What Is An Expo In A Restaurant? (Meaning, Duties, FAQs)

What Is An Expo In A Restaurant?

Restaurant expeditors play an essential role in restaurants.

These individuals help sustain restaurant order flow and ensure guests receive a satisfying experience.

This job can be an excellent choice if you love to work in a high-pressure environment and possess good organizational skills.

Read on to find out the job description of the restaurant expo and some skills that will facilitate success in this job.

Who is a Restaurant Expeditor?

Restaurant expeditors, popularly called expos, ensure that everything in a restaurant goes on effortlessly.

For instance, they ensure that guests are served their desired menu, and those in the kitchen do not cook meals that are not below the restaurant’s standard.

These professionals also ensure that everyone who works in the kitchen obeys safety rules and is not exposed to any harm.

Restaurant expeditors attend to any issue that arises from customers and ensures they receive the best possible service.

Why Do Restaurants Hire Expeditors?

Even though most restaurants don’t have expeditors, the presence of these professionals in any restaurant setting always boosts the output of restaurants and customer satisfaction.

Every day, restaurant expeditors assist in solving challenges and put in a lot of effort to ensure that restaurants meet their targets.

Moreover, they work hard to ensure that things don’t run out of control when the restaurant experiences a large influx of customers.

These professionals achieve this thanks to their ability to multitask.

Steps For Becoming A Restaurant Expeditor

Follow the steps below to become a restaurant expeditor:

1. Enrol in culinary school

Part of your duties as a restaurant expeditor is organizing orders and helping out cooks when the restaurant experiences a large influx of customers.

Attending a culinary school will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to perform this task excellently.

For instance, you can sign up for an undergraduate degree in culinary arts or a field that associates with it.

You can complete such a program in just three to four years.  

As you read on the restaurant expo, also read on:

2. Engage in an apprenticeship

A good number of jobs available to restaurant expeditors are open to those with an appreciable level of experience in the industry.

Enrolling in an apprenticeship is a great way to acquire the foundational experience you need to take up an entry-level job in this field.

You can work as long as 30 hours a week as an apprentice and may even be lucky to find a company that will pay you.

Moreover, you will learn about food safety and how to prepare several restaurant meals.

3. Acquire field experience

Many restaurant owners will only employ you if you have an entry-level experience in a restaurant job.  

So, if you want to become a restaurant expeditor, taking up an entry-level job like a waiter at the beginning of your career in this industry is a great idea.

By this, you can obtain relevant experience enabling you to perform your job well in any restaurant setting where you eventually find yourself.

Taking up an entry-level job can also assist you in building good qualities that you need to attend to guests in a welcoming manner and boost your ability to work in a team.

4. Gain more qualifications

As proof that you are passionate about building a career in the restaurant industry as a restaurant expeditor, ensure that you enroll in and complete a couple of professional food courses.

Also, don’t miss out on any training programs organized by the restaurant you work for.

5. Look for restaurant expeditor jobs

Once you have the personal conviction that the skills and experience you possess are enough to land you a food expeditor’s job, apply for available restaurant expeditor job openings.

However, before this, ensure that you put together a CV or resume depending on what the job requires, that shows a good summary of your work experience, educational qualifications, professional certifications, the core and professional skills that you possess, and the achievements you had in the roles you have played so far in your career.

Also, in the work experience section of your CV, make sure that you carefully talk about how you assisted your colleagues in meeting the company’s targets and delivering effective customer service.

As you read on the restaurant expo, also read on:

6. Prepare for a job interview

Once you receive an invitation for a job interview, start preparing immediately by going through some of the resources about the industry.

The scope of job interviews for a restaurant expeditor job is always more practical than theoretical, and the interviewers will look to assess your ability to multitask and organize orders.

They will also ask you to talk about yourself, and from what you tell them, many questions will be thrown at you.

Nevertheless, as proof to the interviewers that securing the job means the world to you and that you are already looking forward to it, ensure that you go through the restaurant’s website to learn about the kinds of foods they serve and their overall services.

Doing this will make you stand out among other candidates vying for the same job as you and show that you have already committed to the job even before you begin.

7. Work on a trial shift

Many restaurant managers can demand that you work on a trial shift before they confirm your employment.

In such cases, ensure you use it to display your practical abilities even as you adjust to the job.

Throughout the trial shift, you will get to associate and work with most of the restaurant employees.

Don’t see them as your competition; try to foster a good working relationship with them.

Also, keep an open mind during the shift and ask questions when performing challenging tasks, so you don’t make consequential mistakes.

Above all, perform your duties with a sense of professionalism.

Essential Skills For Restaurant Expeditors

Here are some of the skills that you must possess to succeed as a restaurant expeditor:

1. Ability to pay attention to detail

You cannot succeed as a restaurant expeditor if you ignore detail. This skill will enable you to come up with attractive orders and ensure that cooks don’t miss out on the choices of customers.

Possessing this skill will enable you to adequately assess all orders to ensure that the wrong order is not served to any customer.

2. Multitasking

As a restaurant expeditor, you will perform so many duties simultaneously.

Possessing excellent multitasking capacity will enable you to ensure that guests receive their orders speedily, which is good for the restaurant’s public image.

3. Communication

Restaurant expeditors are top-ranking professionals in any restaurant setting. So, if you take up this work, you are expected to supervise the activities of junior staff in the restaurant.

Possessing good oral and, to an extent, written communication skills will enable you to do that adequately and build a good working synergy with them.

As you read on the restaurant expo, also read on:

4. Physical stamina

Restaurant expeditor is a job that is physically demanding. When the restaurant enjoys a high influx of customers, you can be on your feet for many hours without sitting for hours. 

Good physical stamina will empower you with a good energy level to perform your job effectively without burning out.

5. Good personal hygiene

It would be best to observe good personal hygiene as a restaurant expeditor. Always ensure that you are neat and don’t contaminate the food.

6. Customer service

As a restaurant expeditor, you must possess customer service skills to do your job effectively.

This skill will enable you to resolve all issues smoothly and ensure you don’t disappoint your guests.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On Restaurant Expo

Is an expeditor a server?

No, editors are not servers and don’t take orders directly from restaurant guests. Nevertheless, they ensure that dishes are accurately served to guests.

What are the qualities that will make me a good expeditor?

You can become a good expeditor by developing time management, organization, communication, and problem-solving skills.

What are the most challenging restaurant jobs?

The most challenging restaurant jobs include cooks, line cooks, managers, and bartenders.

What is the lowest job in the kitchen?

The lowest job in the kitchen is that of a Commis chef. People that take up this job perform so many menial tasks.


The role of the restaurant’s expeditor is crucial to the success of any restaurant. These folks make restaurants run smoothly and ensure that customers leave happy.

Those who thrive under pressure and are well-organized may find this position ideal. Yet, the abilities above are necessary for success in this position.

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