How To Develop Leadership Skills While At University

Universities are full of leaders, but only some realize it. If you’re looking to develop your leadership skills while in university, this article is for you.

We’ll show you how to find mentors and take a stand for what matters most to you.

You’re already a leader.

As a student, you are already a leader and organizer of events or committees. You are the one who wants your voice to be heard and to make things better for yourself and your community.

Don’t you believe me? Then keep reading this article, or check it out by reading the essay about leadership on Happyessays.

After all, you can develop leadership by becoming more aware of how you lead others or your leadership style.

You can also learn leadership qualities from other people who have shown leadership qualities that you admire.

This may be a parent or family member who has demonstrated effective leadership in their workplace or community; it could also be teachers at the school who have great ideas for projects and activities with students; it can even be mentors from extracurricular activities outside of school!

You can develop your leadership skills while at university.

Leadership is not just about being the boss. Leadership is about influencing others, inspiring them, and helping them accomplish something you believe in.

That’s what leadership is all about. It’s not just about telling people what to do; it’s also about listening and encouraging others to have a vision and making it happen.

To become a good leader at university, you need some specific skills:

  • You need the ability to listen well and give constructive feedback when appropriate.
  • You must be able to inspire others by showing your passion for a cause or goal too (not just yourself).
  • You must be able to accept criticism without taking it personally.                               
  • You need to have the ability to delegate tasks and responsibilities so that people feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselves.
  • You must be able to set clear goals and objectives for yourself and others.

Seek out a mentor

The best way to begin developing your leadership skills is by seeking a mentor. A mentor can be found in many places, such as family, friends, or professors.

A person you choose as your mentor should be willing to invest their time with you and listen to the goals that you want to accomplish.

Mentors are beneficial when they provide advice on how they overcame challenges while pursuing their careers.

Having someone who has walked the path before can help you learn how to overcome obstacles and take risks, which will help develop the confidence necessary for effective leadership later on down the road (or sooner!).

Find your voice

As you begin to develop leadership skills, it’s essential to find your voice. To reach this goal, try the following:

● Find what you are passionate about. Are you passionate about specific issues and causes? Do you have good ideas for improving student life on campus?

Do you have specific knowledge in one area that would be useful for others who may not be as knowledgeable as you are? If so, use that passion and knowledge as a starting point for leading others or creating change at your university.

● Find what people say they want from leaders and see if these sentiments reflect the things that matter most to them. Asking questions like these will help ensure that when people turn to someone else for leadership (including yourself), they will feel heard by those who lead them.

● Find out where there is an existing void of leadership—that is, where people don’t seem to feel like anyone is taking charge and stepping up into a position of leadership themselves—and then determine whether or not this is something worth pursuing further.


Take the time to analyze your strengths and weaknesses. Do you tend to be too critical of yourself? Are you a leader who likes to work alone, or do you prefer being surrounded by others?

Consider your personality type, leadership style, how others perceive you, and how you see yourself.

This is a great chance for self-reflection.

After you’ve done this, it’s time to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses. What are some of the things you do well? Are there areas where you could improve? What about those times when you feel like a failure—what were the reasons for that?

Once you’ve considered these questions, it’s time to take action.

You don’t have to change everything about yourself immediately; instead, think of small steps to help you become the person you want to be.

For example, if one of your weaknesses is being too critical of others, try not lashing out at others during meetings or when they make mistakes.

Make other people shine.

Making other people shine is a surefire way to develop leadership skills. This can be done in two ways:

● Helping others feel good about themselves or helping them achieve their goals. People who feel good about themselves and are successful are happy, which makes them much more likely to follow you.

● Giving people opportunities to demonstrate their talents. When you allow someone to shine, they’ll remember how valuable they are and your role in helping them succeed.

And suppose you constantly take on leadership roles where others benefit from your efforts. In that case, that’s another great way for your team members’ abilities and confidence levels to increase throughout the year!

● Encouraging people to set goals and follow through on them. When you create a system that allows people to develop their goals, they feel more in control of their lives.

They’ll be more likely to follow your lead and work hard toward achieving their objectives.


You may feel like you need more time to be ready to take on the role of a leader, but there are many ways you can still develop your leadership skills while at college or university.

By being an active member of your university community and seeking out mentors, you can identify areas where you could lead others in your organization or team.

Also, remember that leaders need to step away from the screen and analyze their performance and others’—this will help them succeed.

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