5 Easiest Languages to Learn for English Speakers (FAQs)

Easiest Languages to Learn for English Speakers

What are the Easiest Languages to Learn for English Speakers? Well, you’ve decided to study a new language, which is wise.

A politically relevant language like Russian might be a good choice, but what about the one you can use on your next vacation?

I might not be a language expert, but in this post, I’ll be helping you identify which of the many languages in the world is the most accessible for English speakers to learn.

What is a language?

One definition of language is “a system of communication consisting of a collection of sounds and written symbols utilized in speaking and writing by the people of a certain country or region.”

A common language is a prerequisite for any meaningful interaction between people.

Humans are the only species that have perfected cognitive, and verbal communication, yet all other species have developed their means of communicating.

A common language facilitates communication and helps them better understand one another. It may both strengthen and destroy communities.

What do you Stand to Gain in Learning a Second Language?

Getting to learn a second language has a bunch of advantages. Learning a second language, for starters, has long been regarded as a way to improve one’s intelligence.

It’s a huge hit with employers. Multilingual and bilingual employees are sought after by corporations, international organizations, and government agencies.

Learning a second language may open up a whole new world of possibilities for yourself.

The more languages you acquire, the easier it will be to acquire further languages. If you’re fluent in more than one language, you’ll want to travel more, meet new people, and learn about other cultures.

Learning a second language can alter how you see life and the universe.

Read more: Top 5 Rarest Languages in the World

How do you learn a New Language?

First, before going into the rundown of the easiest languages to learn for English speakers, let’s talk about some of the most popular languages in the world.

Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese are among the many languages native English speakers pick up along the way.

Two of the most widely spoken languages on Earth are French and Spanish. They’re spoken in more than a hundred different places around the world.

You’ll be hard-pressed to discover folks who don’t speak one or both languages on any continent. As a result, they’re excellent languages to learn and not too challenging either.

Read more:

5 Best Ways to Learn a New Language:

1. Get to Know New People:

Begin attending language-learning events in your city if there is a community of people who speak your target language.

The greatest way to learn a foreign language is to make friends and become familiar with its slang, intonation, and mannerisms through friendship.

Having friends who speak the language can allow you to practice without feeling self-conscious or on the spot.

2. See a Movie: 

One of the best methods to learn a foreign language and get a better sense of the culture of the language, is to immerse yourself in a foreign movie.

The subtitles can be turned off if you’re not fluent enough in the language to understand what the words imply.

3. Educate Yourself:

While it may seem simple, it is nevertheless one of the best ways to learn a new language in little steps of concentrated investigation.

Every day, take a few minutes to jot down a phrase you’d like to learn how to say better in your target language. Each word/section should be researched before composing the statement.

Make sure your sentences are correct when you meet with your language partner if you have one. Having a daily objective to achieve will keep you moving forward and upward in your language-learning journey.

4. Try Listening to the Radio:

Listening to a radio station in your target language while driving, downloading a podcast, or surfing the web is a great way to practice your pronunciation and vocabulary in your new language of study.

See how much you can understand, and jot down any unfamiliar words you come across so you can go back and look them up later.

5. Travel out:

Visiting a location where your target language is spoken and staying with a host family that does not speak your native tongue are two of the finest ways to learn a foreign language.

When you have no choice but to learn a language, you’ll be shocked at how much information you can convey and how rapidly you pick it up.

Easiest Languages to Learn for English Speakers:

On that note, let me share with you some of the easiest languages to learn for English speakers. And they are:

1. Swedish:

Swedish is the official language spoken in Sweden. It is a Germanic language, like English.

English is widely spoken among Swedes, who are exposed to it early and speak it fluently as a second language.

If the Swedes can learn English so quickly, then Swedish must be a simple language for English speakers. It should not surprise English speakers learning Swedish that the two languages use the same word order.

To simplify things, the verb forms are usually consistent, so it’s comparable to English. The Swedish verb conjugation is a breeze compared to Latin languages, which require conjugation for every person and tense.

Read more: CASL Test (Meaning, Benefits, Oral language abilities)

2. Dutch:

In the Netherlands, Belgium, Suriname, and parts of the Caribbean, Dutch is spoken by 23 million people. It is the official language of The Netherlands.

If you’re a native English speaker, you should have no problem learning the basics of Dutch. Many think it’s midway between English and German, making it easy for English speakers to learn.

Learning Dutch will help you get a career because there are many opportunities for people who speak the language.

As a result, Dutch has had a significant impact on the English language, with more vocabulary coming from Dutch than other languages.

Due to the similarities between Dutch and other languages and the fact that English is ever-present in their lives, this is a part of the explanation through movies and music, in particular.

They aren’t highly averse to assimilating English vocabulary into their native tongue. In the case of a missing word in a sentence, this can come in helpful for English speakers, as they can easily substitute the English equivalent, and most people will understand.

3. Norwegian:

English people will have little trouble picking up the Norwegian language as a second language, similar to other Scandinavian languages like Swedish and Danish.

Norwegian speakers are often fluent in English, like Swedish or Dutch, even though English can be difficult to practice.

Even though there are only about 5.2 million native Norwegian speakers, it shares many cognates with English, so the essentials will be easy to learn.

In contrast to other languages, there is no need to memorize multiple verb tenses in Norwegian. The word order is also identical to that of English. Norwegian is spoken as an official language by people from Norway.

4. Indonesian:

This language is spoken as an official language in Indonesia. The writing systems of many Asian languages can make them difficult to understand or learn for English speakers, but not in Indonesian case.

Though not the most straightforward language to learn, it is much easier than Chinese or Japanese.

Read more: How To Become A Speech-Language Pathology Assistant (SLPA)

5. Italian:

More than 60 million people are native Italian speakers, even though Italian is not as widely spoken as Spanish. It is the official language spoken in Italy.

Words like lotteria (lottery) and caffè can be recognized by English speakers because of their Latin roots (coffee). Using food to learn a new language is the most effective method.

Many Western countries, like the United Kingdom, the United States, and Spain, have embraced Italian cuisine, which has brought several Italian words into our everyday lexicon.

To begin with, if you’re a foodie and a fan of Italian cuisine (and who isn’t?), learning Italian should be very easy.

Frequently Asked Questions on the Easiest Languages to Learn for English Speakers:

What’s the hardest language?


Is learning Korean hard?

Foreign Service Institute (FSI) ranks Korean as one of the more difficult languages to learn, but it does not mean it is unattainable. As a result, don’t be concerned about how many “hours” it takes to learn Korean. There are many ways to learn Korean quickly, and you may already know more than you think.

Can you learn a language while sleeping?

Word associations between languages can be formed in the slumbering brain. That means that when you’re sleeping, you can acquire advanced concepts.

Is it possible to learn a language by yourself?

Learning a language at home has never been easier or more convenient thanks to the plethora of free language learning apps available, such as Babbel and Duolingo. Even if you don’t have access to a computer, you can still take online classes from the comfort of your own home.

How long does it take to self-learn a language?

That answer is “it depends,” but you probably already knew that. Next, and more accurately, it can take anywhere from three months to two years to become fluent in speaking, writing, and reading a new language.


Consider these selections if you’ve been putting off learning a second language because you fear it will be too difficult or time-consuming.

If you’ve been tempted to study Russian after watching the Olympics, go for it! Even though it’s regarded as one of the more difficult languages for native English speakers to learn, you can accomplish this with a bit of effort and patience.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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