How long does it take to get a Master’s Degree?

How long does it take to get a Master's Degree

Most Bachelor degree holders will say it’s “one to three years,” but there is something beyond the number of years.

Since there are different disciplines associated with it, each discipline will have a different duration that makes it different; thus there is no exact number of years.

It seems ambiguous, right? In this article, I will explain the answer to the question, “How long does it take to get a Master’s Degree? or “How many years is a master’s degree?”.

What is a Master’s Degree?

A Master’s degree follows a Bachelor’s degree that provides coursework in a specific area of expertise. This implies that you need to get a bachelor’s degree before looking forward to a master’s.

Getting into Grad school, this is the first degree that comes following a Doctorate, which is the highest degree you can get in your field of study.

A Master’s degree requires massive concentration and focus to come out with a good grade. It involves about 36 to 54-semester credits, that’s 12 to 18 college classes.

How long does it take to get a Master’s Degree? (Length of Time)

A Master’s degree in a Meridian takes about 1.5 to 2 years (18 to 24 months) for full-time students to complete effectively.

In some other programs, it can take precisely two years, like in Business Administration (MBA), Library and Information Science (MLS/MLIS), Public Administration (MPA), Public Health (MPH), and Social Work (MSW).

Each of these programs takes about 30 and 60 credit hours, which is invariable in line with the length of stay in school.

Read this: How long does it take to get a Doctorate Degree?

How long does it take to get a Master’s Degree? (Affecting Factors)

Financial Downtime:

In a context where you can’t pay for all that is required before you graduate, then your graduation time can adjust. More financial downtime could occur due to losing a scholarship or financial aid, or if there is an increment in tuition fees.

In addition, the first and initial step towards avoiding this issue is to save enough money before venturing into the study and also keep extra cash for eventualities.

In a situation in which you get married, it could affect your graduation if not properly handled. Other factors in-line are in a position in which the lady involved gets pregnant and gives birth;

it could affect graduation because the lady will have no time to concentrate on school activities, thus creating bad grades and extending the time of graduation.

Since the duration is about 1.5 to 2 years (18 to 24 months) for full-time students then there could be an understanding in the family towards childbirth within the period of the degree.

Change in preferences:

You could find out that the course that you opt-in to study is not what looks like at the beginning; in this situation, you could decide to switch to another course.

This means all the years spent on the former are already wasted, and the time starts counting from the new course.

This is one of the major problems that occur in students that decide to take up a course that they feel is in line with the course they studied in a school other than the ideal course they studied in school.

If you run into this situation, talk to your academic advisor to help you with the right advice before going for a new degree.

Read this: Baccalaureate Degree: Everything you need to know

How many years is a master’s degree? (Speed it Up)


There is a level of commitment that flows when you want to complete your Master’s degree at the required time. For you to complete your degree, you need to remove all forms of distraction like a business that takes your time. Any extracurricular activity that will be a sort of fun but a distraction should also be avoided.

Commitment boosts productivity beyond your expectation. Just like there are about 36 to 54-semester credits, with commitment you can complete it and graduate at the due time.

Passion for your Degree:

There is this unique zeal and passion that comes from doing what you love to do; perfecting in a course that you find passionate about.

The joy that comes from it will make you want to stay up late to study and go the extra mile. More of the passion can lead you into going for a Dual-Degree Program that requires the combination of two degrees that you find lovely and related.

Dual-Degree Programs are programs that involve the study of two degrees at the same or simultaneously. Just like it takes about 1.5 to 2 years (18 to 24 months) for full-time students, in a dual-degree, the duration will increase to about 3 or 4 years so that you can complete the two programs.

The only problem most students have about Grad school is the workload that comes with it.

Follow your Academic Advisor:

Your academic advisor is someone who directs your academic life, knows your academic strength, seemly someone who is ahead of your field of study, and understands the benefits and stress associated with it.

Follow the advice and the directions of your academic advisor, and you can speed up your time in getting your master’s degree.

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Benefits of a Master’s Degree:

There is a massive amount of exposure that comes from getting a master’s degree, let me break it down:

More job opportunities:

A master’s degree sets you apart from other people having only a Bachelor’s degree during a job search. The degree indicated you have the in-depth or technical know-how of how your field works and how to make it better.

For instance, if there is a job offer for a position of a lecturer in a College, a bachelor’s degree might not get you there alone but a Master’s degree will give you an upper hand.

More Money:

As a better job comes your way, more money follows. This is because you are not on the same level as the people with a Bachelor’s degree.

Your money increases because of the experience and the value you provide coupled with the time you put into what are doing and also the time spent in school.

Read this: AAS degree (Everything you need to know)


How many years is a master’s degree? It takes about 1.5 to 2 years (18 to 24 months) for full-time students to complete effectively. It is followed by about 30 and 60 credit hours, which is in line with the length of stay in school.

Awesome one, I hope this article on “How long does it take to get a Master’s Degree?” answered your question.

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