What is Hydrological Engineering? (Job Outlook, Career, FAQs)

Hydrological Engineering

Hydrological engineering is an ideal career for those interested in water management. It is a career that deals with the design and development of several water-based projects for communities.

Knowing what this profession involves can assist you in deciding if this profession is a good path for you.

In this post, we will focus on what hydrological engineering is all about, the responsibilities of Hydrological engineers, their income, and how to venture into this career.

What is Hydrological Engineering?

Hydrological engineering is the engineering branch that focuses on managing different forms of water-based resources.

It centers on planning and developing systems that facilitate water flow, passage, and supply.

Hydrological engineering also covers all sewage treatment and discarding facilities operations and activities carried out to clean water supply lines in the sewage environment.

Hydrological engineering can also be called water-resources engineering.

What are the Responsibilities of Hydrological Engineers?

Below are some of the significant duties that Hydrological engineers perform:

1. Manage urban stormwater

Hydrological engineers manage excess stormwater in society that can lead to flooding, which is capable of causing loss of lives and properties.

They develop devices and implement plans that assist in handling and eliminating excess stormwater from a community.

Hydrological engineers also set up advanced drainage systems, top-notch water supply channels, and upgraded pipeline designs.

These professionals develop and set up maintenance systems to better manage stormwater.

2. Assist in the dam and reservoir building

Hydrological engineers coordinate dam and reservoir-building projects that assist communities in managing their water. They develop fresh lakes that can serve as excellent recreational sites.

These professionals apply their expertise to ensure that water resources projects have structural integrity and are built using the best design and materials.

They develop reservoirs to collect a community’s or even a big city’s water.

Additionally, hydrological engineers set up safety apparatuses that assist in safeguarding the water from all forms of unwanted infection.

3. Control erosion

Erosion is one of the biggest disasters that can hit any city or town. This is one of the things that Hydrological engineers are trained to prevent.

These professionals assist in controlling erosions using their high-level expertise.

They can recognize the cause of the erosion and offer durable remedies to erosion-plaque areas that will prevent present and future reoccurrences.

Is Hydrological Engineering a Good Career Path?

Becoming a hydrological engineer is one of the best things you can ever do.

This profession offers career growth and development opportunities as hydrological engineers are needed in almost every field.

The job security of hydrological engineers is relatively high; they have an impressive average annual salary and the chance to work at their schedule.

The opportunity to improve the environment through this job makes hydrological engineering a career you won’t regret pursuing.

What are the Requirements for Becoming a Hydrological Engineer?

To become a hydrological engineer, you must satisfy the following requirements:

1. Bachelor of Science degree

To work as a hydrological engineer, you must possess an undergraduate degree in this or any related field.

Suppose you cannot find a college in your vicinity that offers a hydrological engineering bachelor’s degree program, other alternatives to consider are agricultural engineering, biological engineering, civil engineering, ecological engineering, and environmental engineering. 

2. Master of Science degree

While most entry-level hydrological engineering jobs are available to those with a bachelor’s degree, you need a minimum of a Master of Science to vie for significantly advanced professional openings.

Also, suppose you cannot find a college in your vicinity that offers a hydrological engineering Master’s degree program, other alternatives to consider are agricultural engineering, biological engineering, civil engineering, and ecological engineering. 

3. Professional Engineering License

Earning a Professional Engineering License will increase your chances of landing an excellent job in the hydrological engineering industry.

How much do Hydrological Engineers Make in a Year?

According to statistics released by the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics, the average annual salary of hydrological engineers is $84,000.

However, the salaries of hydrological engineers differ according to experience, education, certifications, place of work, location of work, special skills, and area of specialty.

What is the Job Outlook for Hydrological Engineers?

Based on projections made by the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics, it is understood that the job prospects for hydrological engineers will increase by 6% between 2020 and 2030.

This implies that around 700 new jobs will be open for hydrological engineers annually within this ten years window.

What are the Work Settings of Hydrological Engineers?

Hydrological engineers are highly versatile. Most of them work with water-management companies that execute water resources projects.

Others work in outdoor environments and inspect water projects to ensure they don’t have any issues; any problem spotted is corrected before it worsens.

Some hydrological engineers engage in water treatment services. This job is primarily available full-time, and hydrological engineers may work as long as 40 hours weekly.

How to Start a Career in Hydrological Engineering

You can get your first job in the hydrological engineering field by following the steps below:

1. Complete the appropriate education

To secure a hydrological engineering job, you must have a bachelor’s degree in this field or a related field.

If the degree program you are studying at college is not hydrological engineering, ensure you take enough hydrological engineering classes throughout your time there.

Besides, interning or working as an apprentice at a seasoned hydrological engineering company will help you to acquire relevant experience even before you complete your studies at the university.

Obtaining a master’s degree afterward in hydrological engineering or a related field will enable you to land a well-paying job.

2. Obtain your certification and license

Please find out about your state’s certification and license requirements and take steps to acquire it. You need a certification to work as a hydrological engineer in most states.

A license demonstrates that you are well-skilled in this line of work even though you must prove it by passing an exam.

Licensing exams are not free of charge, and you can only take them if you pay the registration fee.

3. Acquire entry-level work experience

Begin your career in the hydrological engineering industry by working as a lab assistant or research technician. This will enable you to acquire practical experience that will assist you in getting jobs quickly.

In this role, you will perform the following responsibilities; gather details, prepare engineering files, and contact clients on behalf of the company.

An entry-level job is a much higher step than an internship or apprenticeship.

4. Apply for a job

Once you have learned everything you can while on that entry-level job, apply for hydrological engineering openings available at other firms.

The experience you have acquired will increase your chances of landing a good job.

Ensure you only submit a compelling resume and cover letter when applying for available positions. Your resume must detail your work experience, education, accomplishments, and hobbies. 

Essential Skills for Hydrological Engineering

You need to have the following skills to succeed as a hydrological engineer:

1. Analytical skills

Hydrological engineers collect information throughout their careers. Good analytical skills help to accurately scrutinize this data and utilize it in making effective engineering decisions.

2. Mathematic skills

Excellent maths skills are needed for planning unforeseen parameters while formulating designs.

3. Critical thinking skills

Excellent critical thinking abilities help to spot possible threats and find the best solutions to challenges.

These skills are also valuable for developing plans to tackle water management issues such as erosion, floods, and drought.

4. Physical stamina

This ability is required to deliver tasks at sites effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Hydrological Engineering

What is the study of hydrology about?

Hydrology is the study of the primary transportation procedures to facilitate the perfect report of the quantity and quality of water as it navigates across the cycle.

What are the types of hydrology?

The two types of hydrology are Chemical hydrology and ecohydrology.

What is another name for hydrologists?

Hydrologists are also called geophysicists.


Hydrological engineering is an excellent field if you are interested in water management. This profession entails working with communities to create various water-related infrastructure projects.

Hydrological engineering encompasses cleaning water supply lines in wastewater facilities and everything that happens at sewage treatment and disposal facilities.

To venture into this career, take the steps carefully explained in this article.

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