What Does An Ethologist Do? (Skills, FAQs) | 2023

Pursuing an ethologist career will make so much sense if you love animals and are passionate about engaging in research.

Ethologists observe the way that animals behave under certain environmental conditions.

However, before you decide if this career path suits you, you need to understand the role of an ethnologist.

This article will discuss just that and provide some steps you can take to become one.

Who is an Ethologist?

Ethologists are professionals that observe the way that animal behaves.

These scientists work with both domestic and wild animals to understand the factors that motivate them to act in a particular manner.

Ethologists are mainly recruited to join a research team that monitors animals and discovers why they behave in a particular manner.

This job involves lots of traveling and laboratory work.

Is Ethology A Good Career Path?

Ethology is a rewarding field of study for anyone with a passion for animals and a desire to contribute to scientific inquiry.

Ethologists examine animals in various contexts to learn about their habits and routines, discover how they interact with their surroundings, and share findings that benefit animal welfare.

Diseases in dogs, cats, and other household pets can be avoided or treated using ethological research because the field studies their social interactions, eating habits, and breeding practices.

Ethologists can find employment in various settings, including academic institutions, zoos, and aquariums. While some people’s jobs occur in labs, others require them to be in an animal’s natural habitat.

How Much Do Ethologists Make?

According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS), the average salary of ethnologists in the United States is about $70,000 annually.

However, you need to know that the amount of money that ethologists make yearly in salaries depends on their industry experience, academic credentials, work location, and organization.

What Is The Job Outlook For Ethologists?

According to statistics released by the Bureau of Labour Statistics, from 2020 to 2030, there will be a growth of 5% in the number of jobs available for ethnologists.

How To Become An Ethologist

You can become an ethologist by following the steps below:

1. Begin early

If you are still in high school and looking to venture into a career in ethology, making an early start toward such a career is everything.

For instance, enrolling in selected science courses such as chemistry and biology can empower you with the basic knowledge you need to understand the classes you will take when you eventually major in ethology.

Moreover, many experts also advise that you take English classes to boost your oral and written communication skills and your ability to read understandably, which are essential for an ethologist career.

Furthermore, look for good organizations or companies where you can volunteer to enable you to acquire relevant field skills and experience.

This will also enable you to work with seasoned experts to know what an ethologist job entails and help you decide if it is the type of job you want.

Examples of ideal work setting to volunteer as an aspiring ethologist are veterinarian offices, wildlife rescues, and zoos.

2. Obtain an undergraduate degree

An undergraduate degree is a requirement for several ethologist field jobs.

A bachelor’s degree in any biology, zoology, animal science, psychology, or a field associated with them is the ideal academic credential for an ethology career.

You can complete an undergraduate degree program in four years.

An undergraduate degree will equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to take up entry-level research positions in the industry, such as that of a research assistant.

Taking up such a job will enable you to work directly with senior researchers, which is great for your development by empowering you with the in-depth technical knowledge required for senior jobs in this field.

3. Acquire relevant experience

Search for available opportunities in the industry which will enable you to acquire valuable experience.

Possessing relevant experience will set you apart from other applicants seeking to get into a master’s or doctorate program.

You can acquire relevant experience in this field by volunteering, working as an intern, or even taking up a research assistant job.

Moreover, throughout your bachelor’s degree program, you can gain valuable experience by working in hand with professors that are into research.

You can volunteer or intern during college or when you are out of it.

4. Advance your career

A graduate degree would enable you to take up a top job in the ethology industry.

While you can complete a master’s degree program in two years, you may need up to four years to complete a doctorate program.

Enrolling in a master’s degree program will enable you to acquire an advanced understanding of a selected area of interest in the field of ethology.

Moreover, you can also acquire knowledge of the lab aspect of a particular specialty which will position you to work as a lab manager.

A master’s degree program enables you to take several classes that will boost your research abilities which is valuable in this field.

On the other hand, you need a doctorate to qualify for a senior scientist job in this field.

However, acquiring one in certain specialties requires more time than some.

A doctorate program will enable you to become an expert in the field that can develop and actualize personalized scientific projects.

It will also prepare you to work as a college professor, senior lab administrator, or chief investigator.

Essential Skills For Ethologists

To succeed as an ethologist, you must possess the following skills:

1. Communication

As an ethnologist, possessing excellent communication abilities will enable you to do your job well.

It will help you to be able to exchange views with others and also easily understand what they have to say.

Moreover, having the ability to communicate excellently through written documents will enable people to understand the insights that you share from the research you complete.

It will also enable you to make good public presentations with ease.

2. Animal handling

Ethologist is a job that requires working with animals.

As such, if you lack good animal handling skills, you cannot perform this job well.

So, learn how to handle animals if you don’t have this skill.

The most successful ethologists all have top animal handling-skills.

3. Data analysis

Data analysis is another skill every ethnologist must possess to excel at this job.

Throughout their college education, ethologists engage in classes that equip them to collect raw facts, assess results and draw insights from them.

Possessing such abilities as an ethologist will enable you to make precise deductions.

You will be able to unearth specific trends concerning how animals behave.

4. Analytical thinking

Possessing good analytical thinking skills also enable ethologists to succeed at their jobs.

Analytical thinking is the capacity to gather and analyze data to make reasonable deductions.

As an ethnologist, this skill will enable you to assess current research in the field to identify untapped areas.

It will also help you devise the right research questions, develop reasonable study procedures, and make accurate deductions from tests.

Moreover, this skill will also assist you in finding and solving research challenges and developing new knowledge in the field.

5. Observation

Observation is an essential skill for ethologists.

Since this job involves monitoring animals and taking note of their recurrent behavioral trends, having good observation skills is essential.

This skill will enable you to observe the body language of animals.

You can also look at ecological hints that stimulate specific behavioral responses.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On The Role Of Ethologists

Are ethologists and behaviorists the same?

No, ethologists are not behaviorists. While ethologists are professionals that apply the knowledge of biology to study animal behavior, behaviorists focus on the psychological health of living things.

Is it difficult to become an ethologist?

To become an ethologist, you must have an undergraduate degree in animal science, animal behavior, ecology, or its related field. However, you can only receive such degrees after four years of studies.

Is there any difference between ethnology and zoology?

Ethology and zoology are closely related to each other. Ethology is a zoology specialty that focuses on studying animal behavior.

Is wildlife biologist a promising career?

Yes, wildlife biology is a promising career. However, only those with good experience in the field enjoy good pay.


If you enjoy conducting research and are genuinely interested in animals, becoming an ethologist would be a fantastic career choice.

The study of animal behavior is the specialty of ethologists.

These professionals work with domestic and wild animals to learn what drives them.

Read this article over again to refresh your memory on the procedures you can follow to enter the field of ethology.

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