How Old Do You Have To Be To Volunteer? (FAQs)

How Old Do You Have To Be To Volunteer

How Old Do You Have To Be To Volunteer? Becoming a volunteer is one of the ideal ways to give back to society.

There is no age barrier for volunteering, as several volunteer groups exist that are meant for children, young people, the elderly, or a combination of any or all of them.

However, before choosing a volunteer group, one must consider several factors.

Thus, this article will talk about the benefits of volunteering and what you should think about before choosing a group to work with.

What is Volunteering?

Volunteering is dedicating your time to community service, either individually or collectively, in a group.

Many volunteer organizations, like those in the medical and academic fields, organize training routines for volunteers before putting them in the field.

There is no age limit to volunteering as there are several types of volunteer organizations.

For instance, while a volunteer organization that promotes love among children can be made up of children and adults, organizations that educate young people on how to have lasting marriages can be made up of elderly people who have enjoyed over 30 years of marriage.

On the contrary, students seeking admission into a college can enhance their chances of gaining access by engaging in one or more volunteer activities.

This is because most schools consider volunteering as one of the important admission requirements.

Benefits of Volunteering

People that engage in volunteer activities enjoy several advantages over those that don’t, and some of them include:

1. Equips you with a reason to live:

Volunteering is one of the best ways to discover a reason to live. It enables you to engage in something that will motivate you to live every day, especially if you have struggled to find your best interests.

Moreover, if you are no longer working due to retirement, becoming a volunteer will allow you to live a more meaningful life and enhance your mindset.

2. Establishes a connection between you and society:

Volunteering is simply one of the best ways for you to establish a connection between yourself and society.

It can be the spark you need to take up a leadership position in your community with the mindset of creating a change.

3. Volunterring enables you to increase your connections:

Volunteering is one of the ideal ways to make new friends and build new relationships.

Being a volunteer in the same organization as renowned members of society allows you to contact them immediately and share pressing concerns or receive their advise in a particular field.

4. Develops your social abilities: 

Volunteering is an ideal way to enhance communication skills and interact with people daily.

Volunteering is a great way to improve your communication skills, but having great communication skills will also help you in your professional life.

5. Increases your self-esteem:

Volunteering can increase your self-esteem and composure.

Engaging in activities that add value to society develops a feeling of satisfaction in you that you are contributing a great deal of your time and resources to the growth and progress of society.

6. Volunterring develops cherished skills in you:

Volunteering can help you learn new skills and improve the ones you already have, which is good for your professional and personal growth.

For instance, if you seek to become a lawyer and engage in volunteer groups concerned with human rights advocacy, you will pick up practical skills to help you defend your clients better in courts and other legal settings.

7. Enhances your chances of landing a job:

Coming in contact with renowned captains of industries and prominent members of society through a volunteer group you are all members of can be the key you need to assess your dream job.

This is precisely why one should pursue volunteer jobs in areas they are passionate about, so they can quickly build relationships with people who can help them land a career job in their field of interest.

8. Volunterring attracts fun:

Some volunteer activities can serve as a hobby. For example, if you love the beach, you can volunteer for organizations that organize free trips for people to the beach.

Engaging in one or two volunteer activities can also be fun if it is something that you love to do as a form of relaxation.

9. Generates happiness:

Volunteering is a way to derive happiness and joy. Engaging in something you are passionate about can make you happy, decreasing stress and anxiety.

Moreover, volunteering can bring you to face-to-face situations that will make you happy, like sharing a joke with people in your volunteer organization.

10. Motivates you to leave your comfort zone:

Volunteering can motivate you to leave your comfort zone and engage in new activities that will only make you a better person.

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Factors to consider before volunteering

There are many volunteer organizations in the world today. However, choosing the right one can make all the difference by equipping you with the opportunity to make a bigger contribution to society.

Thus, before deciding to volunteer for any organization, consider the following factors:

1. Motivation for volunteering:

Everyone has a motivation behind their decision to engage in one volunteer activity or the other.

While some people engage in volunteer activities as an extracurricular activity requirement for admission into the school of their choice, some engage in extracurricular activities because they want to engage themselves after retirement.

However, it is clear that no one participates in volunteer activities for the wrong reasons, but picking the right volunteer activities will help you achieve more satisfaction.

Thus, before agreeing to volunteer for any group, ensure that you know what truly motivates you to volunteer.

2. Strengths and weaknesses:

Before joining a volunteer organization, evaluate your ability to work with and interact with people. Assess yourself and decide if you prefer to work on your own or like teamwork.

Good knowledge of your personality is essential when choosing a volunteer group and defining the roles you will be asked to perform.

However, since volunteering is an ideal way to leave your comfort zone, it will make more sense if you accept any responsibility given to you, which will enhance your skills and self-confidence, which are valuable for development.

3. Free time available:

The available free time you have is another factor you must consider when picking a volunteer organization.

Some volunteer organizations require more offline attention than physical looks, but others require twice-weekly meetings, which may not fit your job schedule.

Thus, before choosing a volunteer organization, either as a working-class person or a student, consider your free time.

4. Impact on the future:

Volunteering offers many benefits, one of which is that it can equip you with the skills and experience you need for your future career plans.

Thus, before volunteering for any group, consider your future ambitions and see if the group can expose you to career growth and development opportunities.

For example, if you want to work for UNICEF, volunteer for an organization that distributes food and clothing to the underprivileged to build empathy, which is essential for UN jobs.

Frequently Asked Questions on Volunteering

What is the benefit of volunteering?

If you’re looking to improve your confidence, self-esteem, and overall happiness in life, volunteering is a great way to get started. Because of the good you’re doing for others and the community, you’ll feel fulfilled. Participating as a volunteer can also enhance your feeling of self.

What is volunteering and why is it important?

It’s work done for the sake of others and the betterment of the community, but without compensation.

Do volunteers get paid?

The vast majority of volunteer work is unpaid, although some opportunities provide money for food and shelter. Consider looking for compensated volunteer employment if either helping others or building your CV is a priority.

How does volunteering benefit the community?

An important part of the global economy is supported by the efforts of volunteers. Volunteering strengthens communities, makes them safer, and connects people in different areas. People who volunteer are more likely to be engaged in civic life and patriotic.


Volunteering is one way to live a satisfying life and impact society. It can set you up for professional growth and development.

Moreover, if you are still under 18, it is important to know that you may not be accepted into some volunteer organizations.

However, there are several volunteer organizations out there that are open to minors. Additionally, before picking a volunteer organization, consider the factors listed above.

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