way out of proportion.
By all means, they weren’t perfect, but the way the public reacted to these movies, you could’ve sworn George Lucas collectively murdered all their dogs.
It had an amazing premise, interesting new characters, a beautiful soundtrack, and epic action.
Duel of the Fates
My prepubescent brain melted through my skull the first time I saw Maul unveil his double-bladed lightsaber followed up by that legendary musical piece by John Williams.
The duel reached a level of intensity, the likes of which I had never seen before. For the first time, we witnessed a Sith Lord duel against two Jedi Knights in all its glory.
Maul holding his own against both Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan showcased his power, and at that moment, you feared for the safety of the two Jedi. And rightfully so.
It was a duel that possibly decided the entire galaxy’s fate when it was over.
The Battle of Geonosis
Despite lasting a few minutes, the sheer scope of the climactic battle of Geonosis after Yoda’s arrival with the Clone Troopers was beyond mesmerizing and epic to see.
Add the fact that the entire battle was created entirely through digital effects was a breakthrough achievement in CGI that still stands the test of time with modern-day special effects.
And it perfectly set the stage for the Clone Wars tv show that beautifully complements the entire Skywalker Saga.
The Rise of Darth Vader
The entire prequel trilogy was building up to this one unfortunate moment; the tragic fall of Anakin Skywalker and his transformation into the Sith Lord Darth Vader.
After losing his battle with Obi-Wan, Anakin was found limbless and completely burnt by Palpatine, still clinging to life through his pure hatred and rage.
He is then put through a gruesome and horrific body transformation where he becomes more machine than man.
Anakin Skywalker effectively died the second that mask was laid upon his face, forever encasing him in his black tomb. And in his stead, Vader took his first iconic breath, and the entire galaxy shivered.
The Birth of the Empire
The politics of Star Wars has always fascinated me.
I know that isn’t a popular opinion but seeing Palpatine manipulate the Galactic Republic and the Separatists into an all-out galactic war showcased the sheer brilliance of the Sith Lord, who knew that brute strength alone wouldn’t be enough to topple the Jedi Order.
He had to wait and carefully bide his time, plot out his next move and win everyone to his side to the point that they blindly agreed to grant him emergency powers.
With each passing year, the prequel trilogy has been getting more and more love as of late, and rightfully so.
It may not have been the perfect swansong we all hoped it would be, but it is still an essential part of Star Wars that should not be forgotten.
And I hope George knows that there are still fans of his that love both of his trilogies equally.
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