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11+ Pros and Cons of Living in Wyoming

Wyoming has a lot of wide-open spaces and natural beauty, which can make living there both very satisfying and difficult.

This article explains the pros and cons of living in Wyoming and the tips you need to know about Wyoming.

What You Should Know About Wyoming

Wyoming is a big state in terms of land size. Wyoming is the tenth-biggest state, with over 62 million acres of land.

Did you know that? Or that the least populous state in America is Wyoming.

Wyoming is an excellent place to live because of the stunning views of the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Park and the many outdoor activities available.

Pros of Living in Wyoming

1. Cheap housing is available

If someone decides to relocate to Wyoming, they should know that housing costs are significantly lower here than back home.

Wyoming is still where you may realize your dream of property ownership, even though it’s becoming increasingly unrealistic for Americans.

2. Recreational Activities

Like other Western states, Wyoming offers abundant outdoor sports and entertainment opportunities.

Some of the best snowboarding and skiing in the nation can be found in Wyoming.

However, residents of Colorado or Utah, a nearby state, might disagree.

Still, many choose to hit the slopes at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort.

Game animal hunting is a well-liked hobby. The state is well-known for its many trout species when it comes to fishing. 

3. Low Cost of Living

The additional benefit of living in Wyoming is its low cost, which considerably lessens the financial burden on its citizens.

Due to the significant disparity in housing costs, single people and families can locate excellent properties without exceeding budget.

One of the state’s biggest cities, Casper, has a cost of living 10% less than the national average.

The prices of groceries, transportation, utilities, and other daily needs in Wyoming are fair, so people can keep up a decent standard of living while watching their spending.

4. State income tax exempt

Everyone is sure to appreciate this benefit of residing in Wyoming.

The state’s tax structure is currently one of the main draws for individuals to relocate to Wyoming, especially the section on income taxes.

There are just nine states without an income tax, including Wyoming.

Yes, Wyoming has no income tax, which is a big draw for everyone, especially for remote workers.

5. Beautiful Scenery

Most Wyomingites live within sight of pristine mountains, woods, plains, and lakes due to the limited effects of development, leaving most of the state undeveloped.

Yellowstone National Park and a few other national and state parks are considered among the best in the state.

6. Variety of Wildlife

Wyoming is well known for its astounding and varied fauna, offering a dynamic mosaic of scenic beauties that enthral locals and tourists alike.

The state is a wildlife enthusiast’s paradise because of its natural environments, which provide a haven for various animals.

Wyoming is home to an amazing diversity of huge mammals, from the majestic bison that graze on the vast plains to the elk roaming the rough mountains and valleys.

7. Wyoming’s Finest Small-And Mid-Sized City Living

You can live in various peaceful little to mid-sized cities in Wyoming. The state’s southeast is where Cheyenne is situated.

With over 60,000 citizens, it is the state’s capital and most populous city.

The University of Wyoming is located in Laramie, the third-largest city, about 50 miles northwest of Cheyenne.

The city is a desirable travel destination because of its closeness to national parks and mountains.

8. Summertime is Great

Wyoming’s summers are wonderful, with warm to scorching highs and chilly nights.

People are happy, the wildlife is out, and life is simple.

People in Wyoming truly enjoy the summer, maybe due to how difficult the winters are here (more on that later).

9. Good Travel

It’s easy to get around Wyoming. In fact, you probably won’t spend a lot of time in the car.

Because there are few people, there are sufficient resources to maintain well-maintained roadways.

In a similar vein, one rarely witnesses traffic congestion.

Compared to many US states, this one is noteworthy since many residents claim to be able to commute to work in less than 20 minutes.

10. Relatively Low Population

Wyoming is home to about 600,000 people. Moving to Wyoming means making it your stable home in a state with few people.

Out of all the states in the nation, this one has the fewest inhabitants. Vermont, a state in the northeast, is a close second.

If you choose to live in Washington state, for instance, remember that Seattle is home to around 200,000 more people than the whole state of Wyoming.

Wyoming is, therefore, tranquil and calm and does not experience urbanization or overcrowding.

Cons of Living in Wyoming

1. Extremely cold and harsh winters

The state has harsh winters, frequently below-freezing temperatures and a thick snow covering the ground.

Winter snowpacks in places like Jackson and Yellowstone National Park can drop as much as ten feet, so being resilient and ready for anything is necessary.

Severe winter storms have the potential to ruin everyday plans and make travel risky and challenging in isolated places.

2. Isolation

It is easy to understand why so many individuals find Wyoming an incredibly remote place to live.

The sole major city in the state is Cheyenne, and even that has a small population. The rest of the state is nearly totally rural.

The majority of people in Wyoming reside in rural, generally underdeveloped areas.

This may be difficult for people who are used to a larger, more active group.

3. Absence of Amenities and Attractions For Large Cities

There aren’t many large cities or a big city feel in Wyoming. There aren’t many urban amenities.

There are a few niche shops where you can window shop and discover that one unique item you’ve been eyeing.

There aren’t as many ethnic eateries as you would be used to. Professional employment are scarcer but more plentiful in big cities.

The cultural attractions that large cities, colleges, and college towns have to offer.

The majority of young people leave this state as a result. They look elsewhere for professional and further education prospects.

In addition, Wyoming’s highly respected K–12 education system provides children with a solid foundation in life.

4. Wyoming’s wind makes life difficult

What about the wind? That’s right.

Western Wyoming is the windiest state in the union. In the winter, the average wind speed is about 13 mph. It also doesn’t seem to stop.

And that’s only the start if the average wind speed is 13 mph.

5. Limited Public Transportation Options

The state’s wide open spaces and sparse population make building and maintaining significant public transportation networks challenging.

Public transportation can be scarce or nonexistent in many locations, mostly in remote and rural areas.

Larger cities like Casper may have little bus service, yet they are classified as car-dependent communities.

The network’s limits can be an issue for people who prefer not to drive or rely on public transportation for their daily commute.

6. Minimal Diversity

The population of Wyoming is limited, and there is a severe lack of diversity within it.

In fact, Wyoming was listed as one of the nation’s ten least diversified states.

84.7% of respondents identified as white alone on the 2020 census, compared to 2.4% identifying as Native American exclusively.

 7. Few Opportunities for Employment

Employment opportunities in Wyoming are restricted to a small number of industries.

There aren’t many management, finance, banking, or business consultancy positions.

The economy is dominated by mining, tourism, agriculture, and education.

In addition, there are more job-related injuries in the state due to the outside and rougher work settings.

8. Long Drives

It seems like a long travel is necessary to get to almost everyone and everything.

The length of these drives will vary depending on where in Wyoming you live. Drive times to town will be longer if you reside in a more rural region.

Even in a city or town, there’s a chance your town doesn’t have what you need, so you’ll need to drive for hours to the next town.

Many people I know who reside in the southern part of the state travel several hours each month to shop in Colorado and Salt Lake City.

9. Limited Alternatives for Recreation and Culture

The state may not have many cultural attractions or entertainment venues, while having a rich history and legacy firmly anchored in the American West.

Larger cities like Cheyenne provide a few cultural attractions, like museums and neighborhood gatherings, although they might not be as plentiful as in other larger cities.

For locals looking for a bustling arts and entertainment scene, the small number of theaters, concert halls, and art galleries may be a problem.

10. Aging Population

Younger people are leaving Wyoming at a rate rapidly decreasing the state’s population.

Many young people are moving out of the state, mostly due to the lack of choices for employment, education, and other services.

Wyoming’s population is becoming more old and white as younger people leave the state, making it even less diverse than it was previously.

There can be fewer retirement possibilities if the senior population is higher than usual.


Wyoming is a beautiful city with a low population but a huge land mass making it quite uncongested.

It also is a hub for recreational activities, has low living costs, and has a lovely summertime atmosphere.

However, Wyoming is not for you if you are not a fan of isolation and little social infrastructure.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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Franklin Izuekwe
Franklin Izuekwe

Franklin Izuekwe is a professional writer who loves to write about travel. He has been writing articles for over 3 years. He is a content manager in school and travel.

Articles: 15