5 Ways to Continue Your Education While Travelling Around the World

Ways to Continue Your Education While Travelling Around the World

You are not required to abandon your studies to travel the world. If you use your time wisely, there are numerous ways to accomplish both goals.

Even just travelling around the world and interacting with people from different cultures and backgrounds is an educational experience in and of itself. You will learn a great deal about yourself and the people you meet.

Surrounding yourself with French speakers, for example, is a proven way to improve your language skills quickly.

Assimilation with people in a city or village vastly different from your own teaches you empathy for other people and ways of life that are foreign to you.

So, why do we place such a high value on formal education systems in our society? Isn’t it possible for you to drop out of school and travel the world?

Schools are critical, and there’s no getting around that fact. It provides you with valuable life skills such as discipline and work ethic and obtaining a degree opens up a plethora of opportunities in the workplace.

There is no need to give up your education to travel the world. Colombia’s Tayrona National Park is a must-see.

A growing body of scientific evidence, on the other hand, supports the notion that people who travel are more creative, open-minded, and all-around good people.

You are not required to abandon your academic pursuits to succeed.

Furthermore, if you decide to quit and discover that you do not enjoy traveling or only want to travel for a short period before pursuing another career, you will not have that degree to fall back on.

In the same way, many jobs abroad may even require you to have a degree or be in the process of earning your degree.

You can travel the world while continuing your academic studies; all you need to know is how to do so successfully.

1. Take a Gap Year Between High School and College:

However, while gap years aren’t as common in the United States, they are common in Europe and Australia.

If you haven’t heard of a Gap Year before, it is a 12-month period during which students pursue non-academic interests such as travelling, working abroad, or volunteering abroad.

Typically, it’s taken between the end of high school and the beginning of college, so it’s a nice (and much-needed) break that will allow you to recharge your batteries and avoid academic burnout.

Most importantly, it gives you a full year to consider what you want to study in college and how to go about it.

They allow you to learn more about yourself and what you are genuinely interested in rather than jumping in headfirst with no idea what you want to do with your life.

It’s perfectly acceptable to take a year off to travel before returning to school. Travelling serves as a different kind of classroom.

It’s perfectly acceptable to take a year off to travel before returning to school. Travelling serves as a different kind of classroom.

Taking a year off to travel will also provide you with new cultural experiences and a fresh perspective on the world, which you can use to enhance your professional portfolio.

The skills and knowledge you gain while travelling are valuable additions to any job application, and any employer will recognize the value of your experience.

They will recognize the ability to navigate difficult situations with ease as resourcefulness, worldliness, adaptability, and resilience.

Furthermore, because it is only a break, you are not required to discontinue your studies; rather, you simply postpone them.

However, it is important to remember that taking a gap year is a significant commitment that necessitates some planning and effort on your part.

If you do not make travel arrangements or do not save up enough money, you may find yourself wasting the entire year doing nothing. GapYear.com is a reputable resource that can assist you in getting started.

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2. Spend a year studying abroad to immerse yourself in a new culture and learn about yourself:

Most colleges and universities offer programs that allow students to spend an entire year or a semester studying abroad—and increasing numbers of students are taking advantage of these opportunities each year.

While it can be difficult to overcome language barriers, become acclimated to new currencies, and deal with cultural differences when thousands of miles away from home, studying abroad can be a life-changing experience for many students.

Studying abroad in France improves your French language skills, earns college credits, and makes your friends envious.

For example, being an American student studying in Japan for a semester might initially feel like landing on Mars. Perhaps you’ll grow tired of sushi (is that even possible? ), and the accuracy of train arrival times will undoubtedly begin to irritate you as time goes on.

However, you will make lifelong friends, learn about a new culture, and gain an enormous amount of real-world experience that you will not be able to gain in a traditional classroom setting.

Studying abroad is an excellent option for people with little or no travel experience because you are placed in programs where you will meet other Americans who are also travelling.

Accommodation is included, and your college will assist you in organizing logistics and providing you with support and advice both before and during your time away.

3. Make the most of your vacation time by travelling during your summer vacations:

There are two options for how to spend your summer vacation time travelling. Those who have amassed a substantial amount of savings or have another means of acquiring funds can simply leave and travel. Book a flight, board a plane and embark on a lifetime journey. Easy!

Don’t be concerned if you don’t have cash on hand right away; alternatives exist. You can still go on adventures during your summer vacation; you’ll have to put in the extra effort while away.

Learn how to become an au pair. Au pairs are similar to live-in babysitters in that they provide childcare services in exchange for room and board, meals, and a small amount of spending money.

Especially as more and more families want their children to learn English and spend time with native English speakers, they are in high demand throughout the European Union. You can also use the money you earn as an au pair to travel after your placement ends. Consider using job search websites such as Au Pair and Great Au Pair to begin your job search.

Teach English as a second language. There are a number of countries all over the world that host summer English language camps for children. ACLE, for example, is a non-profit organization that recruits native English speakers to work in camps all over Italy as instructors.

Teaching positions can also be found on websites such as Go Abroad, which list teaching opportunities worldwide. Consider Asia and the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf, where English teachers earn the highest salaries, as potential locations for your search.

Volunteer in a foreign country. You can raise money to cover the costs of your flights by organizing a fundraiser.

Volunteering programs, which you can find on websites such as Volunteer World and Projects Abroad, will pay for your room and board in exchange for your assistance while you’re in another country.

Volunteering also looks good on your resume and is a simple way to give back to the community.

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4. Take part in a cultural exchange to gain a true understanding of the local culture:

There are various cultural exchange programs available to young people in the United States today.

The purpose of cultural exchange is to provide people from one country with the opportunity to fully experience life in another country. Naturally, this is accomplished by travelling to another country and immersing oneself in the local culture.

5. Learn to speak two languages and attend a language school abroad:

Summer school may not have sounded all that appealing when you were younger, but it should now that you have the option to attend it abroad! As a result, you can now travel while simultaneously learning something new.

If you want to improve your foreign language abilities, immersion is essential. It is for this reason that language schools are so popular.

Taking a month or two at a language school in a country such as Mexico, Guatemala, Bolivia, or even Spain is the most effective way to learn a foreign language like Spanish. The cost of schooling and living in these countries can be extremely affordable.

Continue your education while travelling at the same time!

Once you have completed your language course, you may wish to travel around the country (or to neighbouring countries).

Even if you miss the start of the regular school year, you might still be able to make it back. You might even want to look into language schools if you have the time.

They might be willing to give you credit that you can use toward your studies back at home.

The truth is that if you use your vacation time wisely—or even if you simply take some time off—you can travel the world.

No matter which path you choose, you can rest assured that your degree is still in progress. (For example, in a hammock on one of the Thai islands, in a farmhouse in the Uruguayan countryside, or perhaps in a tent in the Australian outback….)

To get your first taste of traveling while studying, where do you intend to go? Please share your thoughts in the comments section!

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