How Long Does It Take to Get a Real Estate License? (Florida, Ontario)

How Long Does It Take to Get a Real Estate License

The question of how long it takes to become a licensed real estate agent is one that everyone aiming to become a realtor has asked or will ask one way or the other.

As with other professional licenses, obtaining a real estate license doesn’t happen immediately, but it doesn’t take as long as other licenses. It is not necessary to have a bachelor’s degree to become a licensed real estate agent.

The sole educational qualification for a real estate career is a high school diploma, which some states do not require.

This article will answer the question, “How Long Does It Take to Get a Real Estate License?”, providing tips on being a realtor, and the factors affecting the profession.

What Does it Mean to Have a License to in Real Estate?

Real estate licensees are required for realtors to sell lawfully, broker, or rent real estate on behalf of a real estate firm to prospective tenants and buyers. The prerequisites for obtaining a real estate license differ from state to state.

Why Work as a Realtor?

Having the opportunity to work as a real estate agent provides a lot of variety. You won’t be performing the same thing every day because your clients and residences will vary.

As a real estate agent, you’ll get to meet and work with many people, be your boss, and help buyers and sellers through one of life’s most significant moments.

Based on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data from 2020 (the most recent year for which figures are available), the average annual salary for a real estate agent is $51,220.

That price rises to $59,720 for real estate brokers, who must meet extra education, testing, and experience criteria.

For 2020, the top 10% of real estate agents earned an average of $112,410. However, some agents make significantly more than that.

Another benefit is that it is simple to enter the field. You don’t need a four-year college degree to receive a real estate license, which is quicker and cheaper than getting a similar job with a higher salary potential.

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How Long Does It Take to Become Licensed to Sell Real Estate?

The time it takes to graduate school, pass the exam, and submit an application for a real estate license varies by state and per student.

Still, for the most part, it takes four to six months to accomplish the educational process of becoming a real estate agent.

You can complete your education at your own pace, which means that you will be able to complete your real estate education sooner than you would with traditional programs.

Some people can complete their real estate studies in weeks if offered online classes and devote enough time to it.

Overall, you can accelerate your real estate education by taking online courses. You can take the license exam once you’ve completed your school prerequisites.

You can expect to begin working in the real estate sector within a few months of passing your exam and completing the licensure application procedure.

How to Get a Florida Real Estate License:

According to Vaned, here are the requirements for a Florida Real Estate License:

  • Complete 63 Hours of Approved Education
  • Pass the Course Final Exam
  • Submit Fingerprints to the Department of Business & Professional Regulation (DBPR)
  • Complete the License Application
  • Pass the Florida Real Estate Exam

Between two and five months is the typical time it takes to obtain a Florida real estate license.

This pre-license course may be completed in a matter of weeks or months depending on how much time each student has available to devote to their course work.

Students should expect to spend an additional 1-2 months locating a sponsored broker, applying for a license, and passing the Florida real estate exam after finishing the needed course.

How to Get an Ontario Real Estate License:

According to living reality, when it comes to the Greater Toronto Area, there are currently more than 64,000 licensed realtors and salespeople.

Because of the strong demand and rising pricing, it is easy to see how those with the correct approach, attitude, effort, and support may carve out a successful and lucrative profession.

Here are the requirements for an Ontario Real Estate License:

  • Take Your Courses
  • Find a Brokerage
  • Register with the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO)

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Factors Affecting the Time It Takes to Acquire Real Estate License:

The length of time you spend in real estate school depends on several variables. These are only a few examples:

Your state’s requirements for credit hours or courses:

To earn a real estate license in your state, you must complete a specific number of hours of training. While Florida requires 63 credit hours, Texas mandates 180 credit hours.

According to your state’s requirements, you’ll have to attend school for a specific amount of time. Inquire with your state’s real estate commission about the number of hours required for licensure before you begin your search.

Real Estate school online or in-person:

Depending on their preference, students can take their real estate classes online or in a traditional classroom format. It’s possible that taking lessons in person will take longer than doing them online.

Take a pre-licensing course:

There are many ways to do this. We’ve talked about taking classes in person or online, but there are many other ways to learn.

Many real estate firms and universities in some states offer courses on becoming a real estate agent.

You can also go to real estate schools in some states. These classes would be held in person most of the time, but you can also learn on your own.

You won’t be able to learn with a teacher or your classmates when you learn online, but there are also a lot of benefits to learning from home. It can be beneficial if you’re a parent, work somewhere else, or don’t have the time to go to a class in person.

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Studying time:

Online real estate pre-license classes can be accessed at any time of day or night, on any device if you want to do so.

When it comes to studying, some students have the luxury of spending all day in front of their computers, while others are limited to a few hours of study time each week.

As little as 2-3 weeks may be possible if you are self-motivated and have plenty of free time, but it may take you much longer to accomplish your degree program if you are a full-time worker with other commitments.

License examination in your state:

The exam and application requirements may differ depending on where you live.

It can take weeks to complete a mail-in application and exam in some states, while an automated system is available in others. Before completing your application or taking your real estate exam, be sure to check the requirements in your state.

Fill out an application to take the real estate test:

The next step is to apply to take your real estate exam after you’ve worked the number of hours you need to.

You want to be careful and make sure this isn’t too long after you’ve finished your pre-licensing course so that it isn’t too late. Get a detailed list of all the paperwork and deadlines you need to do before starting the process.

If you took your course online, you’d need to be extra careful with this step and make sure you’ve spent your time wisely.

Make the grade:

You’ll need to do more than work your required hours. Like any exam, this one needs to be studied as well.

Check if the school you’re taking pre-licensing classes has any exam-prep classes because this can be very helpful right before the exam.

Find a broker you can work with that is right for you:

Following your exam, you will need to activate your license and sign up for local listing services to get your name out there. After this is done, you aren’t done yet.

People who work as independent real estate agents must meet different rules than those who work for a company.

Many things to think about when choosing a real estate broker, like where they live, how well they’re known, and what they specialize in.

To become a real estate agent, you need to first finish any paperwork or contracts with your new real estate broker.

You need to get your real estate agent license:

When you pass the exam, it’s time to send an application and any documents and fees to your state’s real estate regulatory organization.

The state will mail your real estate license certificate during the process, and your name will be searchable on the state’s website.

Keep in mind that you can’t work as a real estate agent until you get your license from the state’s real estate authority. Wait until you have that license in your hand.

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Frequently Asked Questions how long does it take to get a Real Estate License?

How much do a realtor’s license costs?

These will cost approximately $100 in total. The actual state examination fee varies but is typically less than $50. Then you’ll pay approximately $150 for the license.

How long is Realtor school?

A real estate license can be earned in as little as two months and as long as five months on average. The licensing requirements in your state and application process, as well as whether you attend an online real estate school or a traditional classroom course, can have an impact on this.

Is the Florida real estate exam hard?

Students shouldn’t be scared of the exam because it can be difficult. The Florida real estate exam prep course has been developed in order to help students pass their first time. The sales associate exam first-time pass rate is between 50% and 55%.

What do I need to become a real estate agent?

A real estate agent training program can be completed in as little as four to six months depending on where you live. Prelicensing coursework can be completed online, which speeds things up. Activating your license and joining a brokerage are the next stages after completing a real estate prelicensing course, the licensing exam, and passing it.


Obtaining a real estate license may be expensive, but it sure isn’t time-consuming, and it can pave the way for a profitable career in the field.

Remember that working as a real estate agent may be as flexible as you make it. Alternatively, you can work only three days a week in the mornings, or never on the weekends. This, of course, comes at a high price, as it severely restricts your ability to succeed.

Successful real estate agents tend to work full-time, making themselves available to clients at all hours of the day and night.

On the other hand, there are numerous designations and certifications to choose from for real estate, including those about commercial and residential real estate; as a real estate professional, obtaining one of these credentials can help you advance in your career and raise your earning potential.

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