Can You Bring Snakes to College? (Pet-friendly Colleges)

Can you bring snakes to College

The question “can you bring snakes to college?” depends fully on the college.

Some pet-friendly colleges allow students to own pets like dogs and cats; colleges are free to make their policies when it comes to pets that aren’t service or assistance animals.

Dogs and cats are allowed on campus at more than 24 institutions, even if they are not service or emotional support animals. Others restrict students to aquarium fish, reptiles, and lizards.

This article will explain the subject, “Can you bring snakes to College?” and answer questions on Pet-friendly colleges and many more.

Can you bring snakes to College?

It is possible to keep a snake in a pretty sanitary and peaceful environment, feed it cheaply, keep it low-maintenance, and allow it to lounge around on you for a while.

They can also be utilized for hands-on training in laboratories and in the great outdoors. More so, everything rises and falls on the rules and regulations of the college on pets.

On the other hand, if you live alone, you may be able to have a pet in your room at college. A housebroken pet may be required by the university.

What are the best Snakes for College Students?

Most snakes dislike being pet, but some who have become used to it will tolerate it. When you pet a snake, it can feel, but the feeling isn’t quite as pleasurable as it is for other domesticated animals.

The ball python is a popular choice among snake owners. There are no unique requirements for this type of animal. However, for some who are just getting started, this can be a bit much.

Stress can cause Pythons to lash out, become fussy eaters, and lose interest in eating. New snake owners may want to consider corn snakes, the rosy boa, the Kenyan sand boa.

Pet-friendly Colleges:

Pets are often prohibited on college campuses around the country. However, there are certain schools that allow students to bring their dogs along.

That way, even when they are far from home, they may carry a bit of themselves with them. “Pet-Friendly” colleges are widely regarded as some of the best in the country.

Since many universities allow students to bring their pets, they might feel more at ease while studying thousands of miles away from home.

In some cases, kids’ grades and concentration can suffer because they are unable to spend time with pets.

Here are the top 20 pet-friendly colleges:

20. Eckerd College:

Eckerd College is unique in permitting residential students to bring their dogs on campus. The future of this pet privilege depends on the policy’s successful administration and students’ willingness to follow and enforce it.

Eckerd College Pet Life exists to safeguard, maintain, and manage the community’s pet ownership privileges. The pet owner must protect the rights of all students and the campus’s physical beauty.

By bringing a pet to school, the student acknowledges the policy’s limitations and penalties.

As one of the pet-friendly colleges, every pet owner should carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of the campus setting for their particular pet.

The Pet Life Staff must register your large or small pet. More so, all pets must be registered and vaccinated.

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19. Lees-McRae College:

Pets are welcome in the dorms at Lees-McRae College, and professors and students are encouraged to do so. One of the most popular pet-friendly events at the campus is Homecoming Dog Court.

This demonstrates how welcoming the university is to dogs! Pet-friendly housing choices on campus allow students to live with their best friends.

Although most pets are accepted, having a pet in a dorm needs an application to the Student Development Office.

The Pet Council at this college places restrictions on pet ownership, yet having one says a lot about you. Aside from that, they are generally animal-friendly.

Pets are allowed in apartments, Baldwin Hall, and any other housing that the president approves.

At Lees-McRae, a variety of pets are permitted, and living with a pet in more than one residence hall is possible with the president’s permission.

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18. Reed College:

In the residence halls, only small caged pets, such as fish, are allowed; dogs and cats are not. Keeping cages and aquariums clean is the responsibility of the residents who own the critters.

During break times, all dogs must be removed from the residence halls. Disruption or poor pet care may lead to the pet’s removal and punitive measures.

More importantly, residents of a double, divided double or triple room must get the go-ahead from their roommates and agree on the expectations for their pet prior to the pet’s arrival at the university.

As one of the pet-friendly colleges, it is up to the room’s resident pet owner to try to address any issues that may arise with the pet. Roommates and community members who are allergic to the pet will not be able to share the space with it.

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17. The University of Washington:

All University buildings, including University Housing, have a “no pets” policy. While on campus and in residence, Service Animals and Emotional Support/Assistance Animals are permitted to accompany their owners at all times.

Through Disability Resources for Students, students with disabilities can request living with animals as an accommodation. Dogs are allowed in at least four University of Washington dormitories.

Student dogs in Seattle can play freely at 14 different unrestricted dog parks. You’ll have plenty of time to spend with your best friend despite the city’s notorious weather.

Fishing is allowed in Laurel Village, Stevens Court, and Blakely Village.

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16. Stephen’s College:

Stephens College has designated pet floors in several of its residence halls, and some are completely pet-friendly.

Except for fish in tanks or aquariums, pets are not allowed in residence halls with pet-free or non-pet floors. Stephens College has been accepting pets to campus for more than a decade now.

They treat their dogs as if they were kings and queens. As one of the pet-friendly colleges and if you consider Stephens to be a second home, then your pet is more than welcome to stay with you as well.

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15. Stetson University:

Students at Stetson University are allowed to bring their pets to school as a way of making the transition easier. Stetson’s Animal-Friendly Housing Manual is a good resource for students who enjoy having pets on campus.

Students at Stetson University can train and raise their own service dogs through the university’s service-dog program.

To participate in the program, students must submit an application to Housing and Residential Life, the Center for Community Engagement, and a partner organization.

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14. The University of Idaho:

Animal handlers on campus are expected to be aware of the potential health risks their animals provide to people, including but not limited to allergies, falls, and bites.

Animal feces or damage to property can also be an annoyance, as can the distraction or interruption of particular activities caused by their presence.

As a result, all handlers must maintain constant control of their animals in order to reduce the potential of harm to people or property.

It is the responsibility of the animal’s handlers to ensure that the animal does not inflict harm on people or property.

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13. Johnson and Wales University:

Dogs are allowed in some Johnson and Wales University dorms, but only one per student is permitted. Dogs must weigh less than 40 pounds and be no more than one year old to qualify.

The cat must be at least a year old. Aggressive breeds, such as German shepherd dogs and pit bull terriers, are not allowed.

In order to ensure the safety of all students, pets are only allowed in the pet owner’s residence hall room/suite/apartment and are not allowed in any other building or place on campus.

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12. The University of Northern Colorado:

Only the second, third, and fourth floors of Lawrenson Hall are pet-friendly on campus.

While the number of pets allowed on campus is restricted, there are 11 dog parks (all of which are dog-friendly) nearby where students may take their dogs for a walk and meet other dog owners.

As one of the pet-friendly colleges, dogs and cats must be at least six months old before they are allowed to live in the neighborhood, and all pets must be sterilized. When completely mature, the dogs must weigh no more than 40 pounds.

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11. Washington and Jefferson College:

For those students who lack teeth, they can bring fish. However, only Monroe Hall is pet-friendly. The pet must have been a part of the family for at least a year as well.

It’s impossible to house a pet that’s just been with the family for six months. When it comes to bringing a dog or cat to school, the university’s pet policy lays out specific restrictions based on breed.

During any given academic year, one cat/dog or two small animals (gerbils, hamsters, and birds) can be kept in a student’s residence hall room. There are no other pets allowed.

Those who live in the Pet House can count themselves among the lucky ones to have access to such a rare amenity.

10. State University of New York at Canton:

 The State University of New York at Canton features a pet wing for those who bring their pets to campus. Bringing a small caged animal or a cat is permitted. Pets must also be approved by the residence hall director.

This guideline is appropriate due to the fact that, if allowed, cats can freely wander the wing. Cats are able to roam the wing freely because there is a pet wing and they are authorized to do so.

As one of the pet-friendly colleges, SUNY Canton has a particular place in its heart for animals of all kinds. As long as you don’t have a dog in your dorm, you can still have pets in the Pet Wing, such as cats.

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11. Principia College:

Previously, Principia College allowed dogs to roam freely in designated areas of the campus, however, this policy has since been changed. Students aren’t allowed to have pets of any kind.

Fish, birds, and other small animals can be caged. Students can keep them in their dorms in a cage or tank. The institution has stringent rules about the size and cleanliness of the cages.

Pets are only allowed in dorms with the permission of the RCE and the other residents.

In the dorm, students should pay attention to the well-being of their pets.

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10. Earlham College: 

Nonpoisonous, water-dependent amphibians are permitted at Earlham College. Tanks must be less than 20 gallons. A maximum of 20-gallon fish-only tanks is permitted.

Dogs are welcome on campus, but they are not allowed in the residence halls, classrooms, or dining halls. However, the pet policy necessitates continual monitoring.

As one of the pet-friendly colleges, you can bring your dog to school for the day. All dorm pets must have the permission of the area director. More so, water-dependent animals, including dogs, are allowed on campus.

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9. Humboldt State University:

Only tanks smaller than 10 gallons are allowed to be brought into Humboldt State University for the purpose of keeping reptiles and amphibians in captivity.

In the residential halls, pets are not allowed that are feathered, warm-blooded, or venomous. Visitors and guests to the dorms are covered by the rules, even if just for a short time.

Wild or feral animals may be allowed to roam the campus grounds as a home for their own pets, and the University supports this.

Using this policy, the University hopes to ensure the health and well-being of all those who enter its grounds, including students, faculty, staff, and animals.

All students, campus residents, and visitors are subject to this policy, regardless of whether they are in a building or on University property.

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8. Duke University:

Contrary to popular belief, there are no cat-friendly dorms at Duke University. Fish can be kept in tanks with a capacity of up to 25 gallons. The best way to keep odors at bay is through regular cleaning.

Carnivorous creatures that could injure someone if they inserted a finger into the aquarium must also be approved by the university. With proper documentation, service, and therapy animals can be kept.

As one of the pet-friendly colleges, only fish are permitted at Duke, but the tank volume is more than at most other institutions. Residents are prohibited from keeping animals of any kind in or around university residence halls or apartments, even for brief durations.

This includes dogs and cats. If an animal gets into a dorm or apartment, the resident is responsible for paying for the animal’s demise.

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7. Lehigh University:

Lehigh University students can keep 10-gallon fish tanks in their dorm rooms. Cats and dogs are only allowed in sorority and fraternity residences. Pets are only allowed with the consent of the other residents.

Students with pets need to make sure they get the proper veterinarian’s attention. The pet must be accompanied by a human in public places.

Residents with allergies are reassured that the pet does not affect them. Inspections are carried out before allowing pets into the home.

There can only be one cat or dog per fraternity or sorority house. Prior to arrival, all pets must be approved. All animals must be registered when they arrive.

To be accepted into a university, dogs must be housebroken and have a calm demeanor.

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6. The University of Notre Dame:

Students at the University of Notre Dame may keep fish tanks with a maximum capacity of 30 gallons. They must be freshwater fish, and they must not be carnivorous. Cats and dogs can’t be brought on campus by visitors.

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5. Houghton College:

Students at the University of Notre Dame may keep fish tanks with a maximum capacity of 30 gallons. They must be freshwater fish, and they must not be carnivorous.

Cats and dogs can’t be brought on campus by visitors. Horses can be boarded on campus because Houghton has an equestrian department.

As one of the pet-friendly colleges, horses are welcome at school regardless of whether or not the rider is part of an organized program. Students can ride their own horses if they like, although lesson horses are not required.

Houghton sets the fee for students to board their horses, but it’s up to them to pay. As costs grow, so does the cost of boarding for students. Even if students do not participate in Houghton’s equestrian program, they can still board their horses on campus.

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4. Harvey Mudd College:

It is possible to bring your pet hamster, gerbil, or turtle into your room if your roommate allows it. Within seven days after your arrival, you must register your pet.

There must be proper attention given to pets as part of Harvey Mudd’s pet policy. Policies are in place to ensure the safety of both students and their dogs.

Fish and hamsters can be kept in a cage with the permission of your roommate or suitemate. 

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3. Middlebury College:

All Middlebury buildings, including residential halls, are pet-free zones. In accordance with the Service and Assistance Animal Policy, service and assistance animals are covered.

As one of the pet-friendly colleges, all animals on campus must be on a leash at all times when on university premises. Unattended animals or animals attached to items are not permitted in the park (e.g. structures, trees, or vehicles).

It is the owner or guardian’s obligation to pay for any damage an animal has caused, and repairs will be charged appropriately.

There are no animals allowed in administrative offices that are open to the public, save for Service Animals.

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2. The University of Florida:

Students at the University of Florida are permitted to bring small caged animals or fish on campus. Insects and birds are among the examples. Since lizards can only be 6 inches long from head to tail, iguanas aren’t allowed.

Chinchillas and non-predatory birds are permitted. Village Housing administrators must grant permission in writing before any of these canines can be brought onto campus.

Students are expected to clean up after their pets.

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology:

There are four dormitories where cats are allowed, but only if the MIT student government’s pet chair gives the go-ahead. You also need to find a roommate who is okay with pets.

Before a permit may be issued, all cats in the household must be spayed or neutered. MIT’s pet policy only allows cats in four of the university’s residence halls, which has an impact on the university’s overall pet rating score.

In addition, it is a rather pet-friendly city. As one of the pet-friendly colleges, all residence halls for undergraduate and graduate students are pet-free. Mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians all fall under the umbrella term “pet.”

Fisheries can be kept in tanks no larger than 20 gallons by local residents.

Americans with Disabilities Act requirements:

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires colleges to allow service animals on campus and in dormitories.

Service animals are dogs or miniature horses taught to assist a disabled person because service animals are not emotional support animals.

The college may question if the animal is a service animal and what services it has been taught to do. The college may not inquire about the nature of the disability or request a demonstration or verification.

Colleges may not require service animals to be registered or a fee to bring them on campus.

Colleges may seek the removal of a service animal that is not housebroken or out of control. The removal request must be based on the animal’s actual behavior, not hypothetical behavior or other animals’ prior behavior.

All these are under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Pet-Friendly Colleges

Can you have pets in dorms?

Many schools and universities prohibit larger pets like cats and dogs from living in student housing, although many allow fish and other caged animals. Reach out to local institutions to inquire about housing opportunities for your desired pet.

How do you keep pets in college?

A pet deposit may be requested from the pet owner. In other cases, the pet owner must seek approval from their fellow tenants or housemates. The only students allowed to have dogs in their dorm rooms are those who are living alone. The university may demand proof that the pet can be trusted with its new living arrangements.


Pet-friendly colleges: Most snakes despise being petted. However, those who have grown accustomed to it may be willing to put up with it in some cases. Petting a snake is possible, but the experience isn’t quite as pleasant as petting a dog or cat.

For starters, a snake can be housed in an unobtrusive, low-maintenance setting, fed cheaply, and lounge around on its owner.

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