5 Major Questions To Ask Your Future Self (Tips, FAQs) | 2023

Questions To Ask Your Future Self

Have you ever wondered what your future self might say if you could converse with them? 

By asking yourself specific questions, you can gain valuable insights into your life, goals, and aspirations. 

In this article, we’ll explore various questions to ask your future self, ranging from the practical to the profound. 

So, please take a moment to imagine yourself 5, 10, or even 20 years from now, and let’s start exploring the questions that can help you connect with your future self.

Who is Your Future Self?

The person you will become in the future is your future self. This could be today, tomorrow, next year, or a long time from now.

It’s the person you become as time goes on and you learn more, make choices, and grow.

Good Questions To Ask Your Future Self

Asking yourself these questions can be a powerful way to connect with your future self and create a roadmap for the life you want to lead. 

Take the time to reflect on these questions and use your answers as a guide for setting goals and making plans for the future:

1. What advice would your future self give to your present self?

As we navigate life, we often wish we had a crystal ball to show us what the future holds. While we can’t predict the future, we can imagine what our future selves might tell us if they could speak to us today. 

Here are 7 ideas to consider:

i. Take care of your health.

Your future self would likely remind you that your health is your most valuable asset. Eat well, exercise regularly, and take care of your mental health.

Small actions today can have a significant impact on your future well-being.

ii. Follow your passion

Do what makes you happy, even if it could be more practical and lucrative.

Your future self would remind you that life is short and regret is a heavy burden. Pursue your dreams, and don’t be afraid to take risks.

iii. Invest in relationships

Your future self would remind you that relationships make life rich and meaningful.

Invest time and energy in the people you care about, and make new connections. Keep in touch with old friends, and be open to new ones.

iv. Save for the future

Your future self would remind you that financial security is essential.

Start saving early, and be disciplined about budgeting and investing. Live within your means, and avoid debt whenever possible.

v. Embrace change

Your future self would remind you that life is full of good and bad surprises.

Embrace change, and be flexible in your thinking and your plans. Learn to adapt to new situations, and don’t hesitate to step outside your comfort zone.

vi. Live in the moment

Your future self would remind you that the present moment is all we have.

Don’t waste your time worrying about the past or the future. Be fully present at the moment, and savor every experience.

vii. Be kind to yourself

Your future self would remind you to be kind to yourself.

Don’t be too hard on yourself when things are unplanned. Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion you would offer a friend.

2. What do you want to achieve before you reach a certain age?

Humans all have dreams and aspirations that we hope to achieve before we reach a certain age. Here are 7 things you may want to achieve before you reach a certain age:

i. Travel to a new destination

Whether it’s a far-off land or a local spot you’ve always wanted to visit, travel is an enriching experience that broadens your horizons and exposes you to new cultures and ways of life.

ii. Learn a new skill

Perhaps you’ve wanted to learn to play an instrument, speak a new language, or master a new sport.

Learning a new skill can be challenging, but the sense of accomplishment and personal growth that comes with it is gratifying.

iii. Buy a home

Owning a home is a significant milestone for many people. It can be a symbol of financial stability and a place to build memories with loved ones.

iv. Start a business

Entrepreneurship can be a fulfilling journey for those with an entrepreneurial spirit.

Starting your own business can provide a sense of autonomy, financial freedom, and the opportunity to impact society positively.

v. Find your soulmate

Finding love and building a lasting relationship is a top priority for some. Finding your soulmate can be challenging but also bring immense joy and happiness.

vi. Give back to society

Giving back to society through volunteering, donating to charity, or positively impacting others is a rewarding experience that can bring purpose and meaning to your life.

vii. Achieve financial independence

Financial independence means having enough financial resources to support your desired lifestyle without dependence on anyone else.

It can provide security and freedom to pursue your passions and goals.

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3. What personal or professional goals will you accomplish in the next few years?

Setting personal and professional goals is an essential part of growth and development. It is a way to challenge ourselves and push us to reach our full potential. 

Here are some personal or professional goals you can accomplish in the next few years:

i. Improve physical health

Committing to exercise regularly, eating healthily, and getting enough rest can lead to a healthier and happier lifestyle.

You could also aim to reduce stress by practicing mindfulness or meditation techniques.

ii. Learn a new skill

Learning a new language, instrument, or hobby can be a rewarding experience that opens up new opportunities and perspectives.

iii. Build stronger relationships

Whether it’s with family, friends, or a significant other, making an effort to strengthen your relationships can lead to more fulfilling and meaningful connections.

iv. Travel more

Exploring new places, cultures, and experiences can broaden your horizons and create memories that last a lifetime.

v. Advance your career

If you’re looking to climb the corporate ladder or take your career in a new direction, setting clear goals and a plan of action can help you achieve your professional aspirations.

vi. Develop new skills

Keeping up with the latest trends and developments in your industry can make you a more valuable employee and improve your chances of success.

vii. Build a professional network.

Networking with colleagues, industry peers, and mentors can open new opportunities, provide valuable insights, and enhance your professional reputation.

viii. Start a business

If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, starting your own business can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. Setting clear goals and developing a solid business plan can help realize your vision.

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4. What lifestyle changes would you make to achieve your goals and become your ideal self?

Are you feeling stuck in your current lifestyle?

Do you dream of achieving your goals and becoming your ideal self but need help knowing where to start? 

Here are the steps to change your lifestyle and become your ideal self:

i. Make time for self-care

Self-care is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Whether it’s taking a relaxing bath, practicing yoga, or meditating, finding time for self-care can help reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.

ii. Set a schedule

To achieve your goals, it’s essential to make time for them. Create a schedule that prioritizes your goals and sticks to them.

This may mean waking up earlier, cutting back on social media, or saying no to non-essential activities.

iii. Develop healthy habits

Developing healthy habits can have a significant impact on your overall well-being.

Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep can all help improve your physical health.

iv. Find a support system

Surround yourself with people who support your goals and encourage you to be your best self.

Whether joining a fitness group, attending networking events, or finding a mentor, having a support system can help keep you motivated and accountable.

v. Be open to change

Making lifestyle changes can be challenging, but being open to new experiences and willing to adapt is essential.

Embrace the journey and be ready to make adjustments along the way.

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5. What are your regrets?

No one is perfect, and it’s natural to regret what you didn’t do or miss opportunities.

Think about what you wish you had done differently and use these experiences to inform your future decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On Questions To Ask Your Future Self

How far into the future should I ask my future self?

This is up to you. You could ask questions about your short-term future, such as six months or a year from now, or you could ask questions about your long-term future, such as five or ten years from now.

How can I ensure my future self will answer my questions?

Write down your questions and keep them in a safe place where you can easily access them in the future. Set reminders or create a schedule for when you will revisit your questions.

What should I do with the answers from my future self?

Use the answers as a guide for setting goals and making decisions in your life. Reflect on how your current actions and decisions impact your future and make adjustments as needed.

What if my future self’s answers differ from what I expected?

Be open to change and use the answers to reassess your goals and values. Remember that your future is not set in stone; you can change it and create your desired future.


When asking yourself questions about the future, it’s essential to approach the exercise with an open and curious mind. 

Refrain from judging your answers or feeling discouraged if you don’t have all the answers right away. 

Remember, the purpose of these questions is to explore your thoughts and feelings, not to have all the answers.

So, take the time to ask yourself questions about your future, and use your answers to shape the life you want to live.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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