What Do Physical Therapists Wear To Work? (FAQs, Pros & Cons)

Physical therapy is a rewarding career. These professionals work at hospitals, clinics, and several other healthcare facilities.

There is no official dress code for physical therapists. As such, they can wear scrubs or exercise pants and a t-shirt to work.

However, if you are looking to embark on a career in physical therapy, you must know the advantages and disadvantages of this choice.

This article will discuss the top reasons why you should pursue a career in physical therapy, as well as the disadvantages of becoming a physical therapist, to guide you in making the right career decision.

Who Is A Physical Therapist?

Physical therapists assist people in recovering from medical conditions that affect their mobility and cause excruciating pain.

It is a profession that is still gaining popularity all over the world. Physical therapists are experts in the field of rehabilitation.

They provide professional help to patients at all phases of their recovery.

Top Reasons To Become A Physical Therapist

Here are the benefits of embarking on a physical therapy career:

1. Satisfaction

Physical therapy is a satisfying career path.

As a physical therapist, you will help people recover from injuries that affect their mobility and cause so much pain.

Nothing compares to the satisfaction you will feel from assisting patients in managing their injuries as they work toward total recovery.

Becoming a physical therapist allows you to make a difference in people’s lives and positively impact society.

2. Excitement

Physical therapists always spend more time with patients than nurses and physicians do.

By doing so, they tend to bond with patients while enabling full and effective recovery.

Making a deep connection with patients can make the job more exciting and easier for the physical therapist.

So, if you are looking for a job in the healthcare industry that brings about premium excitement, look no further than that of the physical therapist.

3. Engaging job

A physical therapist’s job is engaging.

As a physical therapist, you can be sure that you won’t have one dull day, as you will participate in several activities with patients that can speed up their recovery.

For instance, you can accompany patients when they perform the exercise to motivate them to engage in such activities daily.

Doing several things with your patients keeps you engaged, which will surely impact your level of creativity.

4. Several job settings

You can work in several settings as a physical therapist.

Physical therapists can be found everywhere, from small villages to big urban areas.

As a physical therapist, you will have access to limitless job opportunities.

Working in several settings will eventually boost your knowledge, empower you with excellent professional skills, and increase your experience.

5. Travel opportunities

Physical therapy is a job that comes with huge travel prospects.

Besides, as a physical therapist, you can be lucky to work for a company that organizes trips to several countries for you to do your job; you may have to travel to certain countries to enroll in and complete advanced professional certification programs.

However, traveling worldwide and performing several responsibilities will enable you to determine the aspect of physical therapy that fascinates you.

Moreover, these travel opportunities will enable you to connect with several professionals and advance yourself professionally.

6. Good income

Physical therapy is a job that attracts huge income.

According to Indeed statistics, you can earn approximately $82,000 per year as a physical therapist.

However, your salary as a physical therapist depends on your experience level, expertise, and work location.

Furthermore, physical therapists receive additional benefits, such as a healthcare plan.

7. Work flexibility

A good number of professionals in the healthcare industry complete their jobs based on morning and evening shifts.

Nevertheless, the same cannot be said of physical therapists, as they attend to patients during the 9–5 working hours.

As a result, physical therapists have a better work-life balance than several experts in the healthcare industry.

You can even switch working days with a colleague as a physical therapist.

8. Highly sought-after job

Physical therapists are highly sought-after all over the world.

Thus, you can rest assured that you will not lose your job anytime soon if you embark on a physical therapy career.

Moreover, research has shown that the demand for physical therapists will grow by about 20% in the next ten years.

So, physical therapy is an excellent choice if you want to enjoy career stability and build yourself up in a profession that will span through generations.

9. Several areas of expertise

You can choose the type of expertise you want to practice as a physical therapist.

Some top specialties for physical therapists are orthopedics, pediatrics, geriatrics, and women’s health.

If you decide to become a physical therapist, one of the best things about the job is that you don’t have to do just one type of work.

Instead, you can specialize in a field that interests you.

10. Career Advancement

As a physical therapist, you are entitled to several professional advancement opportunities.

You can start up your physical therapy brand, manage a group of junior physical therapists, or pursue a career as an orthopedic surgeon.

Disadvantages Of Becoming A Physical Therapist

Here are some of the disadvantages of becoming a physical therapist:

1. Comprehensive academic requirements

To work as a physical therapist in some countries, you must acquire a doctorate in physical therapy from a recognized institution.

In most cases, you can achieve this in 10 years.

Spending many years studying before you can eventually get a license that will enable you to practice can be very taxing.

You may even be discouraged enough to give up in some instances before you get to the finish line.

2. Demanding job

Physical therapy is a profession that requires lots of physical effort.

During working hours, you will rarely have the opportunity to sit down.

Since you have to show patients what you expect them to do, you will surely be stressed out at the end of each day.

So, if you are not cut out for a stressful job, embarking on a career in physical therapy may be a bad idea.

3. Deal with difficult patients

As a physical therapist, you will encounter very annoying patients.

Their lack of motivation to follow your directives can leave you mentally exhausted.

Furthermore, your daily frustrations on the job can exhaust you emotionally.

So, if you are not willing to expose yourself to such risks, pursuing a career in physical therapy won’t make sense.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On What Physical Therapists Wear To Work

What is the best type of shoe for physical therapists?

The best type of shoes for physical therapists are tennis footwear or running shoes because they are super comfortable and do not result in wounds on the feet, even when worn for a very long time.

What is the toughest aspect of working as a physical therapist?

The hardest part of being a physical therapist is getting patients out of their beds and helping them do exercises that will help them get better.

Are physical therapists doctors?

No, physical therapists are not doctors. Rather, they are rehabilitation experts that help patients recover from an injury and start usually moving again.

Is it more challenging to become a physical therapist or nurse?

Becoming a physical therapist is harder than becoming a nurse because you must acquire a doctorate before working as a physical therapist in several countries, which is not the same as nursing.


Physical therapy is a rewarding career. These professionals work at hospitals, clinics, and several other healthcare facilities.

Moreover, there is no official dress code for physical therapists. As such, they can wear scrubs or exercise pants and a t-shirt to work.

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